The Episodikal Podcast

Net Zero ability to pay your bills

Episodikal Media Episode 15

In this episode, we continued talking about the importance of having reliable energy sources, and why we already can’t fallback to them because of the lack of water, touched upon the hypocrisy of mentioning climate change at Burning Man, the new “There Is No Climate Emergency” petition signed by 1200 scientists and a world map of climate disasters showing the opposite, discussed the disastrous effects of skyrocketing energy costs, NASA studying climate on Earth instead of space, what the canceling of Andrew Tate taught us, and expressed support for the Don’t Pay UK campaign.

1,200 Scientists, Scholars Declare: 'There Is No Climate Emergency'
Map of disasters, global climate change online | Creative Society
Neil Grant on Twitter: "Hi Richard. For the Celtic Ross our Electric Bill in July 2019 was €7,700. July 2021 was €8,324. We today received our July 2022 bill. €18,262 - for a MONTH! This is unsustainable. All due to rate increases. / Twitter"
Don't Pay

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Alexey :

You know, I've seen this not even a meme, a sticker on Instagram. And I used it on one of our reels that power outages are climate change. And this made me think that actually it is through what we're experiencing right now and are about to experience with all the power outages are climate change. And I don't mean that the power outages that we will be experiencing, because we are shutting down the coal powered power plants or nuclear, but because we are not able to make them work again, and why, and this is something I didn't think about at first. But actually, we don't have enough water to cool them down. Because we have droughts all over Europe, we have droughts in China. And this is really something that even bright people like Alex Epstein, that we really enjoy talking about his latest book, fossil future, he presents all the information correctly. And he says that, yes, we really do need these fossil energy sources to sustain at least at least sustain the same level of life. I mean, everything that we have, we owe this to the energy that we are using. And even if we go deeper, and we can talk about it today, that all the economy, it is energy transformed, in one way or another. And first we may think, well, economy is money, right? But money is just a means of exchange. Economy is goods and services. Money is just something that we equate the amount of these goods and services that we are exchanging to. And the limiting factor of any economy is labor, in by labor, I don't mean only manual labor, but machine labor as well. More and more labor is already being replaced by machines. And they all use either electricity or gasoline. And here we are, we cannot use the same old power plants that we used to not because of co2, because we decided so but because we don't have water to call them down. And this is something that paints the picture in a totally different way. And they haven't thought about this before. What do you think? Hey, Alex,


