The Episodikal Podcast

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July 18, 2022 Episodikal Media Episode 9
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The Episodikal Podcast
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The Episodikal Podcast
Get inside. Stay inside. Stay tuned.
Jul 18, 2022 Episode 9
Episodikal Media

In this episode, we started talking about New York City Emergency Management releasing a video entitled Nuclear Preparedness PSA, how we happily celebrate the freedom to shorten our lifespan through new ways that recently became available to us, and how this is related to the fact that we all wear cotton t-shirts, the Disinformation Governance Board AKA Ministry of Truth and other “novelties” from 1984.

Nuclear Preparedness PSA (with captions)
Why Hemp Was Banned In 1937 - A Look At Hemp Prohibition History - Great Hemp USA
What makes hemp the perfect fabric for military uniforms?
Disinformation Governance Board - Wikipedia

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, we started talking about New York City Emergency Management releasing a video entitled Nuclear Preparedness PSA, how we happily celebrate the freedom to shorten our lifespan through new ways that recently became available to us, and how this is related to the fact that we all wear cotton t-shirts, the Disinformation Governance Board AKA Ministry of Truth and other “novelties” from 1984.

Nuclear Preparedness PSA (with captions)
Why Hemp Was Banned In 1937 - A Look At Hemp Prohibition History - Great Hemp USA
What makes hemp the perfect fabric for military uniforms?
Disinformation Governance Board - Wikipedia

We love receiving your feedback ❤️ Drop us a line anywhere you happen to come across our posts 🙂

We are @episodikal on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, and LinkedIn, or email us at


Who did this but it was a big one.

Alexey :

Did it actually air somewhere this ad for what to do in case of nuclear attack?


Yeah, it's hilarious. So New York City recorded the official video addressing the population regarding what to do in the situation where we've been nuked. And it starts with don't ask me who did this. Don't ask me why. All you have to know is that we got nuked. So run in the shelter, eat plant based meat. Just kidding guys, wear a mask, eat plant based meat. And don't ask me why. And vote, of course, vote.

Alexey :

And follow the media.


Follow the media and don't ask me why, just do it.

Alexey :

Funny enough. When we've been at the Cafe 50s in LA, several months ago, there is a whole section of the wall, because they have old posters and cutouts from the magazines and newspapers. And there is a whole part of the wall that's dedicated to this Cold War era publications regarding what to do in case of nuclear attack. Wow, I really didn't think we wouldn be living through another round of this. Since this video was not sanctioned by the Disinformation Governance Board, it was not removed by this new department of the Homeland Security, I guess that something's cooking.


You know, since you brought up the 50's Cafe, one of my favorite posters in there was the doctor that says, Yeah, most doctors in America prefer to smoke certain brand of cigarettes. And that's the way they were tricking people into believing that smoking is healthy - look, even doctors smoke, like wow. Now we see that not much changed. Well, of course, cigarettes are not that popular anymore, which is a good thing. But the same tricks work.

Alexey :

Oh, you know, it's only in America, I haven't seen that much people smoking. But in Europe, man, like you can't stand in the streets without somebody passing by and smoking. So smoking is still a thing.


So it's interesting because worldwide they say, oh, Americans eating junk food and don't care about the health. But actually when it comes to smoking, smoking is not only considered to be unhealthy, it is just gross. And somehow it became so uncool, unpopular. And part of it, I think was the legalization of weed here. So weed became cool. And smoking cigarettes became gross. In Europe since weed still banned, like smoking cigarettes is the only option, you gotta smoke something

Alexey :

Well, smoking weed is also legalized here. So...


Not everywhere, though.

Alexey :

Not everywhere, but in most of the European countries, I guess. Though, you won't smell the weed as much here as you do in the United States. Well, maybe it's only California, because it's relatively new and people, overindulging, enjoying their new gained freedoms. Actually, this is a good topic to talk about that people feel that they're being freed, they gained this freedom to smoke weed while they have been removed many others. So what's the trade-off? You are now free to ruin your health, even though some people can tout the medicinal values. But these medicinal virtues of certain plans, they are virtues when when you don't smoke them. But this is quite funny. So you can do whatever you want, well, not whatever you want. You can do what the government says is now allowed to your body. But you cannot say anything that goes against the official narrative. And there's been a lot of backlash, actually, recently. I mean, it came to my attention recently that a lot of people were disturbed by this newly formed Disinformation Governance Board, which a lot of people are calling the Ministry of Truth, like in the "1984" novel by George Orwell.


