The Episodikal Podcast

Ready to wake up?

November 07, 2022 Episodikal Media Episode 16
Ready to wake up?
The Episodikal Podcast
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The Episodikal Podcast
Ready to wake up?
Nov 07, 2022 Episode 16
Episodikal Media

In this episode, we focused on the urgent online report “The Future of Humanity” prepared exclusively for the members of Rotary and Rotaract clubs, touched upon the importance of taking action, and the need to unite, things that don’t make sense, and those that do.

Urgent Online Report "The Future of Humanity"
THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI - THE MOVIE - Digital Freedom Platform
Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity", November 12, 202

We love receiving your feedback ❤️ Drop us a line anywhere you happen to come across our posts 🙂

We are @episodikal on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, and LinkedIn, or email us at

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In this episode, we focused on the urgent online report “The Future of Humanity” prepared exclusively for the members of Rotary and Rotaract clubs, touched upon the importance of taking action, and the need to unite, things that don’t make sense, and those that do.

Urgent Online Report "The Future of Humanity"
THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI - THE MOVIE - Digital Freedom Platform
Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity", November 12, 202

We love receiving your feedback ❤️ Drop us a line anywhere you happen to come across our posts 🙂

We are @episodikal on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, and LinkedIn, or email us at


It's great to, uh, restart this thing. It's been, quite some time. Well, today, I guess the biggest news for everyone, even if you don't know it already, but it is the report that Creative Society project did for the Rotary International and Rotaract club members that was streamed in 14 languages on October 15th. Actually it was quite shocking for everyone and, uh, well, moreover, if you don't know what it is about, we would strongly, strongly advise you to go to We'll put the links in the show notes, obviously. But a lot of scientists, well, they've been working and verifying for many years already the mathematical model of, uh, what's happening with our planet. And we've been talking about a lot of these things, especially at the beginning of, uh, this podcast season about the, uh, global warming and, uh, the CO2 scam, and stuff like that. But, uh, this report really is talking about the true causes of climate change. It is really something that everyone should know because this time it really is affecting everyone. What do you think about all this? Because I mean, you, presented partly this information during the Global Crisis USA Conference, special conference for the United States. We knew this information partly, but it was really shown the public and the members of Rotary Club. They said that everyone should know about it. We now have a little bit of backlash from them, like saying that, oh, no, no guys, really, we are not affiliated with that. Uh, but it really shows how important this information is and it really shows that, uh, this is the truth that no one wants you to know. And today we'll be talking a little bit about this in detail.


