The Episodikal Podcast

I would get out of here

August 08, 2022 Episodikal Media Episode 11
I would get out of here
The Episodikal Podcast
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The Episodikal Podcast
I would get out of here
Aug 08, 2022 Episode 11
Episodikal Media

In this episode, we started talking about heavy rains in the UAE, wildfires and the lack of water in California, the lack of media coverage of such once-in-a-thousand years events that are now frequently happening around the globe, the new menu items we are being advertised by the mass media that make bugs and worms look like a great option, that no sane person would even consider thinking about, and why this may be the reason Elon Musk is trying so hard to get off this planet.

'Water was up to my shoulders': Fujairah residents recall ordeal of floods
"I'm Going To Davos As Colbert" - Robert Downey Jr. On His Plans For The Footprint Coalition
BlackRock Aladdin - portfolio management software

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In this episode, we started talking about heavy rains in the UAE, wildfires and the lack of water in California, the lack of media coverage of such once-in-a-thousand years events that are now frequently happening around the globe, the new menu items we are being advertised by the mass media that make bugs and worms look like a great option, that no sane person would even consider thinking about, and why this may be the reason Elon Musk is trying so hard to get off this planet.

'Water was up to my shoulders': Fujairah residents recall ordeal of floods
"I'm Going To Davos As Colbert" - Robert Downey Jr. On His Plans For The Footprint Coalition
BlackRock Aladdin - portfolio management software

We love receiving your feedback ❤️ Drop us a line anywhere you happen to come across our posts 🙂

We are @episodikal on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, and LinkedIn, or email us at


Okay, Alex, happy that you're in a pretty safe region of the world right now. Right?

Alexey :

Yeah. Happy to be in Switzerland this time of the year. I think you're making allusion to the fact that there was a massive flood in the UAE, well, mostly the Fujairah emirate. I've seen the footage. Man, it's really... seeing rivers going through the desert taking with them houses, cars, everything... You know, Emirates, they are not prepared to this amount of water. Even when it was raining heavily in Dubai construction companies they don't even look at insulating against rain or any amount of water and maybe you've seen also videos from couple of years back when there was water in Dubai Mall, the lower ground was inundated because of heavy rains.


There is no drain there for those things?

Alexey :

Yes, this is also another thing is that they didn't need because like with one, maybe rain per year, and I mean rain, maybe it will be like several minutes of water droplets. The region is notoriously dry. And they didn't need anything like that. Last years, we started having more and more colder winters, heavy rains sometimes. There is no drainage along the road, the main road the Sheikh Zayed road has a system that like on the motorways in Europe, when the rain water goes through and is collected and later used for irrigation purposes. But other roads, they don't have anything like that. And even then, I don't remember exactly how many years ago we also had heavy rain. And there was a short circuit in the technical room where the pumps are located. Yeah, the pumps that used to evacuate water from under the Sheikh Zayed road. And it flooded again. So there were no rivers, but there were huge inundated areas like ponds around the road. And surprisingly enough, the water did stay for several days like this. So yeah, it's very strange. California is going through another round of droughts right? At the moment when the Emirates have rain.


Yeah. It's been pretty common last couple of years, we got used to it so much that every end of summer, beginning of fall, we start having this crazy amount of wildfires. And they keep blaming it on people. They keep saying it's just you know, people did a baby shower here and there, doing fireworks and stuff. Sometimes that's true, yeah, sometimes people cause it, but for most of the times, it's impossible to put the fire out. And that is happening due to the fact of degazation. We've been taking interviews with multiple specialists in this field and they say how have you not paid attention to the fact that these fires that are impossible to put out, only happening in the regions where the Earth's crust is shifting? So two tectonic plates like in California.

Alexey :

You mean the San Andreas Fault?


