The Episodikal Podcast

This idea is dead

Episodikal Media Episode 19

In this episode, we welcomed our first guest - John Ahn. Together we talked about the attacks that followed the release of the Rotary Report and the forum “Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity,” addressed the concerns about us being AI-generated deep-fakes, our first haters as a sign of being right (and becoming popular 😉), and other absurdities of the consumerist format of society.

Urgent Online Report "The Future of Humanity"

Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity", November 12, 2022

Global Monitoring Laboratory - Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

Volcano in Germany recharging with new magma - DW - 02/06/2019

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Guys, welcome back to The Episodikal Podcast. And today is a very special day because today is the first time when we have someone else with us. And as you can see, and you will hear in a moment, we have John Ahn with us. Some of you may know him from the Rotary report that we presented not long ago, and we've been talking about it several episodes back. So, John, welcome to the podcast!


Thank you very much.


And Taliy. How, things were going?


Well, it's going quite fun because after the conference, you know, we had our streams across all possible platforms, all possible variety of channels in 150 languages, which seems impossible even from technical perspective. But our amazing volunteers were able to pull it off, and that's just amazing. But then, what's fun, is going on different channels and monitoring comments, like getting people's feedback, what do they think. And I have to say it's been blowing up on TikTok ever since. It's been a month, and we still see this huge flow of people's feedback, people just filming videos with their thoughts about the conference. And it's amazing, because it resonates with so many people on so many levels, and I'm really happy that people understand the solution part, that we are not trying to fearmongering or do whatever. Usually, it is because people generally so used to this system of inhumane capitalization and making money on tragedies, and especially exploiting climate change and fighting CO2 for this purpose, that it almost seems artificial to this world when somebody speaks the truth and speaks about unity. And there is actually brings me into another comment. There was a thread of comments and some trolls started posting comments all over our streams that speakers of the conference, Our Survival Is In Unity, are not real people, that those are artificial intelligence. And I took a look at those threads and I find it funny how they trying to divert people's attention from the essence of what we were saying to the way people look, the way they pronounce sounds, something external. And then I was checking comments and people who were, so people split on the comments section into two groups. One were saying that these guys are artificial intelligence, they trying to use AI to hide their faces. And another group was saying that, yeah, we see that they are AI, but they do it for the good purpose, because they trying to hide their faces, not to be victims of the system, not to be harassed by the system. And I was looking at it and feeling really sad, because I know personally that John was harassed by the system, and specifically under the very same topic, they accused him of being AI, that he is not a real participant. And then I was thinking, how do I, how do I answer this? And the best thought that I had on my mind, regarding this, was to say that, yeah, guys, we are actually artificial intelligence. All the speakers of the forum, "Global Crisis. Our Survival Is In Unity," are AI, artificial intelligence. First of all, because all the people, and not just speakers, but it's hundreds and thousands of people behind the scenes who made it possible, to organize, gather information, edit the videos, do amazing, tremendous amount of efforts to put it all together. They are artificial to this consumeristic format of living in which human life worth nothing and money is everything. People who speak the truth have not been paid for anything and just doing it in their free from main work time. They're artificial to this inhumane system of consuming people, people's life. And that's what we mean by consumeristic system because we not saying that consuming goods is bad, but it's bad to live in the system and agree to live in the system which consumes humans lives. And second of all, it's definitely intelligent artificial intelligence because these people are super, incredibly intelligent and I cannot even express how much I'm proud of each video, each volunteer that participated in it. Because when I'm rewatching these videos from the forum, and I've been rewatching them multiple times, it seems impossible to even wrap it around the head. How is it possible to bring so much information in such a condensed form? And it might not sound like short, 12 hours, but the amount of information is tremendous. And that's why today we have one of the speakers, we have John Ahn with us who also did his research, did a lot of research, put a lot of efforts into research on the topics of climate change, green energy, CO2 emissions, you name it. And was accused by the system of, system of slaves, system of oppression, system of lies, system of disgrace. These very slaves of this system accused John of being, what did they say? That he is not honest or that it's not him. It's not even him. They reach out to his employer and try to hurt him financially. Try to leave him, his family without finances and means to survive. This is what system does for speaking the truth.