it's a huge problem we're facing right now all over the world. So while one part of the world has been flooded, like in Pakistan, 1/3 of the country went underwater. And that's a huge food shortage coming up after that. It's 100% effect. But on the other hand, in the Europe, there is that tremendous drought, the rivers are dry. There are hungry stones that showed up on the bottom of those rivers that says if you see me cry, because there is not going to be water there is not going to be crops there is not going to be food. It's a hunger and the famine that's coming up after and that did not happen for more than 1000s of years. And now it is happening. But the second problem that it brings is that all the nuclear plants hold their power plants hold their coal plants, everything that produces energy, real energy when I'm talking about some money making schemes on solar panels and wind turbines that are not working without sustainable energy that's coming from coal power plants. We don't have that energy production because it needs water to cool down. They're either nuclear reactors or for regular power plants as well. The recent interview I watched with Alex Epstein I enjoyed how he called them instead of renewables he said, and reliables. Yeah we replaced our reliable energy with unreliable but now none of that makes sense because we cannot get the source of energy and you know what last week was very interesting the beginning of September the Labor Day weekend many people here in California go to Burning Man I yeah, I went there for a day and they couldn't stay longer because I was just feeling guilty stander biking along that Playa and watching what is happening oh there are people from all over the world bring in a lot of diesel generators to the desert to survive there because without those diesel generators, human body cannot survive in there for I don't know even the day it's super hot conditions under which without energy, it's impossible to survive. So people come there, bring their energy diesel generators, run them for a week burn a lot of Who then there? And guess what sign I see in the middle of the play, it says, We are the climate problem. And I was shocked to see that over there. Because like, how hard do you want to try to please? This liberal agenda of being nice, right? It's a sign of, I don't want to have any problems. I'm good. I'm a good person. I agree. I comply with all that's been pushed up upon me from the top. You want me to eat insects for the sake of the climate change? Yeah, we will. You want us to do accept any other agendas? Yeah, we will, we will not gonna put our thermostat over something, we're gonna roll our dress in the front of our house, we're not gonna flush our toilets, whatever, just get off me, I want to be a good citizen. In there, it multiplies. Because it doesn't make sense. You're in the middle of the desert, even together, you could drive in the US and AC in your vehicle, you're not gonna get there without it. And when you get there, you understand how much little sense it makes to fight the only source of energy that made our planet a livable place, because it's a hostile place without the energy. And at the same time, the climate change is real, although it's not caused by humans, the planet is warming up, but it's warming up from the inside the co2 levels are rising, but there are none anthropogenic. Those are obvious facts. And at the very same time, I come across this article that 1200 Scientists signed a petition that there is no climate emergency. And as Douglas walked, said, I feel like I'm in a mental house where patients to cover they're not signing the petition that co2 is not causing the climate change. They are not signing the petition that the whole anthropogenic climate agenda is fake. From its core from the very first graph, that hockey stick fake graph by Michael Mann, we've been talking about that there were not a single serious study that proves that climate change has anthropogenic nature. Instead of that those 1200 Scientists while third of Pakistan is going underwater. While there is a biggest drought in Europe, while we have the lowest energy production levels, the hydroelectric stations here because the power Lake Lake mad Colorado river, the river on the border with Mexico, all of them dried out, there is no water. At the very same time, we have the biggest magnitude of earthquakes, we have Tonga volcano, we have multiple little counters, we have the biggest volcano activity. On the bottom of our ocean, we have glaciers melting from the bottom up in Antarctica and in Greenland, because the volcano activity, submarine volcanoes on the bottom of our ocean erupt in warming up the glaciers that are melting from the bottom up. And this mountain is happening while it's getting colder on the top of the continent, ocean gets warmer and is the biggest storage of co2. And when it gets warmer, it releases co2, add two plus two. And you will see that a reason while co2 levels are going up. But this scientist instead of bringing in some sanity, they say that there is no climate emergency. And to say that I'm shocked because those are not stupid people and they're either that's a very good quote, you have to be either ignorant or anti humane to push either one of these two agendas. Either you push on that there is anthropogenic climate emergency, because that's fine and co2 that's fighting that false cause of the climate change that has nothing to do with the true reasons of the climate emergency we're getting ourselves into. Or you say that there is no climate emergency at all. And you can find facts I think people find in facts Yeah, there we have more forests than ever. Climate is booming. Like guys, what are you talking about? Take a look at this statistics on the creative amazing volunteers open the new page on which you can find the interactive map of the world with literally all the climate emergencies that happened since December 20 and 21. And you can strike down the magnitude you can track down the scale of the events that have been happening in less than a year we've seen more than in the past decade than in past decade. We've seen more than than in past 100 years. And it's not a single week. Pass and by without the new extreme climatic event that's happening somewhere in the world. It might happen right next to you as well. It might come to your house like it does. We've seen what's happening in Midwest and Tennessee or once in 1000 years climb attic events are happening almost every day. And we see 1200 scientists that sign in that there is no climate emergency. Like, I'm happy that we have this group of volunteers that really working on to bring in the truthful facts about the nature of the climate change. But at the same time, it's sad to see that this agenda has been pushed from both sides. And both sides, whether anthropogenic or skeptical, they're both following the false narrative. And that should be alarming. That should be really alarming either. On one side, we have eco terrorists that are trying to stop all production, which is anti humane, it's a criminal activity. That should be a responsibility according to the law of each country for ecotourism, or procrastination, of on taking action on studying the true reason of climate change, which, which is cyclicity, which is what has happened into the core of our planet, which is why we're seeing this global change of number and magnitude of climatic events. Those are not being addressed. Yeah, there are scientists who are starting to speak the truth about the things that are happening to the core of our planet. And there is hope there is hope that people are going to see it although information is right there, guys, all that's needs to be done is for people to start taking action on this and stop being silent. So I think if we take a little bit more time, doing nothing, as we're doing right now, we're going to see a very sad consequences of it. One of the things I've noticed on Twitter, there is this NASA statistics like apparently NASA has not been studying space for decades. Instead of that they concentrated on studying climate change on Earth. Interesting fact, when in 2017, Donald Trump was trying to put his personality as a chief of NASA, that guy, Jim Bridenstine, he came into NASA with one agenda to start studying climate change on Mars. The backlash that happened after that was tremendous, for some reason, crazy equal activists and anthropogenic hysteria, production campaign, started turned against him and started stigmatizing him as the root cause of all evil as the enemy of the Society for a couple of months, until he came out and said that climate change has anthropogenic reasons, and that he changed his beliefs on climate change, and that he is not going to study climate change on Mars, and that he's not going to study white Mars lost its magnetic field. Because his very first words were that we should study climate change on Mars and find out why Maurice lost its magnetic field because the very same thing can happen on earth. The very same thing can happen here. The whole world of anthropogenic words went against him. But the next year, he was proclaimed as scientific hero for changing his mind on climate change. And that was kind of crazy, because the backlash that happened against him says that it's a very big money making spot right there. The sweet spot that some fake scientists, which we couldn't call other than scientific ISIS, because they erased the true history of our humanity. And they substituted with a fake hockey stick graphs, and they started making a huge money laundry schemes on it on greenwashing, on proclaiming themselves are the saviors of our planet. Yeah, that stuff is totally anti humane, and it's ignorant on our side to accept it. And just to follow this fake narrative,

