The Episodikal Podcast

You should just stop breathing for a while

August 01, 2022 Episodikal Media Episode 10
You should just stop breathing for a while
The Episodikal Podcast
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The Episodikal Podcast
You should just stop breathing for a while
Aug 01, 2022 Episode 10
Episodikal Media

In this episode, we started talking about the Green New Deal and how going green leads countries into a future without energy even to grow food, how rising energy costs affect people in Europe and the US, surprisingly honest article in the LA Times describing the situation with aging solar panels, people playing ostriches on a beach in Australia, electric cars we should be driving, but not charging, where our planet “hides” 95% of all the CO2, oversimplification and the Doomsday Vault.

The Green New Deal Explained
California went big on rooftop solar. Now that's a problem for landfills
California Asks Residents to Avoid Charging Electric Cars Amid Power Grid Strain
UW prof says cyclic ozone hole proves cosmic ray theory
The 'Doomsday' Vault Where the World's Seeds Are Kept Safe

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode, we started talking about the Green New Deal and how going green leads countries into a future without energy even to grow food, how rising energy costs affect people in Europe and the US, surprisingly honest article in the LA Times describing the situation with aging solar panels, people playing ostriches on a beach in Australia, electric cars we should be driving, but not charging, where our planet “hides” 95% of all the CO2, oversimplification and the Doomsday Vault.

The Green New Deal Explained
California went big on rooftop solar. Now that's a problem for landfills
California Asks Residents to Avoid Charging Electric Cars Amid Power Grid Strain
UW prof says cyclic ozone hole proves cosmic ray theory
The 'Doomsday' Vault Where the World's Seeds Are Kept Safe

We love receiving your feedback ❤️ Drop us a line anywhere you happen to come across our posts 🙂

We are @episodikal on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, and LinkedIn, or email us at

Alexey :

Yes, there is no motion in the Notion.


My gosh!

Alexey :

Yeah, so we are in free flight as the last time, no outlines, no nothing, just the idea of what we want to talk about. And plenty of disturbing news, as usual.


Yeah, we have so much going on, especially in this fight for the green future, because we all want to live in a nice bright green future with no dirty plants, with no CO2s, and everything else that's being pushed up on us once again. And we have these different groups of people like, first of all, there is a big group of people that understands that climate is changing, and some action has to be taken, they are directed in a certain direction, saying that the only cause of the climate change is CO2. And that's the mistake, another group of people, they do understand that this is a complete nonsense, that we're destroying our energy supplies in a period where we desperately need them, we're destroying their economies and prospering country turns into a mess within just a couple of years after switching to so called green energy, signing the New Green Deal. And people of course, who also see that something's happening with climate, they understand that this is much bigger threat to stay without electricity, without our energy supplies. But anyone who's advocating for keeping that automatically is being called a fossil fuel promoter or whatever. Yeah, what's wrong with having energy? Eventually, in those countries where so called Green New Deal was signed, people who pushed for it don't live in there. And we can just google what's happening in Ghana, what's happening in Sri Lanka, lack of energy, lead to lack of water supplies, lack of water supplies, the lack of farming, and lack of farming to starvation. There are huge food shortages, economical instability and political revolutions. Is that the future we really want to have all over the world? Or, as in the latest episode, one of the big famous anchors here in the US said, only the Europeans were dumb enough to implement this in their own region. So before this virus of green environmentalism completely takes over the US, Alex, maybe you could share with us some of your experience living in the environment, which went completely nuts, I'm sorry, green.

Alexey :