Wow, so this is official now, we have Ministry of Truth.

Alexey :

We've been watching a lot of videos Awaken with JP, and he cuts like a knife through all this crazy stuff that's going on mostly in America, but he has a lot of valid points. And this really makes you think, are we that blind, that we so happily accept freedoms that allow us to shorten our lifespan, while not being content with this propaganda of reducing world population? But we are given the freedom to reduce our lifespan ourselves, and we say yeah, we are free now. Now we are truly free. Well, but you cannot say anything. We've seen a lot of this lately. I cannot put these things together.


Yeah. So, interesting thing when I was talking to my local fellow Americans here in the US regarding legalizing weed, their best argument was that well, how can you be against that? Don't you see how beneficial it is? Like, there's so many benefits of it. And it's so much healthier than this Big Pharma medicine. You know, nobody was talking about the addiction, it's just now a few years in that we see how addictive weed is and that it actually affects the brain productivity, everything, makes people less active socially, and just changes the behavior and actually creates a strong addiction, which originally wasn't the thing. The propaganda narrative during the legalize was that this is 100% safe and doesn't create addictions compared to other drugs. And when I'm asking the same people, why wouldn't we just make normal traditional medicine, pharmaceutical things that wouldn't have that many side effects? And this is something that paradigm of thinking is not even including right now, you know, our way of thinking as a society is weak, not because our way of thinking is weak, it's because certain things are not even considered in our perception of the reality as possibilities. So we think that the only choice we can make is between just in this case, weed and Big Pharma, with terrible side effects. In this case, actually, both of them have bad side effects. And we do not consider the way that we can reorganize the way our society exists into the way where it produces medical and pharmaceutical products that are healthy, that don't have side effects, and that actually benefit your health and create economical models in which that would make sense because right now, the biggest problem is that your health has no value. It's all about money, money, money, they were saying also one of the benefits of the weed legalizing, it's gonna create so many new jobs, so many places, and so many people took so much money and just invested into the small farms, and most of them went bankrupt. And all of it has been bought by Big Pharma, can you imagine this? Like, this is the point where it becomes ridiculous, because whatever was pointed to break this system to go against this system, later, within the current society we live in was obtained by the very same system. So you know, they don't care about putting that much money or whatever, into production of traditional cigarettes, because Europeans gonna buy it anyway, here in the local market, the very same people gonna push you stuff that you considered yourself, you it was your drug of choice, you said, this is my healthy way of... Okay, they're gonna make it healthy. But they're not going to disclose that the ways that they raise it right now is not that organic way that everybody was thinking, Oh, it's organic, it's a completely different product, it's been adjusted on gene level, it's been filled with pesticides, it's been done like whatever to it. So it would be the most efficient but not the healthiest product. And by the way, to get the benefits of this product, you don't have to, you don't have to get high, this could be a totally normalized formula used in traditional way. But somehow, in twisted reality that we live in, we've been only given a choice between two bad options. And there is no way to battle and win against the system without having a vision of a healthy system, like really, really healthy system, what is the healthy economy? What is the economic model for pharmaceutical companies to thrive, but not being interested in producing the more diseases at the same time, because without those, they're not going to be able to sell more. So it's up to us to people to create these kinds of models. And that's where I think one of the sides effects of all these things we consume as it makes our brain operate in the existing reality in the existing boundaries of the reality, not an actual reality, but the very narrow boundaries. And these boundaries getting smaller they shrinking down with new tools being introduced, like the Ministry of Truth in the US. Guys, can you imagine Orwell's 1984 becomes reality faster than anyone could expect? We have this frickin governmental thing that's gonna officially say what's good information like literally not truthful information but good for you to consume. And what is bad information. Bad information is not doesn't mean it's not truthful information it means it's an information which might be considered not the best for you to even process with your brain. Don't think about it, it's bad. But bad for who? Bad for those who have power. And guys, when I say we have to build a society in which one human has no power over another human, we should also think like what power means. Power is, the word power, means to have ability to push your will on other people against their will. So what they do here, they pushing their will to make us think certain way, consume certain information against our will, because we empowered them. Crazy right?