Alexey :

it's really sad that scientists are signing petitions to negate what is clearly observable that you can see with your own eyes. You don't have to be a scientist to see that climate is changing. This reminds me how Steve Jobs was dealing with his pancreatic cancer, because he thought, Okay, I will not put my attention into it. So it will somehow disappear, or this problem will go away. And we all know that it didn't help him. And here we are, having a similar situation where we see with our own eyes, you may not believe what you see on social media or on TV regarding China and reverse and droughts and everything. You can see it around you. And the problem is that we are signing petitions to say, oh, no, nothing is happening. Everything is cool. Let's just to do business as usual. There is one thing that I came across a I haven't found yet the original recording of this film. I don't know if it was a documentary or something like that. There are scientists who explained that what we've talked about So that there are only point zero 4% of the co2 in the atmosphere. And 90% of greenhouse gas is water vapor, which is abundant on this planet. And what they were saying that if you look at how the system works, okay, so if it was for the greenhouse gases, because they are forming in the upper levels of the atmosphere, we all know that hot air goes to the top. So the same happens with the greenhouse gases. And sunrays by going down the reflects from the surface of the planet. And they're being captured by this formation by these clouds if you want greenhouse gases. And this is not what they observed. And they showed they have data, they launched the balloons, the weather balloons, and they measured the temperatures, and they haven't found any significant changes in temperature, at least not the ones that would explain the warming here. And they concluded that the warming comes from the planet itself, because the planet itself warms up much more than the upper levels of the atmosphere. So it's not greenhouse gases, there's that we also have these kinds of scientists like, but also what's interesting, there is this narrative that is still maintained is the main one that we should reduce our co2 emissions somehow. But it resulted in a we should use less energy, which is a complete nonsense. So the question arises, then what do we really want, then? Do we want to reduce our co2 emissions? Or do we want to use less energy, and by energy, apparently, it means also that we need to eat less, because it's also energy for our bodies. And when we put the pieces of this puzzle together, the situation is really not pretty. farmers can't use fertilizer, even though they've significantly reduced its use in the past 40 years or something, they have an economic incentive to do so fertilizer is expensive. At the same time, they increase the production yet, they're still being forcefully hoarded to stop using fertilizer kill the herds. Well, guys, it really doesn't seem that we are solving the problem that we are saying we are solving for me, it becomes clear that the goal is not to reduce our footprint to save the planet. which by itself is a fallacy. But to create, you know, some sort of a Mad Max situation where people fight for gasoline and food, we are coming back to this meme, you are the carbon they want to reuse. But the same time we see situations of the same people who proclaim these things, that they're not even planning on reducing anything. And because they say oh, but you know, I do so much for the environment. So I can afford to you know, pollute a little bit by flying private jets, using the yachts and stuff. It's a classical situation of do as I say, not as I do. And by the way, don't get distracted because we are executing a plan here we are saving the planet. Who guys i don't know i for me doesn't really look pretty and looking at also people as you said, coming back to the Burning Man. I have people from all over the country driving for 1000s of miles while maybe like hundreds of miles in gas powered cars. I don't think that anyone would be driving electric to the Burning Man, right? Because you don't have superchargers there. It's a completely inhospitable place for humans without energy without electricity without fossil fuels. People stationed there for a week or so burning fires then burning this wooden man sculpture. For the first time I think you told me that it was the first time it was politicized this event was containing some political information stuff we will not go into details here but these are the people who say that they are fighting the co2 and everything and doing this I mean, guys, let's stop absurdity and stupidity in our society. We don't need to stop using fossil fuels or you know, stop leaving for the same matter. Let's just get on stupid as our friend auger said, let's get on stupid together. I think this is what we should be striving for not reducing ourselves to nothing to net zero. Let's not reduce ourselves to net zero