San Andreas Fault, exactly. The fires are happening where cracks in the Earth's crust allow the flammable gases to evaporate from the very underneath from the ground. And what is causing this degazation? Well, that is caused by the changes in the very core of the Earth. Something is shifting there. And so many different facts and so many factors playing role in here. Like a lot of pieces of the puzzles. But the those shifts causing a lot of stuff including this wildfires. And they're happening in so many regions, we can take a look what is going on in Turkey last year, the fires were tremendous yet no one knows how to deal with them. The very same thing happening in Siberia, what's going on in California is pretty much tragic. Another thing that is not getting enough attention is I would say number of earthquakes and their magnitude. California is also located on the Pacific Rim of fire, which means it pretty much could be affected by the earthquakes, but we have not had them for at least five, six years, not even small ones. Not talking about the major ones. And that means that the tension in the crust is building up or sometimes it's been released smoothly. When two tectonic plates, they just slide against each other without major snaps. So when it snaps it causes an earthquake. So we don't know what's going on. But thing is there are no technical devices that could calculate and actually catch the smooth release when two tectonic plates just slowly gliding against each other and the tension is gone. They don't know how to calculate and that's why when they when they see it's building up. They can expect that they calculate there's going to be an earthquake, but sometimes it's released smoothly, other times it just snaps. So we don't know are we on the edge of the huge major earthquake? Or is it just are we just getting away with it? Because we're super lucky. Super lucky compared to Philippines, which experienced 7.0, actually 7.2. So first reports came out with 7.2. Later they said it's 7.1. And we see how they downplaying the magnitude of the earthquake. And this os happening quite often, and then the second one was in Chile, the 6.3. You know, having even one earthquake like that 10 years ago would be a major news all over the world. They would say, we gotta help people, we got to do something. Right now, it's not even considered to be a thing. Same Same in Dubai. It not just floodings, but there was pretty big earthquake 5.3, right, in South Iran, and it affected Dubai as well. Is it common generally to have earthquakes in United Arab Emirates?

Alexey :

We did experience some not directly in Dubai. But these were related to the earthquakes that happened in Iran, which is only like 650 kilometers away. So the one around late 2013, I was in my office was on the 45th floor, there was an evacuation alarm sounding and people were praying in the elevators, you know, we just were standing outside of the building for like an hour and then just got back to the office.


You had to use the stairs all the way from 45th floor?

Alexey :

No, you know, funny enough, we were using elevators because they weren't blocked. And you know, it wasn't like shaking that much. It was more like dizzy feeling. When you have a little instability, let's say, I don't know like blood supply to your brain, and you have like Oh, my God. And this is what I felt at least. But these echoes of what's happening in Iran are felt quite often, you know, depends what are you doing at this point in time. Some people notice it more than others. Apparently, it's something that's quite common, not the earthquakes in the Emirates though, it's the echo of what's happening in Iran. But, you know, 650 kilometers is not a big distance on the planetary scale. So I wouldn't be surprised if in case of something major, these echoes, or these replicas would be much more devastating. Yeah, these things apparently are not that interesting for the mass media. I don't know why. We've been asking these questions for quite some time. Yeah, I think that people have to report on these themselves, otherwise, nothing is really making it through the censorship.


This is crazy, because the very same thing happened in central United States this week. So St. Louis and Kentucky both had one in 1000 year flood events in the very same week. What are the chances? And most importantly, one in 1000 years keeps happening more and more often. It's like almost every year, we have an event that supposed to be happening only once in 1000 years. But in here, we have very similar things that have been happening in Kentucky for quite a while yeah, and flash floodings, and they keep expecting more of those. And we've seen them in Las Vegas last week, and Arizona has been experiencing the very same thing in other parts of the world. And again, we coming back to the very beginning of our conversation that something is causing all these things, they are not just happening, like, you know, oh, there was an event that was kind of similar to what happened like 30 years ago, no it, it keeps happening at more and more disturbing, not just magnitude, but also frequency. This is not being discussed enough. I feel like all the political drama we've been witnessing lately is doing a very poor job for us as to distracting our attention. We don't see it, we don't recognize it as a problem. And therefore we don't request any solutions regarding this.

Alexey :

You will not be escaping something that you are not aware of, right?


Mhmm, at the very same time we've seen these things happening all over the planet. What Europe experienced last year with this floods in Belgium and Germany was also like once in the life not once in a lifetime, once in 1000 years sort of events. And then we've seen very similar things happening again and again. Prior to that it was in Italy, it was the very same three flash floods, huge ones in Italy. I'm just curious if it wasn't for participating in the Creative Society project, I would not be aware of these things myself. Of course, people don't even realize what's happening. But what's interesting, people do feel it people do know that something's going on. Something's going on. And you know, when I'm talking to my friends regarding, like, how do you feel? Everyone has kind of gut feeling. It's a gut feeling that something's, something's wrong, but people cannot explain it. That's what's been an interesting observation. People do realize that something's happening, but they cannot explain what is it.