Yeah, I just wanted to first touch upon what happened in Ghana and Sri Lanka, what you talked about in the first place. It is very similar, the people who vouch for switching to this green energy, the ones who are literally yelling in the streets that we need to do it, you know, like Greta Thunberg, the fire starters, you know, what they're doing is similar to those who are inciting people for a fight somewhere like in a crowded place, then they're the first to disappear, and you don't find them. And the same with these green energy deals. And people I don't know if they forget, or if they didn't think about all the things that use electricity to function, it's not only your light bulbs, or your fridge, it's also the water pumps, those pumps that bring water to your house. It's also food processing plants, they also use electricity. I mean, we've stopped using steam for quite some time already. So it's all running on electricity. I don't even know how grown up men forgot, these kinds of things. This is really something that's not only strange, but stupid. It's really stupid. Speaking about how it is in Europe, Switzerland is not the worst case for the moment, for the moment, even though prices for the fuel used for heating, heating water also as well because individual heating, it runs on either electricity, which was very trendy in the 80s. And there are some apartments using electric heaters. Today they're outlawed, people had to sign petitions to be able to remain with these heating systems. I mean electric boilers and electric radiators. Imagine when you have the pipes for the circulation of the heated water either for heating your house and to have the hot water running from the tap. You can put almost anything to boil the water, you can put any type of heater is good to do it. Whatever is trendy today, whatever is being used, but when you don't have these pipes, and I lived in one such apartment, how do you install this kind of system? Well, you don't. And basically, you are paying the price for the electricity, which is on the rise constantly on the rise without even the possibility to have anything else because you don't have the pipes. We need to understand that houses in Europe, they're built from concrete. It's not like in North America where you can basically do any transformation to a house, because it's almost all wood, here it's concrete, you can not just drill any hole that you want, it takes a lot of time and effort and money, obviously, to transform this. So this is one thing. Another thing that is really disturbing is the rise of fuel for heating from October 2021, till beginning of June 2022, the prices rose one and a half times. But I think that the government is happy because they get the taxes. The taxes are levied in percentage, the higher the price, the higher the amount of taxes that the government perceives. So for them, it's a win win situation. When you see the bill for your electricity, or for this fuel, you will see the pretty hefty amount like up to 25, or 30% goes into taxes. And these taxes are used to promote green energy. So you're paying for something that basically you cannot even use because there is not enough sun, and there is not enough wind in most parts of Switzerland. So what are your options? Just blindly going against all logic against all data. I don't even know how we arrived at this point where we're pushing ourselves towards the edge of the cliff where we all just jump down without any possibility to restore power supply to our houses. This is crazy. You know, I remember it was maybe maybe even like 20 years ago, Geneva electricity company, the Industrial Services of Geneva, they offered the possibility for you to be a conscientious citizen and choose which kind of energy would you like to use, they had different color coded names for them, you could pay more for green, they had blue energy, I don't even know where they got it, how they dispatched the electric currents. I mean, not a lot of people understand what is electricity, and that actually, nothing really flows through the wires. We will not go into details, technical details, but we need to understand that the power plants, they are the wave generators that basically move electrons in your wires. It's not like water flowing through the pipes. In hindsight, I can tell that they were using these manipulative techniques already to play on people's feelings that oh, I will be using energy that is better than the energy that you are using. Yes, I'm doing more for the environment. Even though the topic was not that acutely urgent back in the day. But today, you don't even have the choice. I mean, everyone is paying higher prices to promote green energy supply. I don't know how it is in the States, I haven't seen a single energy bill, so I don't know.


Well, the prices for the energy are still quite high here and they going up. So people are avoiding using too much electricity for the things that are not necessary. Sometimes people even use, used to use diesel generators to produce energy because it used to be cheaper. And then, especially if you live somewhere remote, and definitely not in California, because in here, it's crazy how it is prices for the fuels went up once again. And we were talking to you in one of the previous episodes how they were trying to match the biofuel price with regular fuel price. Well, right now they about matched and all those things that we were thinking about, like air flights going to be too high of a price. It's already happening there. If you live somewhere in Tennessee, it's gonna take you instead of $400$800 to get to Los Angeles. So we already seing where it went. But also, we will see that certain powers still push into even cut fossil fuels more to raise taxes on them and where it's gonna go. We can basically see on the examples, that what's more interesting that the very same people who advocated for raising taxes on fossil fuels can going 100% green in those countries like Sri Lanka and Ghana, the very same people advocating for overpopulated theory, the Earth is overpopulated and they say we need to make the amount of people on Earth smaller. So that's kind of weird that there are techniques working exactly in the green agenda reduces population of people and leads to starvation, eventually. It kind of makes me curious, well, was it just a coincidence or something else? But let's just take a look at a wider, broader look at what's being offered. So, according to this theory, CO2 is the root of all evil. Everything that's happening is caused by CO2. And we're not going to go right now deep into history to talk about the very same thing that happened to ozone layer and the Freon gas when they said it's Freon. It's this very gas. That's the root of all evil. They got rid of it. And then I think it was Dupont, the company that made a lot of money out of switching to the new technologies they had.