So first of all, super excited to be back with our podcast because, it's been super busy time for us with American Conference on September 24th where we presented a lot of information, and we never done it in such a short form. So only in span of couple of hours you can see the whole holistic picture of what's going on with climate. And then to get from there, we took it out on a different level with a Creative Society on the Rotary presentation. So that people who just joined, they might be shocked because for us participating in Creative Society project, it's been like little by little discovering new facts, going from conference to conference, inviting new scientists, getting new data. Then we got geophysicists. We got oceanologists who were like, okay, something's going on on the ocean floor. There's some kind of activity out there. We don't know what it is. Let's check. I remember when, for the first time we took the map of these blobs, the warm water blobs around the ocean, put it on top of the geothermal map and they perfectly matched, and we were like, okay, we have scientific proofs that the warming of the ocean is happening from the underneath. Of course, much more exploration in this would be great from from world community of scientists with so much more resources. But no, all we got is this couple of articles, like I still remember the one that came out in December 2021 in New York Times with their ridiculous attempts to explain global warming and melting of the oceans by anthropogenic CO2. That one did not make any sense. And I think that it just comes to common sense. Whoever is watching what was presented on Creative Society conferences and on Rotary video that was streamed for, for this business club. You can just take the facts and verify them. Again, we're not saying just trust blindly, whatever was presented. Check the facts, and you can use open sources. Like the beauty of this presentation was that it's based on open source information, so it's all verifiable. You can easily, easily find tons of articles on the topic of basically anything from geothermal activity to volcano eruptions to, earthquakes. And you can see that it's a real thing. Like I've seen people asking in comments, is it real? Is it real? Is it really happening? And I've seen the interest that, that it sparked. I think one of the videos on Spanish TikTok had like over 2 million views. I was like, okay, people really wanna know what's going on with the climate, and they're clearly not satisfied with mainstream media picture that everything's cool. We just like, you know, we're just gonna make some money here on the Global Waming thing and everything's gonna be cool. No, it's not, it's not gonna be cool. Again, when I'm watching there's two different sides, one says it's anthropogenic CO2. Second part says, well, you see, nothing is happening. I'm like, excuse me, we have eight of 10 the most financially expensive, devastating climatic events in the past year. Isn't that a sign that very soon if it picks up the very same way with the progression, we are not gonna be able to financially cope with the consequences of the extreme climatic events? Just easy as that. Our GDP is not unlimited, and for now, due to human stupidity, it's becomes shorter. We have, we're short of funds, we are short of resources, and most importantly, time already, we're not developing the vertical farms to feed the population around the world. We're not developing cheap sources of energy. No, we're doing the complete opposite. I would say, we allow them. And it's not like people not understanding that this is a big lie, big scam. But you know what to wake up from this delusion, it means you have to take action. So, I think the biggest problem here, so as with Rotaract Club, it is not that they don't understand that it's true, but they afraid to recognize that this is real because then you have to take some action and people are afraid of taking action. Everybody enjoys living in their bubble. These people lived their wealthy life, collected a lot of wealth generated through their lifetime. Nobody wants to, to put themselves into uncomfortable situation where you have to have unpopular opinion, go against the grain, try to prove to people something that, hey guys, wake up. It's gonna affect you. And they gonna tell you no, we're just fine. I just want my caramel latte, just gonna go play golf and just gonna have a regular weekend here. Don't bother me. Well, okay, okay. Maybe it's not gonna affect you cuz you're like 75, but whoever plans to live for at least another 15 years is going to be strongly affected. Like it's a life and death issue. And we're gonna be silent about it? We're gonna pretend that like that's the thing we, we can warn people, we can present the information, but just as in "Don't Look Up" movie. And it is funny because "Don't Look Up" is a completely politicized propaganda. It's not a real, it's another, it's just another way to promote the CO2 agenda. But if you look in the core of it, the people they were trying to mock are actually themselves. This super liberal CO2 folks, they just mocked themselves thinking that they mocking their political opponents because they're the same. They are two sides of the very same coin and they're both working against the humanity right now. If, if they not planning to wake up, and again, we're not expecting them to wake up, but where are the people, that's the question I have right now? And we see that there is a strong, strong request, especially from south American Hispanic people. I'm noticing that Hispanic folks, they have, and I think it applies to all the people who grew up in um, areas where like, you know, government is not trusted as much as in US and Western world. People call bullshit. They smell it, they don't trust the government. They know government lies . So they naturally have this thing where they like, I know something's fishy over there, somebody's making money. It's all about corruption. The corruption level is so high in south America, Eastern Europe, that people naturally distrust the governments, you know, whether it's the one mandate or another. We're gonna not gonna just mention all of it right now, what's been happening throughout past couple of years, but trust of government went lower than ever. And it's a vital, vital topic. The topic of climate change. And if we actually want to build trust, we have to be honest with the information. We cannot just pretend that it doesn't exist. Geothermal activity doesn't exist. Ocean water do not warm up in the spots, above the hotspots on the bottom of the ocean, that the amount and the intensity of earthquakes is not going up, that we don't see on our uh, cell phones whenever there was an earthquake that at first it'd been reported as 4.6, 5.8, 7.2, and then all of a sudden it's 4.4, 5.0 7.0. Like really? If you haven't checked it, please check yourself and you'll see how it works. With all being said, I still believe we have a very good chance of waking up at least a good part of humanity with reports like this. And I wouldn't expect any international organizations to pick it up. It has to be about the people, people themselves, like ordinary people. What makes people unordinary? Its actions they taking. What is the difference between the superhero and actual, regular person? It's not the superpowers, it's ability to speak. I think bravery should be the actual superpower because everybody understands that something's wrong. But it takes guts. It takes, it takes courage to speak up. And, um, it's very hard to stay a coward where you see so many people already speaking the truth. So I think that's a very special thing about the Creative Society Project. That they give this courage, they give the example to the people. And when you felt your whole life, this is just the matrix that we live in, it's, it's not real. Well here, you can see it's not only not real. It's falling apart. It's falling apart, and it tries to preserve it powers over you. With mandates, with the cancelations, with, blocking people out of platforms, with shadow banning the information, and it all fails. And when the matrix fails completely, we're gonna see people waking up, uniting and taking action. Really looking forward to it. I think November 12th event with Creative Society, which is called Awakening. At least that's what I saw on trailer. They say time to wake up, it's awakening. That's gonna be a big step because we not only have to face the reality, the harsh reality, but we also have to have a vision of a positive future. We cannot just combat all the unfairness without having an actual vision of the future where humanity is going to thrive as it should. So that's my thoughts on this one.