then because eventually net zero means zero jobs, zero ability to survives zero energy. And I think many people experienced this week when their thermostats and their homes across America all of a sudden

Alexey :

became unresponsive. They were looked


unresponsive. And they were locked under a certain temperature and could not go above that. And here in the US, I went to a couple of chain restaurants, it's really hot inside, like, you know, they used to open doors they used to blow out they see on Macs right now it's hot inside, and the doors are closed, but they have them on like 78 degrees. And it's really uncomfortable. And I feel bad for people who have to work there. We don't have enough energy to to do that. For some reason, we used to have enough energy last year, we used to have enough food last year, we used to have enough of everything. And now all of a sudden we'll have shortages. What did happen, did the oil gone anywhere? Or was it the bad policies. So in addition to bad climate change situation, which has happened, and as you said, scientifically proven because of the changes inside of our planet, not because of the anthropogenic co2. In addition to that, instead of sustaining our society, instead of finding new sources of energy, instead of producing reliable energy and protecting our future from emergencies, we're about to witness and we're already facing right now instead of all of that, we're seeing the completely opposite, we're seeing the anti humane agenda where people are being deprived of their right to just live a decent life, and even the ability to work, there will be no jobs that will be net zero jobs that will be net zero energy and Net Zero ability to pay your bills. And we've been seeing this economical situation going tremendously dramatic in Europe, which when this woke green agenda path about a decade ago, and you know, here in the US, everybody's always comparing America only to one country, there's only one country in the world that America compares themselves to its Germany, because it's the most prosperous, the most developed the most the great nation of Europe. And, you know, Americans buying their cars buying their stuff. And that's a good quality, everybody loves it. And Germany is facing the biggest catastrophe economically right now, energy wise, and the bills are for electricity. I know you live in the Europe, you'll tell me if that's true, but I'm seeing them went from 200 euros amongst 2000 euros a month. And like in America, it's the same thing here. We're paying $200 for electricity a month. And I can only imagine how surprised will will be people and they get$1,000 A month electric bill, it's not going to be a pretty situation considering people have still Second Amendment, and they're going to fight for their right to consume on the level that they get used to. Instead of sustaining the situation, we are seeing the complete opposites. And we're seeing that even if the policies are going to change to the Humane ones, we still do not have just a physical ability to provide enough water and enough energy because the hydroelectric stations are not able to produce energy anymore, because there is not enough water. And nuclear plants. They've been already shut down here. The ones on the California onshore, there's only one in operation right now. They want to shut that one down this year. There's a big clash between them. And the very same time we're seeing the governor of California, banning gasoline vehicles starting in 2035. There will be no Oh, first of all, we have to make it till 2035. We have to make it past 2022 and 2023. And with current leadership, that's a big question if we're going to make it as a single country, because apparently, half of the country are enemies of the state and 78 Millions of people who voted for the party that did not win the election and 2020. Officially there are no enemies of the state, according to Joe Biden, but who knows? Because the next day when he was asked the same question, he said that he does not consider them. So it all depends on whoever is writing the speech or token into his ear right now. And that's the problem we've been having for decades. It's not the problem with oh, this liberal Democrat over there with his anti human agenda. We've seen the very same thing with George Bush one we have somebody who's making bad policies, but decisions and starting wars. They say oh, that's just a bad politician here and there who you know, made bad decisions. We're seeing the same thing with the United Nations and IPCC when they forge in graphs when they make an up science when they push on scientists to be silent about certain things. And then they say, Oh, it was just a bad decision making on one person side it was just a personality, and then they change the personality but the agenda keeps on going. So it never changes. We're seeing the same thing with Boris Johnson. We're seeing the same thing with previous ones Theresa May whoever else was there, they're all faceless. There's these are people. You're not going to remember them. They're not prominent, there is nothing special about them. They all look like some sort of Like, you know, mass produced politicians, the only reasons for their existence is to distract you from what is happening to our world and distract our attention. And that's a big problem. The attention span is very short right now. And it's been distracted. People do not understand what has happened in because instead of presenting real facts, like the one you said about the balloons, they checked, the co2 has nothing to do with the