Alexey :

Now, there is so much to talk about what you just said, even if you consider what a lot of people welcomed as a newly gained freedom. If you look at everything that's being produced by the Big Food and Big Pharma, well, we have everything that reduces the bandwidth of perception of this reality of people, because with everything bad for your health, no wonder that one of the most expensive, let's say departments in every state is the Health Department, a lot of money is being allocated to manage somehow, all the diseases. There's a lot of money involved. And we've talked about how the system rolls, right? You have to provide new clients so that there's an exponential growth, and how do you make an exponential amount of sick people? Well, you give them the freedom to consume different things that you know, are bad for them, but they want it and so you forbid this for some time, you vilify it. And you know, the demonization of weed came into place. It was the cotton lobby at the beginning of the 20th century, I guess. But we we can look this up. A whole advertisement campaign that was targeting parents that said, look, smoking weed is the devil. And we're not saying that consuming any kind of drugs is good. But it's not only consumed for smoking, but there's a lot of medicinal use, tinctures and oils. But there's also another part of this plant that's being used to make clothes, to make fabrics. And these fabrics, they have antimicrobial properties. And they last 10 times more and do not require as much water because we all know that cotton production uses a lot of water, you need a lot of water to make these cotton T-shirts. But why don't we have other types of fabrics? Well, it's because at some point in time, there was this war, war on cannabis on the plant itself, because it was used to make better clothing, better, long lasting, and only now we have some outlier companies that produce T-shirts and shirts with merino wool, for example. And it is possible, you don't stink because they have antimicrobial properties. And they are at least 10 times more durable than cotton. I mean, when you go back and look at all these things, you will be amazed at how the perception of the population was manipulated throughout all these centuries, I guess. Well, we can talk only about the last decades from what we personally know. And we can now tell that oh, yeah, this was something that we didn't understand at the time. But in the hindsight, yeah, right now, we can say that this was a manipulation. I think we need to grow up and start seeing the manipulations as they occur right now today, and make our own research. Yes, make your own investigation. We've talked about this several times already. Even if it's not regarded as a great thing. Why? Because people who think, who do their own research, they are dangerous. Governments, they don't like dangerous people, people who think basically, because everything is targeted to make you physically weak and mentally weak, as well, and restrict access to education, which by the way, is one of the most important things in development of a personality of any human being. This is what separates, defines us, let's say, as professionals, as people who... the whole society is the sum of all the individuals composing this society. If we provide good quality education to everyone, we will gain as a society in general because we will have educated people. Why don't we do that? If we judge by the cost of good quality education, this is a big limiting factor for people to access education. So we are losing as a society. Why don't look at this from a perspective that we will all live better? Well, I guess we have to roll back a little bit and see what is happening around us. Everything proves that no one is interested In you getting smarter, your kids getting smarter and improving the lives because when they get smart, well, they will start thinking by themselves. And this is not what the government wants.