Alexey :

Yeah, because coincidentally, they were the only company that had a patent for something to replace Freon. Yeah. This is another interesting topic. I just have a one quick question. When you say they price match the biofuel? Did the raise the prices of normal fuel to the level of biofuel? Or did they lower the price of biofuel to match the already high prices for diesel or normal gas?


Yeah, so that's a very good question. So still, a couple of months ago, the price of biofuel was about like $7 per gallon, while regular fuel was like $3. Well, right now the regular fuel is $7. But how much they're gonna charge for biofuels we still don't know, because they can say that the price should be around $10. And then they're going to make all of us pay that amount of money. And again, why to fight the CO2 emissions. But when I went into like learning about CO2, and even the biofuels, it's very interesting that biofuels, they are not super clean and not reducing CO2 at all, they reduce just about 50% when burned down, so in the engine it's going to be 50% emission. And we know that the amount of molecules in the atmosphere is about 414 per million of other molecules of CO2. And all these attempts are going to reduce maybe a half of a molecule over the year, if all people switch to, but what's even funnier, that in the process of production, biofuels, they produce gases, the you have to grow certain amount of crops, they're gonna produce gases, you have to use chemicals on them. And then the total amount of CO2 to produce these things are gonna be much higher than traditional fossil fuels it's just that those things are not calculated and not included in the total amount for some reason exactly the same way, as when we talking about wind or solar panels, certain amount of things are not calculated, like how much CO2 was produced during production of the steel to make that wind turbine or the plastic blades, or all that electronics for the solar panels. And we're not even going to bring up the fact that somehow those things were implemented without even technology of recycling them. So right now LA Times just came up with an article last week that says we are on the edge of catastrophe here in California because we have too many solar panels installed about 10 years ago that are at the end of their lifecycle, they are going to be replaced and a lot of toxic chemicals gonna go into the ground if they are not going to be properly recycled, and there is no such technologies because nobody cares. So it's just a huge money making scheme. Again, we see it's not working but for some reason as you said the normal logic does not apply here, and we're being offered to continue the same way to close the factories, to shut down any sort of productions, to stop heating our houses, stop washing your bodies, just stop taking showers. Can you imagine? Because that's what's needed. Stop using your car, use a bicycle, forget about taking airplane, stop eating meat and lower that amount of cattle, just put solar panels, toxic solar panels on your roof tops, and just advocate for green energy. And you know it doesn't stop there. Because back in that video that recently picked up on the internet once again. We're Greta was on the, yeah, the notorious Greta Thunberg, How dare you, was on the beach in Australia making people to dig their hands into the sand and stop breathing for a certain amount of time. So there was a huge beach of these people sitting upside down with their heads in sand pretending that they are not breathing not to produce CO2, and showing us their backs. Apparently, the hint is that we all should stop breathing, stop making new people, stop giving birth to babies because breathing is evil. Eventually that T-shirt that says "you or the carbon they try to reduce," it is actually quite obvious. This is exactly what they go in for. And this unequal fight against CO2 has been going for 40 years already. And Greta is not the first teenager that's been used by the, you know, elites to convince us that emotionally get us emotionally involved. Oh, look at this teenager girl, she's so sincere, not quite, not really. You know what's interesting, despite all the fights against CO2, the CO2 has been rising for whole 40 years. But the amount of money wasted is tremendous. Today, I would like to talk about simple facts about CO2, that just going to blow up the whole theory of reducing carbon.

Alexey :