rise of temperatures on the surface of our planet, because it's coming from the inside. We're not hearing about that. Nobody hears about it. Whenever somebody starts presenting that truthful information, there is also a question like, will it get to the people because right now we're seeing people are being banned from social media so easily. And, you know, I did not dig much into certain things like I'm seeing entertains cases. It's loud, it's across internet right now. I did not dig deep into that. But is that the way to go? Because if you just cancel somebody like that, if you make a rule that you can cancel people, shut them down, delete their accounts, delete their Gmail, delete their ability to basically survive in this world, like, what kind of environment is it? It used to be that there should be legal, legal grounds to making decisions like that, that can hurt people's lives, there has to be a court, there has to be judged decision, there has to be some sort of legal procedures that have to pass in order to punish a person for doing something violent, or something that broke the law. Right now we can see complete opposite of that there is no legal decision making there is this certain group of people that have power, and they executed the way they like it, according to their political views, and nobody cares if there was those views, they might be anti humane, they might be anti social, they might go against the humanity and only proceed their own personal agenda. They have the power to do so. And people are silent. People are not seeing the thing. So that's a big problem. We're living in that environment where there is no power authorities anymore. And the ones we have there is so compromised. compromised with politicized and with the something very anti humane about it. And I don't know, I don't know, it seems like we're, we're definitely at the edge of some huge changes here. And it's up to people to wake up before it goes. Really, really bad.

Alexey :

Yeah. I haven't looked also much into the case of entertainers. But what is notable here is that everything at once, as if there was like, some sort of order, but the thing, so we don't know the details. But imagine, these are separate companies, right? independent companies looks like independent companies. I mean, we are not talking about Google and YouTube, because it's it's the same company, right? Of course, Facebook and Instagram, it's the same. But when you have all major platforms all at once, also tick tock, which is Chinese, canceling a person entirely. This makes you think, do you really own anything? Do you have any rights, because imagine, like Google's professional email, as well as Gmail for personal use, and when you have no control over it, they can just cut you off the service at any time. And this made me think, everything that we've been offered as a easy and convenient way to use, right, let's talk about this a little bit. Single Sign On with sign in with Gmail into many services, right? Imagine that your Gmail account is deleted, or you have lost access, because Gmail cut you off. You don't have not only your email, there is everything there is the receipts, all the documents and stuff. The main idea is everything that we are accustomed to and everything that we accepted and started using, because it was so wonderful, and so easy to use. You don't have to remember passwords and everything. Just click sign in with Google. Same thing with Google Pay, Apple Pay and everything. Once you have this, everything electronic and easy to use. But as someone who controls this service, right, so they can turn you off, they can cancel with one click of a button. And this made me think we all hopped on to this because we wanted things to be easy. Because when we started I mean when we started our company, we had to have our own servers. I had a huge rack just behind my back at the office with IBM blades and stuff that used to run web server mail. Server databases and stuff. And of course, when we started having all these cloud based solutions for us, it was oh, man, I don't have to drive back at the office during the night. Because there is a problem with the server. Now everything works like 99.99% uptime is great. But when you start seeing these things, immediately thought, Man, I need to move everything somewhere else, at least the key components of my life, I need to be in control of this. But what also and rotate said when he was interviewed by Tucker Carlson, that his domain name also was cancelled. So he lost access to his domain name. So even if you have your email with the personal domain name hosted somewhere, you will still lose access on this, right? I mean, not the emails themselves, but access to your domain name. So yeah, we have some food for thought regarding this and how we should be protecting our information and keeping access to it in case something like this happens. I don't want to frighten anyone. But when you think that all your life, like anyone who has already had experience of a bank, closing the accounts, as also, in the case of Andrew rotate, when he said, like all the banks, everything, everything comes up, when you understand that this can happen to you, while you start thinking a little bit differently about things that we took for granted first, and that we started using for the sake of simplicity. Because in a society where your happiness and your welfare are not the highest priority, you cannot be sure that you will always have access to everything that you consider to be yours. And this is really something that we need to think about.