And also to discredit the report, right? They said, oh, it's fake. There's a delay between his movements and his voice. Well, that's called technical delays, sorry. Like, what else? How, how else can I explain? I mean this whole situation's quite, I never thought that I would get certain threat, I mean, these kind of threats because I'm just a normal person. I'm not someone famous or any, I'm just an average person who has spoken against this whole, this CO2 theory that, I mean, like, I, I was also part of group of people who believed in this whole CO2 until about two years ago. I mean, I thought, oh yeah we need to do better in terms of environments, like we're making so much mess. But I think first thing we're confusing is that we're confusing the environmental issues, ecology with, with the climate change. And those are two separate things. For humans, yes, we are ruining the environment, but we're, we are not influencing the climate change. Like how are we influencing, for example, volcanoes eruptions, seismic activities? How the hell are we doing that? And how is CO2 influencing a number and power of earthquakes? And how is it that only western part of the Antarctica is melting? How's that only, you know, the depth of the ocean is heating up faster than the surface of the ocean? Why, how, how is CO2 causing that? And if you look at carefully the graph of how much CO2 has been emitted from the past, let's say couple years. And if you look at 2020, we know that the economy kind of shut down at least for a few months, and you would think that there would be some kind of dent in terms of CO2 increase in terms of the PPM levels in the atmosphere. Nothing. There was no impact. Zero impact. Just go look at it. It's a NOAA website - no impact.


You know, I want just to address the thing that people invoking the delay, the sync issues between audio and video. Actually, if it was the computer generated video, there would be no delay, because it is generated on one device and there is no real reason why there would be a delay, right? But, once you are dealing with microphones and cameras connected to different things, then yes, you need to have a third-party software that syncs the two together. And it just shows that we are normal people. We don't know all the details and we are just plugging in whatever we have, and we are speaking the truth. Another thing I recently heard is that, actually CO2, if you really think about it, it is a gas of life, because we have this symbiosis with nature when we breathe out CO2, and plants eat this CO2, and they give back oxygen to us. And this is how they grow, but they, we eat the plants, you know, and this is, everything is connected. So just saying that, oh guys, we need to stop emitting CO2 is, yeah, I mean, just let's stop this you know, symbiosis thing, just let's stop life on this planet. I think this is what they're going for.


Well, it's going to end anyway if we don't do anything because we're going through this 12,000 year cycle, and whether we emit CO2 or not, whether we just decide not to live, all 8 billion of us, this is going to happen, if we do nothing. Scientists need to come together and figure out the solution. Otherwise, this is the end of every one of us.


Yeah, guys. I think the problem is not even with the picture or the sound. The problem is some people who have been infected with the virus of consumeristic approach to life, they cannot wrap their head around the fact that people can gather together and do tremendous things, put all these efforts into something without gaining any financial interest from it. And that just pisses them off. So they go video to video, they try to divert people's attention from the fact that we are talking about the solutions to the climate change, the solution to our global crisis that we have in every sphere of our life. They trying to divert it and dilute the message, and trying to switch people's attention into discussing somebody's looks and the way people talk, and whether they artificial or is it real people, why they have delay, why they speak with certain accents, take a look at their makeup, take a look at the eyes. One of our speakers have sanpaku eyes, apparently. Yeah, you know that thing? It is been going viral on YouTube as well. So they say, apparently, if you have white thing around your eye on three sides. Like, if you can see the white bottom of the eye, it's called sanpaku eyes. Those people considered to be special. Like Kennedy, Princess Diana and so on, and they noticed that one of our speakers also have this interesting feature, and it all diverted there. I'm like, guys, as long as it's fun, as long as it's not negative towards certain people, it's all fun. And even getting people's attention, let them even discuss this. But still, they get to see the conference, they get to hear the message, and it's going to affect them. I believe that it's gonna keep people awake, keep them up at night and get them thinking, what if those guys were actually trying to say something meaningful to me? Yeah. Let me check the facts. Let me verify it. And this is why even one month after the conference, we see millions of views on TikTok, people's reaction. It's such a heartwarming thing to watch because for so much, so much time, we were just grinding there, making live conversation videos with our participants from the US getting like 1, 2, 3 views on stream. And I was like, do people even care about this? Do people even want to hear this? And now finally we get the feedback, and the feedback is so, so heartwarming that I don't even care if some people might not get it fully because those people who understand it, seeing their reaction is worth millions of words, millions of comments. It's priceless, because it's awakening of the humanity. It's like as if we would compare our humanity to a human body that has been sick with this awful disease of cancer, where each cell of our body would be trying to get all the resources to itself and accumulate them, and even without thinking if the body's gonna survive such a, such an impact. Right now we see more and more healthy cells occurring around our planet, and all these cells, healthy, beautiful cells uniting clusters, and there are these beacons of light all across our planet and they speaking up, and they lighting up more cells, more human cells across all continents, across all borders, across all countries, all cultures. And there is no way, there is no way to stop it. And this is beautiful. This is a natural healing of our planet, of our humanity, of our civilization. And I'm proud to be here with you at the very, at the very center of this action.