For some people, it is really a big, big deal, paying$3 or paying $8 a gallon, it's a big difference. And it's a difference that can make or break the whole budget. And we know that especially California, everything's expensive. But the median salary in California is$75,000 a year. When you look at all the prices, the housing, the energy, and taxes are among the highest in the country, it seems that the government wants people to just pack up and leave. And I think this is what some people were doing. But previously, I thought it is because there's the Silicon Valley, and people who work for the tech companies, they earn a lot of money. So this is what drives the prices up for housing for everything. A lot of people prefer to sell their house there and go for their retirement or before that in another state. But then when I visited California, I mean, the Silicon Valley, and the South California, they're so far away, and they look differently, like two different countries. So prices of houses up north and down to the south. What's the correlation? I mean, it's not even Silicon Valley down there. Oh, I understand that there are a lot of other companies and people are working there, but statistics, the median salary to offset the differences, because there are people who are earning millions, obviously, in California, and people who are earning billions in California, although most of them already moved to Texas. Still, the salaries are not high. And when you see all the prices rising, what would be the idea, as you said, like, stop washing yourself, stop eating, stop driving the cars. I mean, you don't see people walking in the streets in the States, no one is walking. It's not like in Europe, people are walking in the streets from one place to another. In the States well maybe in the big cities in downtown, people are walking from a couple of blocks away. Other than that, you don't see people walking, there's no even walkways along the roads, everything is done to be driven, all the roads are made to be driven. This was this idea, the propaganda of why you should buy a car because now you are free, you are free to travel everywhere. So now this is another thing that breaks the American Dream idea that now we cannot even drive a car. Oh, but they have an electric, oh but please don't charge it or refrain from charging it because you will overload the power grid. Like guys, what kind of perverted world we're living in? The world is going crazy. There's always contradicting information. I don't know exactly the term, the psychological name of this phenomena when you tell two contradicting things. And you know, person's consciousness is just stuck. It doesn't know what to do with the information because you said, oh, you should be driving electric cars, but please refrain from charging it. And you're like uhhh, what's next? I don't understand. So you're like blocked you have a short circuit and your computer hangs.


404, error 404, the page doesn't exist.

Alexey :

Yeah, 404 Page Not Found, permanently moved, redirect 301. But the problem is that we have people like AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is talking about power grids and everything. And as Tucker Carlson said, not a lot of engineers understand how a power grid works. Yet we have people saying that fossil fuels are not compatible with the future of humanity. Guys, I think that anything new that comes with this Green New Deal, it's incompatible with human life. Because when you don't have electricity to have water, to heat your home when it's cold, to cook, well, how do you live? What we see. And we've been talking also a little bit about this lately, and that everything is sort of aimed to eliminate humanity, or maybe only those who are most resilient to all the measures to save humanity, only those who will survive all the measures, will be left living on this planet without running water, without electricity without possibility to cook. Oh, yeah, it's a very nice future. 1984 is not a manual. So maybe we shouldn't be doing this.


Yeah, totally. And for anyone who's interested in environment and CO2, my suggestion would be just to learn history start from learning history, and you will see the graph the correlation between temperatures and CO2 in the past, and there are huge periods of time where the temperature was much lower and much higher and CO2 levels were going from current right now we have 412. Back in the day, it was 700 PPM particles per million. And there were even periods with 2500 particles per million of CO2. So it was many times more than now. And the question is, where did all the CO2 go? Because it was way before humans ever inhabited this planet? The question right now I would like to ask everyone, we hear so much about CO2 being released by the fires, by the forest, by the plants, and by the volcano eruption even we heard about that. But the question is, where did all this CO2 go? Like we had 2500. And now it's 400? Where did all the CO2 go? Moment of silence... Can anyone say? It's stored in the ocean? Ocean is the biggest storage of CO2 on our planet. And guess what, once in a while, sometimes, occasionally, nonstop, it keeps on either absorbing CO2 or releasing it? And what affects the ability of ocean to absorb or release? Temperature! Oh, wow! So it's not the CO2 that affects the temperature is the temperature that affects the ability of the ocean to release or absorb CO2. And now, okay, what's causing the temperature change of the ocean? Of course, there are seasonal changes, right? It's hotter in the summer, more sunlight, it's colder in the winter. Yeah, we all know about that. We also know that it's 10 to 12 month gap between the temperature change and the change in the levels of CO2. So when the temperature changes in 10 to 12 months, we see a different amount of CO2 released or absorbed by the ocean. But the biggest contributing factor to the change of temperature of the ocean for past decades has been the underwater submarine volcano activity. So the geothermal activity underneath the ocean heats up the water, and the water is releasing more CO2 into the atmosphere. And we can see a direct correlation between the temperatures of the ocean and the release of CO2 into the atmosphere 11 to 12 months after, this is the way it goes. It's not the opposite way, how they tried to convince us that getting more CO2 in the atmosphere to make ice melt, for example. Well, first of all, the ice is melting from the bottom up - it's exactly the geothermal activity. And if you take a look at the map of Arctic's, and Antarctica and Greenland, you will see that ice is melting very specifically in the very spots where there are underwater volcanoes, and it does not melt on the opposite side of the very same continent. In the Antarctic, for example, ignoring this very basic and very clear 101s, anyone who took geography class should know this, basically. The amounts of CO2 stored in there, once again, it's 95% of whole CO2 we have in our planet is stored in the ocean. Ignoring the fact that geothermal activity at the bottom of our ocean affects its temperature, they either have to be ignorant or premeditated this thing to ignore the most important factor because if you talk about that, you will not be able to trick people into switching to things that damage the economy that make our life much, much harder. And instead of solving the real problems, the things that are occurring in core of our planet to do things that make no sense, eventually to stop breathing. Other than that, we do not affect anything, as we said 2500 particles per million, and this earth was doing fine way before us. But the funniest thing that is being ignored is on the graph, there is no clear correlation between the level of CO2 and the temperature, meaning what there were periods of times in the past where with high CO2 there was low temperatures, and exactly the same high CO2 and high temperatures. It is only the very short period of time in which they correlate and not even the whole 20th century, because that's a myth as well, we're gonna get back to it. But I'm just curious, Alex, why do you think people are so not even interested in doing the very basic research on these things? This is so obvious, this is 101.