Here. Yeah, we're talking about the safety of a person which becomes more and more fragile. Anyone who's doing something that might hurt somebody's political interest, they might be canceled just as easily, and we're not gonna even know about it. We've seen the huge bullying campaign that went against so many magazines, so many directors, so many scientists who were publishing their articles, which were proven that climate has a cyclical nature. And we're seeing this campaigns against this people, of course, it's very easy to tag somebody as a misogynist, or hateful speech. But excuse me, we don't need courts for that anymore. We just what we allow somebody just out of their desire to cancel people like that. Are there any legal procedures that have to be done here? Are we not live in an illegal states anymore? Who is given the right to cancel people who's given the right to delete their accounts, who's given the right to delete emails and in mailboxes with everything that person has, it's your identity, or whether it's your ability to have access to all your online accounts. That's a huge part of our life that is not protected at all. And there are no precedents where people would request the right to protect their data, whatever is in there, it's yours. Yeah, we've the biggest thing so far was that all things God, Facebook and Instagram allows you to download the information they have gathered about you in one airtime and look through the folders, but excuse me, they have their right to delete anything and anytime and deprive you of your right to use your information that you decided to store on their servers. Temporarily. This is your information. This is your right you just choose their platform out of their convenience. But since when they have a right to cancel you as a person because they do not agree with something you said they don't have to prove that it went against the rules or anything because we've seen multiple presidents when they can delete YouTube channels, they can delete YouTube videos for things that are not even there in the video. They go it's against our policies, because it was certain thing and that thing wasn't even in the video. They just decided to delete it for mostly political reasons and for financial reasons, because we're seeing well, how Mark Zuckerberg when he was in the recent interview, he also mentioned that FBI advised him to do certain things to not post certain things. And then after he said that, I think you had another conversation with FBI where FBI advised him not to talk about the advices he's been given from FBI. So guys, we are living in the very special time where for a very limited of time we had this freedom to express ourselves on the internet and have our cute podcast and lie If journals and everything was so nice and cozy, it's all been gone right now. And your freedom of speech is disappearing. That's not the right you can use anymore. And very soon, the amount of electricity you can consume, the amount of co2 you can exhale will be very limited, just as those thermostats in Colorado State this week, they will be locked at certain level and there is nothing you can do about it. So you better think of taking action before that happens. Something tells me that it's yeah, it's coming to the point where people have to do something.