Alexey :

Yeah, they cannot put it in words, right. But everyone is feeling that something is happening. And this downplaying the importance of all these once in a lifetime events, because even if it's not a once in 1000 years event, but even once in a 100 years event, it's still more than one human lifespan, I mean, at least what we are having lately, with all the advances in quotes of our technology and medicine. What I'm trying to say here is that we are downplaying the importance of these catastrophic events, while all our attention, as you said, is diverted to some political drama, insider trading, or these kinds of things. At the same time, we have guys from MIT, this is an article being published on the site of World Economic Forum. So it's getting serious, I guess, they want to protect the whole planet from sun rays to fight the climate change. So what are they planning to do? They're planning to do a raft of space bubbles, they will be will be shielding us, the whole planet, it will be like a raft of the size of Brazil, it will be floating somewhere in space so that it covers the sun. I don't know, it seems to me that it's another way of wasting our money and potential on something that is not going to really help us because, as you mentioned, in the previous episode, it's about cosmic radiation. We cannot even measure for the moment with our, let's say, measuring equipment, we are not even aware it is there. Although some scientists already start showing their work. And they've been doing they've been measuring this for decades. Yet, newspapers like New York Times, they're telling Oh, there are serious errors in calculations. Guys, it's like AOC talking about power grids, it's about the same level of magnitude, how come newspapers that should be just, you know, excelling in writing, reporting the news? Why are they judging the work of a scientist who spent his whole lifetime making these measurements and calculations? Why not dedicating some time, effort and scientific potential to exploring this hypothesis? Let's say it like this. We are not doing this, no, what we are doing, we are saying, Okay, no, we will spend billions on space bubbles that will supposedly protect us from the sun rays? Well, I don't know if it's sun rays that are hitting the inside of our planet causing all these shifts, definitely not. And this is something that we cannot measure yet. And then there was another article that you sent me about Amsterdam airport, Schiphol, is enforcing EU flight cap in an effort to fight climate change. Basically, they're saying they will be restricting number of flights going through this airport. At first, this may seem like a noble idea, oh, yes, we are doing this sacrifice in order to protect the planet. But if you look at it, from a different perspective, I think it's just that they will be using this to increase the prices of flight tickets, once again, so that only who have enough money to travel to buy these highly priced tickets, they will be able to travel. It's more about money once again, than about saving the planet. What do you think?


I think it's quite crazy that we still live in a society where we try to make money on stuff. And that's like, you know, even if we were one day away from being gone of this place of this planet as a species, we would still have people who tried to manipulate us into selling us some bad quality products for highest price. Even if it's the last day on earth, they still trying to make money. And what's been happening what's the most shocking I know we both love Shawn Baker and what he's been posting and exposing all the nonsense about blaming farting cows for the climate change and showing how much of a nonsense it really is like, you know, in that one of my favorite movies, the Tropic Thunder, they say never go full retarded. Well, but at the very same time we're witnessing something really, really strange in the food industry where this new trend of eating stuff that's not supposed

to be eaten by people:

ants, insects, some kind of nasty things like worms and crickets and gosh, you name it. And we have this major Hollywood celebrities all of a sudden promoting this stuff like Robert Downey Jr. creepiest freakin video ever suggestion to Stephen Colbert on his live zoom call to try these insects. And even Colbert with all his whole liberal, super liberal use. He's like, What the heck are you trying to do? Are you trying to play me? And Robert, the ex-superhero of the Avengers is like, No, man, I'm dead serious here, you should try ants instead of your like normal food supplies, and of course, that company after such a promotion from a major Hollywood star, they had a lot of investments into their stuff, and they keep on buying new advertisements and keep promoting this trend of making protein out of insects. And then we have Nicole Kidman, she's eating worms and crickets, and she says, yummy. Disgusting! This is simply disgusting. But where is this leading to? It becomes kind of trendy in this hype Hollywood community to eat ants and they start making this videos on TikTok on Hollywood parties eating ants in the hills, sprinkling them like solt. Have you seen that meme where they kind of mixed Schwab and Salt Bae just instead of salt he's kind of sprinkling ants on food. I don't know what's going on in the heads of these people. But I see I definitely see the window of Overton opening up towards consuming untraditional ways of food. And at the very same time we're seeing how this is going quite a radical direction because all of a sudden, major news we see these things where Oh, artificially generated analogy of the human flesh burger. So human meat burger flavor, try how human meat tastes this kind of burger wins and award as the best burger at some freaking show, freak parade. I don't know, what is