I was touched by some of the comments under the videos with the report and young people, they were saying, oh my God, will I live till I'm 16. I don't know, what is it about 16 years old? Is it some kind of you know rubicon for young people? I don't remember myself wanting to live till 16 or something that, that something will change, I don't know. But it really touched my heart reading these comments that young people, they were much more receptive to this information. And as you said, people were saying, oh, you know, I just want go back to my normal life and pretend I never heard this information and I really do understand. And that yes, it is difficult to acknowledge this kind of things that, well we don't really have much time of life as usual, business as usual, but this is not something that will pass on its own just because we ignore it. Not this time, not this time, unfortunately. And our friends who presented, who did presentation, they repeated several times that we wish we wrong with these predictions. We truly wish things weren't the way they are, but this is the reality and you can take it. And you know, the thing is that this report is based on the information that is publicly available. It's not some kind of secret information. It's based on the information that you can find and you can verify, as you said, you can verify it by yourself. But I would suggest that anyone who verifies the information or just trusts, uh, the guys who did these calculations that we unite and take action. And you mentioned the, uh, November 12th event. This event on November 12th, " Global Crisis. Our Survival Is In Unity." We will link to the page of the forum also in the show notes. We will be talking about the same things, but expanding, expanding on the same information, showing that it's not only, it's not only climate because we have everything that's alos tied climate, we have energy problems that we've been talking for quite some time on this podcast. We have food shortage problems. It's not like it's looming. It's already in full swing. It's already in full swing in many parts of civilized world. We are seeing electricity prices skyrocketing, food becoming not readily available every part of the world. And we can see also fuel shortages, for example, in several European countries. Yeah, geopolitical stress on the world as well. We cannot forget this. So guys, and these are the things that actually we can control. We can, you know, talk to each other and somehow find a way, but we need to unite as well for this. The main message of the report and of all the conferences and previous forum that we've been presenting on Creative Society is that guys, we need to unite because we cannot deal with this alone because the best scientists, they are occupied in secret facilities, making new weapons or something that will not improve your life. And certainly that even if people are studying, really studying the true causes of what's happening to the planet, we don't know about this. We don't know. I mean, no one is coming out with this information and saying, well guys we are really digging into this. And, as you said, people from the countries where the trust in government was always low. They know that basically they can only count on themselves, that is why they don't trust everything that's being relayed through the, uh, mass media outlets. And they prefer being cautious with all the information. Unfortunately, we should be taking example from these guys, everyone. We've been doing our own research for quite some time already, so this is why we are trying to present just the tiny bits of information that can bring you also to these sources of knowledge that will open your eyes and change how you see the world and how, how the world works, actually, yeah. It is truly important to understand that once you know this information, you will, well, you several possibilities, obviously, as always, but this time it's not only about gas pipelines or something like that. This is something that is out of our control for the moment, like completely out of our control and something of a power of this, like this magnitude, we, we, we can't even imagine. We don't have this energy. Not even if we will, you know, burn all the fuel we have today on this planet. This will not help us because this is a different kind of energy that's affecting our planet. And boy, I wish that scientists really wake up, you know, get out of their closet. I don't know where they are hiding but really they need to start thinking about studying this radiation that is affecting our planet and at least acknowledge that guys, we were wrong. And you know, you mentioned also one thing that some people prefer to ignore this. And I heard this as well, you know, like I've been talking to a friend of mine, she really is interested in this kind of information and everything. And lately she told me, look, I think that people are really, you know, being a bit overzealous by talking about the climate change and stuff. There are many problems that are plaguing our society besides this. And at this moment, it really struck me that the guys are orchestrating everything else that she was about all the problems plaguing our society, they really succeeded because she is telling that, look, this is more important. We had a lot to talk about the last couple years, let's say, of everything that's happening and happened. And people really think that this is the most important. So they are not thinking about what's happening to our common home, to our planet. I don't even know what to say, when you hear this kind of things and you're telling, please watch this, watch this report. This is a very important information. I promise. I promise you, it's worth your time. I rarely ask people to do anything, but these times I'm thinking, look, if people watch this report, this will change everything, but they don't even want to watch it. We've come to this point, if it's not like 30 seconds TikTok clip, people don't watch it. And this is why our friends made several parts, TikTok videos, and, as you mentioned, like one of them got millions of views. I also think one of had more than 4 million, like the first day or something like that. And boy, so this is very important. I mean, we need to spread this information. There is a lot of resistance, but we really need to do it. We are sending emails to everyone we know, posting everywhere, like, guys, please watch this report. There's no call to action, you know, besides this thing. Like, please, this is worth your time. I sent it to Alex Epstein, actually and to several other people, some MEPs, member of Parliament in Europe. Well, for the moment I did not get any feedback, but I hope that guys, at least they find the time watch it, yeah.