Yeah! What a great example with cannabis being banned as a result of cotton wars, where cotton production was definitely losing to cannabis and they had to lobby, they had to use those who obtain power from us - politicians, to make a law which bans certain products for the benefit of certain people. And of course, the informational campaign to convince the public opinion that this is bad, this has to be done like that was just part of it. So media were used to manipulate public opinion, as we always know, in the history, it's quite repetitive. Another great example is why America is the only nation in the world that consumes corn syrup, including stuff like high fructose corn syrup, which guaranteed to give cancer to so many people. And maybe back in the day in the 60s where there was Caribbean crisis, right, the American government decided to block Cuba economically and therefore not to buy sugar, the cane sugar from Cuba, instead of that replace it in most of its products with corn syrup, because at that time, that was the option that created the whole huge industry of corn syrup production here in the US. And right now the world has changed. We have so many sources of sugar, we could easily replace this corn syrup, but no we don't. We still consume it for some reason. And the whole huge industry with multiple 10s of 1000s people employed in there, working. And it is the problem in the consumerist format to create healthy products because the whole system operates like that. And think about it like no one ever benefited, except for this very small group of people who produce corn syrup, no one benefited from this scheme, not the people of the US, not the people of Cuba, of course, because they they stayed with their sugar and this political regime and they still have it. And we have the opposite. And the way the two regimes cannot find the common language, the ones who will take the hit are just regular people in both countries. And when you talk to any person from anywhere in the world, as soon as they get their feet on American soil, we accept them. We know they're same as us, same Americans. But why we allow ourselves to be pushed this idea that they are enemies, while they're across the border, like we can nuke them, we can literally nuke their country with all the people just because we don't like their government, we can nuke their countries with all the casualties. And that will be for a greater good. But the very same people as soon as they crossed the border and get on American soil, we give them asylum, citizenship and will say, oh, great people, here they are. Like, don't you see, it's such a huge manipulation with our consciousness as well, because all people are saying, and the way how power twists our brain is also the same. There was this brilliant study of a scientist who studied that being in power from three to nine years will change your brain functions forever, you're not going to be the same person anymore, just because being there makes you super selfish and super concentrated, they get on a physical level. And that's why the healthiest thing possibly we could make is to create a system in which all of us are responsible for the outcome of our decisions. As Alexey said, yeah, we all like our global amount of knowledge, our global IQ, the IQ of our humanity consists of IQ of each individual in this humanity. And you know, just as a body, our whole organism wouldn't benefit if certain cells would consider themselves better than the others and would consume everything. In our body we consider it to be cancer, we consider it to be an enemy of our body. But in our society, those who take away most of the goods, most of the products, most of everything, we consider them successful cells, very successful cells, and we have this illusion in our mind that we can become one of those cells, we can become the cancer of our society. This creates a very twisted reality in our brains where nobody benefit but people start using their wealth for twisted things like pushing ideas, like freedom of speech is not the basic value anymore. We can easily deplatform anyone whose voice we don't like and we're going to create laws like this is where it comes to lobbying and this is where, if at first something goes against the law, then we can easily change the law, introduce the governmental agency, which is going to regulate it legally. So everything seems right on the paper, but it doesn't feel right. And that gives us the sense of freedom that we all aspire to. If somebody's opinion is misleading, the society has to be educated enough to distinguish it and make a conclusion. You know, the best form of journalism is when you present the facts, and it's up to the person to make its own conclusions. But right now, when I open the articles from most of the newspapers, they start with a conclusion, they start with a conclusion, they pushing their political narrative, and then they backing up it with a few facts that were cherry picked out of the whole amount of facts, they cherry pick facts to back up their point, this creates a very distrustful and toxic environment in which each side can cherry pick the facts that they like, and ignore everything else and create decisions based on the emotions. It's impossible to create a sustainable future in society where half of cells of the body considers the other half of the body as enemies, what if your left arm is going to consider your right arm, a bad arm, because some cells in your brain who were overtaken by cancer-ish ideas, decided to use your resources certain way. It's not gonna work, it's not gonna be a sustainable model of the future. There are groups of people who say that you're not going to own anything and be happy. Imagine if your brain cells gonna say, Okay, we're gonna take all the oxygen and you're not gonna have any oxygen, but you're still gonna be happy. It doesn't work like that, I think the future is behind this idea of realizing that we are all one. And that doesn't mean that we have to give away anything, any material goods, except for our shackles, really. giving away the shackles of our mind means to finally build a society in which power belongs to all people equally. And that means that no one can use their power to push their will upon other people against their will. Because the amount of power is equal for each individual of the society,

Alexey :

You know, when you talked about brain taking all the energy, all the oxygen, it is funny, because let's imagine that you are very smart, you are the brain, you consider yourself the brain of the society. Imagine if you restrict the energy supply the oxygen, the blood flow, to your feet, how far we will go? How far will we go without your feet? I mean, maybe just the soles of your feet, let's take this example. You will be crawling, no matter how smart you are, you will not run anyway if your feet, I'm not even talking about legs, even if your feet don't work. And the same is happening at the societal level. As we see, obviously, there are different power requirements for different parts of the brain, we understand that the brain and the eyes, they consume the most of energy, it doesn't mean that other parts of your body are not receiving adequate supply of all the required energy or oxygen or what have you for the functioning. You know, sometimes there are these strange things that are happening because we started with the Ministry of Truth. But this article from LA Times that you sent me recently talking about the solar panels that are not recyclable. And this is a harm. This is exactly what we've been talking about during the forum. It got me thinking, guys, what is happening, I think we can consider LA Times like a major news outlet, right? A part of the mass media at least in the greater LA area. They are talking about this openly. I was thinking to myself, wow, these guys, either they have received the green light to talk about it, or they just somehow accidentally dropped it dropped this article saying that guys, we don't know what to do. And these are highly toxic elements inside the panels. We don't know what to do with them. I don't know how to explain these things. You know, because there is a lot of contradicting information. People say you should drive electric cars but now there is also news from California where people are being told not to charge their electric car not to overload the system. How do people find their way in all these contradiction? Anywhere you go, we are being told, okay, the gas prices are high, you should buy electric vehicles, but people who complain about the high gas prices they cannot afford electric vehicles. Otherwise, they will not be complaining about the high gas prices. I have this impression that you're in some kind of mental asylum and different voices coming from all over saying absolutely contradicting information, there is this Ministry of Truth that will tell what is true and what isn't when we know that truth is only one, there cannot be different declinations of truth for different layers of population or different regions of the planet. But luckily enough, we still have social media. But when you see Donald Trump banned from Twitter, Jordan Peterson being banned from Twitter, and a lot of guys apparently were also banned or without possibility to appeal. There's the Babylon Bee account, guys are comedians, of course, they touch upon very hot topics in the news. But if you can not say anything, and there is already an organ that will tell everyone what is allowed and what is not, what is true and what isn't. Maybe they're using the 1984 as a manual, there was also this video with JP who even printed aT-shirt "Make 1984 fiction again." Today, we are a little bit all over the place with different facts and stuff. But it's just it's there's so much information that you don't even know where to start and how to process it. And I think that actually this is this is something that is being done by choice that when people have this constant stream of information that not only contradicts, I mean, one outlet contradicts another. But also, there are different opinions being pushed through social media channels, people, they just switch off, as we said, I will just turn off everything and go flip burgers in my backyard. And the more we look at these events that are happening everywhere, the more I see that this is being done purposefully. It's not something that can be I mean, you can not make this thing up. You know, it's really something that even if you want it without a concerted effort, this is not possible. I mean, this is my opinion.