People are spreading the information, they're lighting up, you know, they see the way out. This is very important. And, um, , uh, so a couple of days ago, I I wrote you, oh man, we must be doing something right because we started having haters. So people are saying, oh, who is listening to these idiots? Like, they're, they're stupid. I was thinking, okay, guys, well, whatever you say. Looks like just four year olds in a sandbox, you know, hitting each other with some stones, and just saying, that, oh, you are stupid. Oh, you are stupid. But, anyway, these guys, they actually were informed about Creative Society, and about what we're doing, no matter how they responded, even if the first reaction was this repulsive, reflex of saying that all the people around them, they don't know about batteries or I, I don't even, you know, when people are writing comments, they usually think that maybe we understand when, at which point of the video, which is about like one hour long they were commenting. But anyway. It's great that more and more people are also responding, and I've seen these videos on TikTok that you are phishing out using hashtags. This is really something that you understand. Okay, we did something great because this person that we never talked to and we had never seen before, they, they're telling about the things that we are telling with the same passion and they seem to have, like, they, they understood what we were talking about. They, they're talking about the, the way out from this abyss that we are currently in. And this is really great.


Yeah, and, some of the comments that I've seen is that like people don't seem to distinguish between the World Economic Forum, the one world government versus Creative Society. I mean, like we kind of repeat this message, but you know, it's. The WEF, it's about elite controlling rest of us. Yes, it's unity in some sense, but it's this 1% controlling all of us. Creative Society, it's 99% driving the world, not this 1%. So that's a difference. And I think I, I don't know how to get it to people this message, but it is, it is not the same because Creative Society is driven by people. World Economic Forum 1%. So.