Alexey :

This is the result of giving away your power to someone else and later doing what you're instructed to do. We are seeing these results right now, because this is exactly what is happening. People don't even think, it's like in the army, you have the order, and you do it. And I've been asking myself, and also people around me, what needs to happen for people to stop accepting everything that is being thrown to them, and start telling that they are not okay with this. And apparently, you know, we've been trained to accept a lot. And the exercise in obedience that we all had, during recent years, a couple of years, showed that we will be doing almost anything we are told to, like covering our faces, injecting all sorts of stuff that is not tested with very mediocre results, if any, and we've been doing this. Also, we need to tell that the release of the CO2 by the ocean, and by the plants also that now started releasing CO2 instead of accumulating it and releasing oxygen, it is the mechanism the planet has to cool. The CO2 rise is the response of the planet for the increasing temperature so that it can cool down. And there's another thing, it surfaced also, when some people tried to, you know, go through all these findings, or the evidence in quotes for the CO2 agenda. These calculations didn't include the sun, people are not talking about this. How can you forget about the big heater that heats your planet and talk about temperature changes being affected by something like cow farts, or people breathing or not breathing, or driving their cars, when there is also a lot of ice cores data from the last 400,000 years showing the graphs and you can clearly see that there is like 100 years between between the big changes in temperatures and CO2. And somehow people not breathing for several seconds on the beach in Australia - this is an example to follow. I'm confused.


Yeah, I totally agree with you. So not only the sun, but everything else has been excluded from their theory, they openly said we don't understand how the sun works, so we're not gonna calculate it, we don't understand how the clouds work, so we're also not gonna include them, we don't really understand the water steam, which is the biggest, biggest contributing factor to the greenhouse effect. We're not going to include that, we only going to study and post information about the human emissions of CO2. That's literally what IPCC is determined to do.

Alexey :

We don't know a lot, so we will not even touch upon these topics. But we want to study these four particles in 1 million of other particles, because they are very mighty particles that cause all the trouble on this planet. Hilarious.