Alexey :

I think it was some kind of a film festival if I'm it. not mistaken, that they presented this burger. But you know, the first question that comes to mind is how do they know how the human flesh tastes? And why would we even want to eat it? I've been looking also into this a little bit. And I don't know if it's a confirmation bias or something like that. But during the same week, there were a lot of news that the social networks algorithms were pushing my way, showing that this agenda of cannibalism is being actually promoted quite heavily in the recent days, I don't know days or months. At the same time, you know, when you see people even talking about this? Why are we not talking about vertical farms, aquaponics? Why go all the way to eating stuff that most people find creepy and disgusting. When we have the technologies already today. It's not like we need to invest billions to build these vertical farms. I have come across one company in Switzerland here producing these aquaponics installations. I doubt strongly that hydroponics or vertical farming is more expensive than the space bubbles or the military expense or the billions of dollars that are going the way of the Pentagon. And I'm not quite sure why we read these news. And we kind of treat it like noise. Well, I understand that the signal to noise ratio was very bad in the past decades, that we are already trained, you know, with all the information we are being bombarded every day. We just dismisse most of it because like whatever. At the same time, people who are pushing this agenda, they can clearly say Well guys, you were warned, we were telling you all the way about these disgusting new foods and stuff that you will have to eat and you did nothing but we told you, we told you here you go, you see? We've talked about this video with Nicole Kidman right for Vanity Fair. It was like 2016, so it's not new. Well, Robert Downey Jr., yeah, I've seen the same. You know, the sad thing is that this guy is Ironman. It's like the superhero of all the boys and girls here and there. Well who is who is the owner of Marvel? You know, my kids were saying that oh, you know, there's nothing to watch and stuff. So can we please have a look at Disney+? I said okay, okay, knowing the agenda of these people, I said okay, let's have a look at what's there. And man, there's like everything I don't even know what is not Disney these days, they've bought everything everyone knows about Star Wars, but also the comics like Marvel and everything. I mean, we will not go I guess into details about all the particular stuff that's being inserted into Disney cartoons or films. But yeah, this is creepy, because we all grew up thinking that these are the best, well intentioned people, you know, trying to show beautiful stuff to kids all over the world, and like they are the good guys. But when you look at that everything is being now concentrated into the hands of several companies. I hope that by now, this is quite obvious. There is not a lot of tech manufacturers left, there's not a lot of outlets that are producing content. And basically, they all are in the same boat. If you have a look like at Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, obviously, Disney. Well, they control the flow of information and they control also the devices that you're using, and the operating systems that these devices are running on. So I don't want to sound you know, alarmist or anything like that. But when you think about all these things, it's not a great world we are living in if we understand that the most valuable thing is not your happiness, not your wellbeing not your health, it's the money and only money. It becomes really scary.


Yeah, you know, what else becomes scary? Is that how the same that Oh, and first you cannot convince anyone to the human brain because human flesh? Well, it would be gross, but they say, Well, it's a plant based burger that just imitating human flesh. So it kind of already puts this idea into people's mind that it's okay to taste something that tastes like human flesh. Just five years ago, this idea wouldn't even pop in anyone's head unless it's a really sick person. But today, this kind of burgers plant based burgers are winning the international awards right? Then there is a movement in Sweden where this local environmentalists let's call him that way, of course, in quotes, they say that cannibalism is good for our planet, Eat as Swed, they say one of the campaign slogans and there are this people who are seriously saying that cannibalism and consumption of human flesh could help the climate change. New York Times takes it on another level when last week an article came out, saying that we should they suggest they just making an assumption that this would be okay to eat human flesh. And cannibalism becomes a trend in the pop culture. And that human meat, of course, they say we will not gonna raise humans as cattle and just slaughter them, but they say why don't we use the cells, the stem cells, just as we grow salmon or beef burgers? We can take actual human stem cells and grow this meat and actually let people consume human flesh? Excuse me, is everyone is okay in the New York Times at all? Like, is there anyone in charge? Is there any people who are still ane in this freaking company? And I would like to ask like, are you really promoting this? Of course, this got a huge backlash, like people are just are not fond of this idea. And thanks, God. In our society, which is not entirely healthy, there are still healthy people who say this is not the way to go. We just cannot promote these ideas. There has to be some balance, there has to be a no, no, in our society. I'm just seeing how these boundaries are lifted off all the boundaries to what's good and what's bad. And they are mixing up good and evil. And there is no such thing they say it's like post truth. Everything is subjective. I don't know seeing where we are going with a climate change, amount of refugees, shortages for food. This is just a scary concept. Because it's it seems like it's preparing humanity for something really, really evil. Like, where's the... how does the future seems to you? One of the questions I would like to ask people does anyone has a positive image of the future with news like that? And yeah, you're absolutely right. All these news media outlets belong to the very same small group of people eventually, it's either Blackrock or Vanguard or, and nobody talks about these companies.