Yeah, it's, it's actually a very common question. Are you guys with WEF or UN, or any of those organization? Guys, we are the alternative, on completely opposite side of the spectrum. They these elites. So, okay, so let's take a look at this this way. We are offering something here as the Creative Society, and some people say, oh guys, you're trying to like push this narrative, you're trying to make me join your, like, belief system. No, no, I'm not doing none of them. I'm not trying to convince anyone to do anything. I'm here to present the alternative. Here's the way out. And it's your freedom of choice given to you by right birth to whether accepted or not. And from there, all of us, guys, all of us here as a Creative Society participants, we informing people. We're not trying to convince anyone to do anything. We here to inform you, give you information, so you have an alternative to distinguish from United Nations, from World Economic Forum, and from the current state of living. Because right now we have three choices. We can keep the things as they are in this world, which is highly fragmented into multiple pieces of a puzzle which are fighting against each other. We have these groups of elites. Many years ago there were lords, warlords, who conquered the countries, territories. They put their borders in there. That evolved into sometimes democracy, sometimes more or less tyranny. And now, these groups of people they using their territory and the people living there to kind of compete with each other. So they're using us regular people as horses to compete in this inhumane race that eventually leads to the edge of the cliff. And we racing there right now. And this is where we are. We have another group of elites. We have this group of elites represented by World Economic Forum who think that they are the ones who here to, maybe from their perspective, save the humanity because they see it's going into nowhere and they say, no, we need to unite these people and have one leadership. We are the ones who gonna rule them. We are the ones who's gonna save this whole humanity from this abyss, stop it at the age of the cliff and we're gonna rule them. And they are very motivated people. That's what you have to understand as well. These people are highly motivated and they're doing anything possible. They have all the resources, all the money, all the media, all the political influence, and they're highly persistent at pushing their agenda. And then there is alternative. There is a self-governing society project, unification of all people, where all of us altogether with no concept of power, executing our will through online platform where human life is the highest value, where everyone is provided, where human greed is limited and everyone is provided with the ability to thrive and no one is hungry and no one is living in fear of uncertainty of tomorrow. So here are the three alternatives. Keep the things as they are. Choose one world government or build the self-governing society. And this is a choice, guys. We're not here to convince you that, hey, stop, stop being a horse. Stop being a workhorse in this ride who's gonna get to the edge of the cliff first. Stop listening to Klaus Schwab or whatever. No. We are not trying to convince you by any mean to stop doing what you're doing. It's all yours. But we are here presenting the alternative. And it takes all this weight of our shoulders as a Creative Society participants, because we respect freedom of choice of every person. And if this humanity decides that keeping things as they are is fine, or going with the one world government is fine. It's a human choice. But we tried. We did our best. No one can say that there were no other option. There was, and it's human choice to execute it, and it takes very little, you know, to execute it. I don't think people even realize how much power they have. And those TikToks, this one young lady that filmed her screen during watching the conference and made some comments, and it went viral on TikTok with 2.9 million views by now, I think, maybe even more. Can you realize the power you have in your hands to influence millions of people right now? And what stops you from executing it? Some fears implementing in your head that people may judge you, somebody not gonna understand you, that other people won't support you? Is this the only illusion that stops you from , from speaking up? Seriously? Well, it's hard to be silent when you see people speaking up around you like, like we do here with Alex and John.


At the end of the day, doesn't matter if you do nothing, I mean, we know where the world is heading. So yeah. Let people judge, at the end of the day, does it really matter how people see me? Like I'm just myself. Just because my neighbor thinks, oh, this person's just crazy. Oh, he believes in this Creative Society. Okay, that's fine. What's wrong with Creative Society? Is this, is there something wrong with valuing human life? Do you not support it? Right. And all these eight foundations, they're very, very much based on basic human needs. Is this something wrong? Do you not want to have it? I think everyone would agree other than, oh no, it's not realistic. Oh, like it's too difficult. Move your, move your fingers, let's go. We can do it. Because if it's just if everybody thinks this way or not everybody, but at least if majority of people start thinking, oh yeah, this really makes sense, we can make changes. It's really not that hard to implement it, but it's just to get to that point, yes, it's difficult, but if everybody starts spreading this knowledge that there, there is an alternative to live, then it's, again, it's not very hard. it just takes a bit of effort. There's probably internal resistance that you've been living like this for the rest of your life, you should not get so much involved in politics or you should not get so much involved in the social activities. But, what other choice do you have? Do you just wanna let it go and let all these climate changes happen? And I mean, quite recently all these volcanoes are erupting as simultaneously. Is it coincidence? Maybe. What do you think?