Alexey :

Yeah, no, I was surprised to see that there are several movements. For example, one, because we started talking about the rising energy prices in Europe, and UK is also going to be hit really hard. We've already seen we'll post links to a couple of tweets where a small coffee shop in Ireland, they've got July bill for about 9000 euros for electricity. And then another small hotel owner posted that, oh, I got an 18,000 euros bill just for the month of July. And people they cannot keep their business with these costs. But there is a campaign, don't pay UK, people are getting people to subscribe to not pay their utility bills, electricity bills starting from first of October, and they want to get to 1 million. There was also this video where an anchor from Sky News was interviewing one of the girls who is from this moment, because as well, but why do you do this? Maybe you should just pay? And she says well, you know, for my mom, it's not you She has also a shop, small shop or something like that. That, you know, for my mom, it's not a question of not wanting to pay, she's not able to pay, it's a matter that we will defend because we are not able to be these rising energy costs. And for the moment, I think they will be passing this new legislation that would limit the maximum amount that electric company is able to bill to be around 5000 pounds per year, not per month, first will be per year, right for private for private homes. At the same time, there is this article in Bloomberg UK that says that UK sees up to 170 billion pounds, which is about $199 billion of excess profits for energy firms. So these at the same time when people are struggling to pay their electricity bills, electricity companies are making a record profits. So it's not about rising energy costs to the energy companies. It is about them billing the people higher amounts under false protects of what we don't even know any more. What is it? They're talking about? Is it rising co2 levels? Is it the geopolitical situation in the world? And how is it even impacting the United Kingdom? No one says about that. But yeah, it's really strange. And it's really sad that we are at this point in our lives that people need to choose between eating or heating. And this is a really important thing. We are living in the 21st century, almost a quarter, we are the best. And we are still going through these stupid things don't have other words, to say that. We are forbidding farming when we desperately need food. We are increasing energy prices for people who cannot already pay what they were paying previously. Yet we are increasing energy costs for them and saying guys don't use electricity and everywhere and the governments around the world. I'm seeing it in Switzerland. I have read the same things in France. Oh no flushing you know, these things like oh, yellow, don't flush brown flush this kind of instructions. Understand that? Okay, water, this is something that we are not in control of yet. When there is drought, you need to be aware of how much water you use. I agree. But the electricity supply what has changed, because if they have enough electricity when people pay them 500% More, it means that they have electricity, so they have electricity to sell but only when we pay them more and this is this is not okay. So I totally support these guys who are already gathering and they think that this will be around Europe. Well, this is happening already right now. And for the US it isn't works, I would say, given that this is an agenda that's being pushed upon everyone, because it's the same thing that apparently that we are fighting against, right? The co2, the same thing will be implemented everywhere. I don't think that people will acquiesce this time, because this time, it's already hitting really hard, too hard. Maybe this will be the this uniting point of the first uniting point of people against the system fighting for their right to eat and heat at the same time, as we used to do.


Yeah, that's very interesting. You know that not so long time ago, we interviewed Peter Clarke, who was one of the founders of Greenpeace, and who is absolutely against this eco tourism that Greenpeace have been doing lately. And that, that's why he exactly left that organization. And he posted a post on Twitter saying that actually, oil is the most plentiful liquid on Earth, second only to water. And that it should be super cheap and affordable for everyone should be just few cents on the gallon to cover how much it cost, the drilling, the refining transportation and the profit. But for some reason, just as you said, the electricity the price is going down, the price of electricity of the production didn't go up, it should be super cheaper, especially with development of the technology. And especially when we spoke about the nuclear technologists they nuanced they allowed to produce a lot of energy for a very cheap price, instead of that we're seeing the completely opposite. And that's exactly what's happening to oil as well. It can be produced in normal amounts as it should be. And right now, we need it more than ever to deal with all the consequences of naturally driven climate changes that are happening on earth due to cyclicity. But we don't do that. And you know, it's interesting how oil becomes more and more expensive and less affordable for the people. And that's the only source of energy we have on our planet right now that can solve this problem altogether with coil and with nuclear energy, that transition to a really sustainable new sources of energy. If you would like to develop them, then please do. But the ones that are being offered right now they're simply unreliable, and we cannot replace the reliable sources of energy with unreliable urine, the global climate crisis. Guys, if you would like to suggest us a new topic, or any guests specialists in the energy field and then the food production field, let us know in the comment section below. And hopefully by the next week, we're gonna have something more positive but most likely, we're gonna continue to discuss the problems that are being artificially created as if those were not enough for us as a humanity to struggle with. Thank you so much for being with us. And see you next week.

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