Yeah, well, you see why younger people, they're much more open to this kind of stuff and they are much more proactive. I think one of the reasons why is because they invested way less into becoming successful slaves of the current system. Because when you are 60 years old, and you are a successful slave, you, you're not a free person. No one is a free person in a current society. Let's be clear about that. No one is honest about it because people are afraid to say that I'm a slave. I cannot openly say things I really believe, I think are important because of the backlash I'm gonna face. I have a comfortable life, successful slave of the matrix. Now you're gonna start talking about the climate change problems that are, do not align with, uh, the official media narrative about the CO2. Well, it might hurt your successful story of becoming a wealthy person in a consumerist format of living. Younger people, they, they have a lot of energy. They have a lot of time and they, I think it's a natural thing for human beings to try to make the society better. Think about it, any war in the history, anywhere in the world, any war, majority of people always believed they're doing the right thing. If they wouldn't be convinced they were doing the right thing, nobody would be there. If you think about it, any word starts with brainwashing people into believing that they're doing it for the good cause. That God is on their side and so on. So when young people see that they have this natural thing that they want to do good things, some of them go into climate activism, and you see how passionately they are. I don't think everyone in there is for money. Maybe people who organize, but so many young people just join it because they feel it's really important to protect our home. It's one home for all of us. It's a very small environment. You can fly from one part of the world into another in less than half of a day, and it is a small environment and people see that now you can travel, you can see how people live here, there, they facing the very same problems. And many people been to Nepal. Many people witnessed the earthquakes and the consequences. Thailand, Japan, people see it. People know it's real. Think about it, never in history of humanity we had tsunamis like 2004, December 26th, 2004 in Thailand. Then we had the next one, the big one in 2011 in Fukushima. And now we're going to have even bigger ones. But in between there's whole scale of climatic events went from zero to hundred really, really fast. And people know that something's going on, but it takes courage, it takes bravery, it takes young, passionate people who don't have that much to lose. They don't have a status of a successful slave of the system. They don't have this bank account, and many of them understand that most likely their life is not gonna be the story of success. The current system right now is shrinking. Again, this was presented on September 24th. We can see the amount of money is expanding. Amount of money in the world becomes huge because the printing machine has been working nonstop, exponentially ever since the Bretton Woods system was introduced, but specifically we see it in recent years, especially the past two years, and people say, where do all the money go? They definitely not going into our pockets because we've seen a little bit of those handouts were given to the people. But the inflation rate, the overall money loss, the wealth loss of the general population is tremendous. So when it's not like we have to sacrifice any financial wellbeing for speaking the truth or whatever, the system is collapsing in all of its parts. And right now I think it's a very, very interesting thing because maybe this crisis, the crisis of generally, of the system. People have to wake up. It makes them wanna wake up because you see, you have nothing to lose anymore, including your life. We're saying if you're silent now, if we don't take action within six to eight years, because again, that taking action part was also twisted. It's one of the most common things that CO2 guys say, take action means let us get deeper into your pockets. Take action. Let us pass another bill that's gonna allow us to officially rob you according to the law. Yeah. And the science. We're gonna give the small cut to the scientists who back up the narrative of politicians who simply want more power. It's a huge power trip. It's a huge power trip. When they not allowing the whole huge part of the world to simply develop economically by shutting down their factories, saying that they're bad for their environment. It's not about the environment for them, it's about first of all, money, but even not so much money, I think. When they're on that level of wealth as Bill Gates, I don't think he cares about money anymore, but he's so passionately, if you can say passionately, in his world, the level of passion he's showing, I would say it's a dedicated life path. He choose to work on somebody who stays the shade. Because he does not seem like he's a happy guy who actually believes in what he does it, but he does it out of some agenda we don't really know, because the very same guy when I saw him on clips, I even made the reaction video to one of his clips when he was saying that it makes no sense to put green agenda. Where are we gonna get our steel from? Where are we gonna get all the materials that are being produced with fossil fuels and everything? Then all of a sudden, he switches, he got educated, he got schooled by the system simply threat to take away his wealth. And you can see how many billionaires losing their wealth, their everything. Mark Zuckerberg, he just went on Joe Rogan and said how FBI pushed him to shadow ban certain information. Next week Facebook Meta lost, what 200 billion dollars? And you tell me, these are free people? These are not the slaves of the system? They are being praised as successful, as stories of success. Yeah. Be like that. Anyone can do like Mark, just invent your own social media and become a trillionaire. No, they're not free people. The true freedom comes from ability to speak. I think that's why the great people who founded United States put freedom of speech as the very first amendment, the very first thing added to the Bill of Independence, actual Proclamation of Independence, it was freedom of speech, and there's a very strong ground to it. If you're not free to speak, you don't have any freedom at all. If you are threatened to lose your job, to be canceled only because you execute your right of speech, your freedom of speech, if you afraid to speak up, you're not free. And what about 16 years olds? They have passion, they have energy, and they are honest. They're not brainwashed, and they did not invest into the system, into becoming a successful slave. And we see a huge support from them, and from people all around the world. It's amazing how all the legal ground to make a change exists in the United States. You can so easily go to your congressmen and representatives and actually apply Creative Society, build this beautiful new world here in the US. But we see much more calling for action from people from so-called undeveloped countries because they see they have nothing to lose. They see that government doesn't care, but when it comes to overcoming the consequences of extreme climatic events or any other damages, they are so much better prepared because they have families, they have family values. They don't believe that government is gonna take care of them because they know government is not gonna take care of them. Here in the first world, we still live under illusion that somebody's gonna take care of me cuz I'm an individualist. I only count on myself and the government. Well, it's a, it's gonna be a harsh weakening, and it's better to awake in the way that Creative Society is offering on November 12th. Yeah, it's gonna be 12 hours, and I hear a lot of them saying, oh my gosh, 12 hours. Oh, can you shrink it down to 30 seconds? Well, you know what? Three hours for Rotary is already short. But, how many comments were like, oh my gosh, three hours. And then you cut it down, okay, you make a 60 second clip on TikTok, and they're like, oh, where's the information? How do you back it up? Well, there's a link in bio. You can go check the whole three hour version. I feel like if you're really curious, if you're passionate, you are gonna get it. Otherwise, if you understand something's wrong with the Matrix, I just feel like it's natural curiosity. So if you are naturally curious, and I believe most people are before they get brainwashed, then you should watch the Rotary and you should join on November 12th. And, importantly, you should start to speak up because without the voice of the people, nothing's gonna change.