Exactly. Everything is so oversimplified that it's really easy to process and kind of like in these recent videos, one thing I noticed too, these people who stand against the Green New Deal, they say, Oh, it's all Klaus Schwab and AOC. That's also oversimplification, right, we say this one person is to blame for everything, then eventually humans gonna get mad, and they're gonna get rid of these people, but those who orchestrated it, they will keep on processing with their agenda. So don't blame it on certain individuals. And don't blame it on anyone. This is in fact, consumeristic system in which we live we in which money is over human life, it's more valuable than human life. So people who winning in the system, they're just winning by the game rules that we all accepted. So instead of blaming them for being winners in this inhumane game, why don't we set a different rules in which human life is actually valuable? But for that, we should stop expecting somebody to solve our problems and actually start thinking ourselves start doing our own researches, how IPCC implemented this scheme during the signing of Kyoto Protocol during the late 90s. And then using forged graphs looking like hockey stick or the whole thing just to present their point of view and convince people to adopt this money making schemes in the parliaments around the world ratification process and then basically the very same group of people awarded themselves with Nobel Prizes, right? So this is hilarious we see a very small group of people, like one hand washes another one. And this keeps on going. And people, they just so used to oversimplification they accepting this model, because it's really so easy to say that yeah, CO2 is to blame, let's cut everything, let's suffer for a few decades with no energy and everything and everything's gonna be fine. This is a lie, nothing is gonna be fine. Our life, we don't have those decades, because the climate is changing for a very different reason the changes in the core that's causing the heating of the ocean, which releases more and more CO2. It's caused by cyclicity, by the fact that our planet is going through that part of the space with inter galactic rays that affect our planet. And those are not studied enough, a few scientists here and there that do research, the latest one I was watching just last week was from Waterloo University of Canada, Dr. Qing-Bin Lu his study was clearly showing that the ozone holes are affected by these very specific galaxy rays. But this theory is considered to be dangerous, because if that means that we were fighting the wrong cause, somebody might lose money on this very scheme. So if it's just one scientist, and we people, we don't even make it up, we don't show interest in this, as you said CO2 and the temperatures, how correlated is that? There is no scientific ground, there is no experimental ground to this theory, there are only theoretical conclusions, and which are not even proved by any experiments. For example, I've been talking to scientists interviewing them who really studied CO2 and they say, oversimplification is impossible in studying CO2 effect on the atmosphere, because it works different in different zones. In tropical closer to the equator, there is certain amount of CO2, the are solar rays coming at the specific angle. And there is amount of water, which is very different, the steam, the amount of steam and the greenhouse effect from the steam is very different from up north or down south by the poles. So it doesn't work exactly the same way in different parts of our planet where in fact, this over simplified scheme, they pushing up on us says that it's so simple, just take a simple decision, share some money of your paycheck, except a couple more taxes on ozone layer, on CO2, on the emissions, on water, reduce basically your ability to live like a human being, and use all the technological advances of our civilization and you gonna survive, stop taking showers, stop going out, stop consuming food that you used to. And I have a question and what's next? I just don't understand what why we allow this consumeristic model because we can say oh, don't they understand that this is going to affect them too? Well, that was a beautiful study, we already brought that up as well that being in power for so many years, three to nine years reduces ability to think straight, because people get so self concentrated. They call it that arrogance syndrome, when people consider themselves as the center of the universe and everything spins around them. You know, like it reminds me this in ancient China, the emperor of China was a Northern Star, and the whole space spinning around him. I think like these people who we elected into power, they consider themselves to be the Northern Star, the center of the galaxy and universe. And the whole everything spins around them. Whoever is in there, and they think they build the biggest bunker they think, Oh, we're gonna survive. It's hilarious, because 10 to 15 years ago, and Bill Gates invested billions of dollars into building this Doomsday Shelter in Northern Norwegian islands. They said, Oh, that's so smart. They are going to have all the untouched grains, all the seeds in there, everything. Well, now they they say it was a bad idea and a bad place to locate that thing, because underwater volcano activity is super high in that region, and there's a good chance that Doomsday seed bank is not going to survive the upcoming cataclysms. So yeah, I would really question the ability of a few to make decisions. But what's also right that people altogether are able to make much better decisions that will benefit all of the humanity. And it comes to actually building this environment. It's all about conditions. It's about conditions that will live in. Why people have not requested it yet? That's the question I don't understand because we have technologies to allow the systems in which people are going to vote for whatever makes sense for whatever benefits to humanity. The one thing people should do is to say we don't want to be divided by this political party versus that one. We want this online platform on which we're going to be making decisions collectively, stop putting the responsibility on a few and actually take sane decisions that improve the quality of human life and the value of human life is the number one priority. Why that has not been done yet, Alex, I cannot wrap my head around this. This is something I really don't understand. I get puzzled each time I think about it.

Alexey :

Why this is not being done? Well, because someone maybe has a room in this Doomsday Shelter near the grains of all sorts that they think to be able to use, but this will not help them this time.

There is no motion in the Notion
Fight for the nice, bright, green future
The fire starters
Speaking about Switzerland
CO2 is the root of all evil
Stop taking showers
It is a big difference
Please, don't charge your electric car
Incompatible with human life
Start with learning history
Where did all the CO2 go?
An exercise in obedience
We don't know much
Everything is oversimplified
It's so simple!
The Northern Star
This was a bad idea