Alexey :

Vanguard and Blackrock. Yeah. You know, I read an article about Blackrock that they have an algorithm, an AI algorithm, that is actually buying bit by bit stock of all the major companies. The interesting thing with all these news, if people say that we can use stem cells to grow, flesh artificially - why human? What is wrong with you people? Why not grow fish, meat, whatever? Do it in a humane manner so that even the most vegan of us would be happy to eat it because no one was killed in the process. Like, guys, what is wrong with you? Why even considering such things? As you said, it's great that there are some boundaries that we are still accepting that people have these boundaries, some of them. Because I don't know, if I was told to publish something like, you know, this article that you're speaking about, I would say no, guys, I am not doing this. I'm not having this. I'm sorry. Even if I'm fired afterwards, but not publishing this kind of creepy stuff. Only people who are okay with this can publish such information. I don't understand why. You know, before we were reading, like these books about guys stuck somewhere on a deserted island somewhere in the shipwrecks several centuries ago, then they would see some tribe that was doing this kind of disgusting behavior. We were shown an image of savage tribe on an island somewhere several centuries ago that used to indulge in human flesh eating. And now New York Times is posting these kinds of things as if Oh, guys, nothing wrong with that. Yeah, not even funny. I didn't know how people came to this idea. Why? We have scientists and we can grow food. I'm not against growing anything. And you know, going vegan if I have the choice between, like, eating even grown from stem cells. Yeah, I don't even like this topic, man. It's really sad that we have to talk about these kinds of things. Yeah.


I hate this topic. But it seems like the window window of Overton has been opened towards this topic. And you can see if you track down the news back like at first they were originally they tried this human flesh burgers in 2014 they don't work out well. Then through last couple of years, they tried to bring second wave of popularizing this gross nasty stuff. In 2019. They have this Swedish guy, so called scientist on Swedish TV, who used his interview to try to convince people advocating for eating humans to combat the climate change. And we're not talking about growing a human flesh, out of like stem cells, he was talking like legitimately eat and humans bringing back like, like in the medieval times, they did not eat human flesh, they were just like, some dark times where they used to kill humans. But right now he's like, we have to do it. And guess what they let people vote and 8% of the audience say they would try human flesh. So 8% Of course, very small amount of sick people in our society, but some of them were just out of curiosity or wherever press. But you can see as much as they keep popularizing this topic, more and more people are going to get into discussing these things. Which are a taboo, this shouldn't be a taboo, this should not be discussed, but it always starts with bringing up the topic for discussion. Let's just talk about it. Let's just create this discussion. And no! No! There should be no discussion! It's a big no no, we should all say that. No, we do not discuss it! And whoever tries to popularize this topic and say whether it's acceptable. Let's just fantasize. Those people are the enemies of the humanity should so it's very clear because eventually it all comes down to reducing human population it comes to anti humane values and doesn't doesn't sound well. Although who those people serving to? What are their ideologies? Man, I don't know. I don't know. It does not sound like anything. Anything that has to do with humane values and definitely not the society I would like to live in like minded. That's one of the reasons why Elon Musk is trying to get off this planet with his starship. Like, maybe he knows something about the plans of these world elites trying to push cannibalism and all this stuff he's like, damn, guys, give me this rocket so I can get out of here as soon as possible. I would get out of here...

Happy to be in a safe region
Some countries didn't have to care about rain
Baby showers here and there
Are we just getting away with it?
Series of once-in-a-thousand-years events
Something's going on
Meet the Space Bubbles
Forget about flying
New trends in the food industry
Sprinkling ants
Best burger in town
Who is the owner of Marvel?
You know what else is scary?
What is wrong with you, people?
I would get out of here