You know, You touched upon this interesting thing the attention span. And this is also something was kind of purposefully made with all the new media, social media networks. And it's okay if you use them to inform yourself because you know, the algorithm, especially on TikTok, they really get to know you, they give you the information that's really interesting. But it goes both ways. I mean, if you are only looking for some entertainment, this is what you are going to get. I think that these three hours to watch the report, they are really worth your time. And, I told you about this documentary that is based on Robert Kennedy Junior book"The Real Anthony Fauci." They made a movie available on Brian Rose's I'll also put a link the show notes for this. And first part is, uh, about two hours. But I really took a great pleasure watching this. And both people you mentioned- Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, they are really one of the key players in this. It talks about the recent health events that we had in the world, the plandemic, and everything. You really need to want to know this information and this is where we come to this realization that having only people who are willing to watch short clips, while you need to watch for at least couple of hours to understand some not complicated information, you don't even need to understand the whole thing if you don't want to, but just to understand and understand this is true, this is what's happening to the planet, for example. We need to take action, and your only taking action right now would be sufficient, you know, is just sharing this information. Because we are doing this constantly, and this is interesting, right? That we are dealing with, at least each of us is dealing in today's world with at least 3000 of informational messages every day. Maybe it's like it's your kid telling, oh, dad, can you tell me this or give me that. These are emails, SMS messages or whatever, like social media and stuff. At least 3000 per day. It is a complicated task to spread this vital information to everyone so that this signal raises above the noise of everything else. This is really important to understand for this information to get to a lot of people, it really needs to be spread really quickly and uh, efficiently. And I was pleasantly surprised you know, by, I was on the radio in Zambia actually as a guest on a radio show, and the comments we were getting from people and the interest, it's really, really great to see that people, they are interested in Creative Society, in this concept. And then it struck me that when we talk to all these people who have nothing compared to what people have in the first world countries, they are really receptive to this information because they really understand, they need it, they need it to live, to survive, and thrive, and this is what they want. So you really hear people being passionate about all these topics, and you hear a different perspective because they have a completely different life from, uh, what we have here. And then, you know, I was thinking about um, we are getting all these, uh, we were talking about lithium batteries and everything, like electric cars and stuff, and these materials they're being mined in these third world, so-called countries. How is this possible that countries that are rich in the most demanded rare earth materials on the planet, and who are the only exporters of these, they really live the worst possible life? So how is it possible that we are extracting and processing, and we've talked about this, right? One Tesla battery is about 500 kilograms of lithium. And you need to process 250 tons of land to get this amount of lithium. So, how is this possible that the countries that have these rare earth materials, everything that we have in our phones, in every processor is mined somewhere in Africa, right? And these guys have nothing. So clearly something is wrong, completely wrong, because countries who are exporting oil, these are the richest countries in the world, right? But countries that produce these materials, they are the poorest countries in world. Clearly something is not right. This is just one thing to think about, right? I will it as this, and we will be talking more in detail on these topics and the wars that are happening on this planet, constantly happening, in detail during the upcoming forum on November 12th. But this is something that we need to understand that we have a very different perspective looking at things while we live in different countries, because things are different, somewhat different or radically different from country to country. But the things we raised in this special report for Rotary, they will touch everyone, independently of your level of income, of your level of comfort you have in today's world. And this world is, well not gonna last if we are not uniting, if we are not looking the truth in the face and dealing with what we have on, on our hands today with the planet and everything. I think there is a lot of interesting developments that await us in, uh, the next months, years, for sure. But, let's hope for the best, actually. Let's hope for the best, let's make what we can to spread this information so that people learn it, process it, and take a decision for themselves whether they want to change something about it or they just want to pretend that things are as usual. We just have to enjoy the sun when it's shining, take our morning coffee and forget about everything that's not happening outside your window. Just for the moment.