Yeah, Lex, you know, when I'm seeing this whole surreal fiction-like Disinformation Governance Board idea, it makes me think that yeah, first of all, 1984 by Orwell was not a guidance, it was a fiction book, and not supposed to take it literally and execute whatever was mentioned in there. It's not wasn't meant to be like that it was supposed to be a satire, which is apparently not a concept that Twitter CEOs can understand that there is such thing as satire. And when you ban a satire profile, you just make it more popular because people are attracted to that. But also, I'm seeing the introduction of such things as Disinformation Governance Board as a backlash to the Overton windows of truth, when on December 4th, 2021, at the"Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" conference, people from all over the world presented facts that the whole CO2 green agenda is just a huge money making scheme and presented all the facts including how the solar panels are just poisoning our lands, how the plastic blades from the wind turbines are just poisoning the very same landfills. There are no technologies to recycle them. This is a huge economical damage, because nobody is even considering the money it costs to produce them and the amount of fossil fuels that goes into it. And the amount of damage that is being done to our nature, it's just a huge scheme that is super dangerous for us as a society because it also jeopardizes the way we obtain our main resource energy in the time of the biggest climatic challenges of current civilization. This idea was just shocking, because it was for the first time something like this was voiced and to even expect that LA Times within only a little bit over half a year is going to present the very same facts in a mainstream media all over US, for the people to see that the panels are really damaged in our environment, that they're not healthy. Maybe as soon they're going to get to the economical side of it and show that this whole green energy scheme is not working for the benefit of the society. And then it's counterproductive, although it can be used in places like Sahara to provide energy for the vertical farms where we can. There are cases for each technology, there are specific cases, but we cannot expect that we're gonna cover the whole California and Nevada desert with solar panels and it's going to look like the Blade Runner movie. And when they did it, they covered the whole California and it looks like do you really want to live like that? Do you think that that is like what's happened to the population of species living over ther like nobody's even cares about it. There are things that are not being considered. And you know, again, because it's not a part of our perception of the reality. It's beyond those borders that were set by the so called Disnformation Governance Board even before it was officially introduced, we don't think about those things. And when people voice the truth, they put this information into some energy field we have on our planet, people start waking up to certain way of thinking, This fact is one of them. But the New York Times very soon, just within a month after the very same conference made an article in which they were, for the first time in the history of humanity, taking the very same facts Antarctica is actually only melting on one side, the ice is melting from the bottom up. So it's not from the CO2, which would apparently do it from the top, but it's melting from the bottom. When we start voicing the truth at the multiple social media platforms around the world. It creates this voice that's being heard by people and it affects the society. The thing is that we see this backlash and what's gonna be the outcome we already see articles, The Hill presented it as Orwellian looking, surreal laws. The Washington Post criticizing it. Washington Post owned by Bezos himself. Something is changing. Yeah, we definitely don't know how it's gonna go because it all depends on the people perception, something has changed for good in our society, and there is no way back. It's gonna go one way or another. But it's going to change our society for good.