Absolutely. I love so much how everyone on the internet also, like huge amount of comments, maybe 50% of them, all of a sudden they become such a dedicated religious people saying that if God's will, let it happen, let the world demolish, let everything collapse and so on. Well, uh, excuse me guys, it's your freedom of choice. You know something is about to happen and you do nothing because God will so? I was like, do you have a cognitive dissonance over there? If you wake up in the morning and you are hungry, you're gonna say, if God's will, this sandwich is gonna fall on my plate right here, right next to me with a jar of coffee straight into the bed. If God's will, if no, I'm just gonna starve to death in my bed. I've never seen people acting stupid and foolish like that, but I see them all of a sudden acting like this in a comment section on YouTube channel under the videos where we explain what's going on to the climate. And I'm like, guys, are you really seriously pulling this card in such a foolish way? I think we had enough of foolishness when by our choice when uh, 2000 years ago, somebody came here and make a good statement that, guys, it's time to build a creative society. Society decided to kill him. Let's not forget that. We executed our power of freedom of will in this way. Are we gonna continue to doing this foolish stupidity? There is no way you are gonna trust people who made you wear a muzzle for two years. Go to the restaurant, put the muzzle on, take it off, eat, put it on, go to the restroom, go back, put the muzzle back off, and continue to drink coffee. You're gonna think these people gonna take care of you, right? You really think that somebody else is gonna take care of you, right? Or if the Gods will, everything is collapsed. It's time to grow up. Nobody wants to unplug themselves from the system and wake up to the, it's a rush cold awakening. I like the saying that there are things worth fighting for regardless of chances of actual victory. Because your victory is victory over yourself. You becoming a better person by rejecting lies and by fighting for what's worth out of your bravery, out of your courage, out of executing your freedom of will as a grown up individual. And it doesn't matter if you're 12 or 16 years old, you can have much more courage and much more bravery than somebody who's 60 or 70 and they enjoy their freedom of will by playing golf. That's totally fine. It's their choice.

Glad to be back
The biggest news for everyone
Taking action
They smell it
Will I live until...
November 12, 2022
They succeded
It's worth your time, I promise!
Successful slaves
The system is collapsing
Just invent your own social media
True freedom
Oh, my gosh, it's 12 hours!
The Real Anthony Fauci
3000 messages per day
They need it to survive
This doesn't make sense
Which pill will you choose?
Freedom of will