The choice is not only between living like we live right now, actually the choice is between living and dying, right? So, it, it's not that we have this choice, oh, guys, maybe we can choose the world Economic Forum, but actually they are counting on reducing the population to 500 million And feed the rest of us to each other. I'm definitely not supporting this kind of thing, and I don't think that anyone who intends to live for some more time wants to be eaten or reduced to nothing. This idea of killing millions of dogs and cats around the world because they're eating meat and this is high carbon food. Guys, already, it's been a very long time since we were brainwashed about the CO2, but the good thing is that the more and more I talk to people around, around me about the CO2, when you're just telling, look, okay, do you know what PPM means? Like really, it's parts per million, right? So if you have 400 PPMs so it means that there are four molecules for 10,000 other mo molecules. What kind of potent molecule is this CO2 molecule that it really changes like wrecks the whole planet, just four molecules? And people say, oh, really? I said, yeah, but the best part is not even here. What we are doing is only one molecule out of these, right? So, is really something that makes sense to you? Oh, no, it doesn't. Then what is happening then? Well, if you want really to know what is happening, go watch the report. If you just want the information about what is happening, go watch the report, the Future of Humanity Report, and if you want to have the solution as well, then go watch the forum. And yes, it's long, but you know, just divide it in several parts and go as you want, while the recordings are still there, you still have the chance. And a lot of people, they kind of reply, oh yeah, yeah, okay, I will do it. And I find it more and more easy to get to people with these ideas. Something is changing. Something is changing in our hive, let's say, mentality, our hive consciousness, right? That people are more and more receptive to these ideas. You don't have to struggle as much to get to the point. And this is also what I noticed recently.


I noticed it as well. I think everybody feels like something has shifted, and, possibly, it is this amount of information that has been in the field, like, you know, in the mental field of our planet, there is an idea, and there is nothing more powerful than an idea when its time has arrived. You know, people feel like something is not working out. If three, four or five years ago people were thinking, okay, we're just gonna change our leadership and things gonna get better. We're just gonna elect a new official and they gonna provide for us. Now people don't have that anymore. And more and more people, they started noticing what's happening to climate synchronized activity is not something that they used to, things should not be working this way. And I know that our humanity has been scared with these doomsdays 2012, year 2000. Yeah, too many times. But never, never it's been a scientific proven fact, and this is something I noticed as well, that we used to have this Twitter troll thing when our volunteers created Twitter accounts for Creative Society and Global Crisis about a year ago. Back then, we were young and naive. We were trying to invite Hollywood stars, influencers to participate in the Creative Society Project. We had some hopes that those people would reach out to millions of people, they gonna say a word and save our humanity, that they gonna move their finger by an inch to try to help somebody else besides themselves. And, none of them reacted. But the tweets are still there, the posts on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube still there. And you can go and check, you can see what kind of people they are, the ones we praise, the ones we, we consider to be special because we like their movies, their music, or the way they perform on sports competitions, and you can see their true face of those people. And then when the CO2 thing picked up, when we started exposing the truth about CO2, we started having this fierce backlash from this very tiny but very active group of Twitter trolls who went post by post, trying to smear us everywhere they can. And they were organized by this very person who created the hockey stick graph, who was doing all these nasty things, trying to smear his colleagues, trying to do whatever. And we noticed how all the threads leading to this one person who, who is the, who was rewarded by the system of the human enslavement. He was rewarded by some financial gains and some pins, some badges, some rewards, praised as a, as a scientist, whatever. And what I noticed, I went on Twitter after the conference and I put the very same hashtag that's blowing up on TikTok. It's blowing up#oursurvivalisinunity. And there is nothing on Twitter except this one post. This one lady, she was like, how the heck is this possible that it's not all over Twitter right now? And I thought, I was like, yeah, our participants, we were not really paying that much attention to Twitter, putting out these hashtags, but the fact that Twitter trolls absolutely entirely ignored this conference got me puzzled. Like all of a sudden, because the previous ones, they were so precisely in details trying to smear each person. They were looking up our participants on LinkedIn, trying to contact their employers, trying to hurt them financially, and so on. This time, they ignored the conference on Twitter. And I think the part of it is just because we got so good at backing up the information with the sources, that it's impossible to smear it. Because all these sources are official. It's the very same official, even, what do they call them? Peer reviewed articles. It's the very same articles we use that these guys, but it's about the perception. It's the way you put all these pieces of puzzle together that nobody else is doing in the world. And this is what made all these Twitter trolls silent. It's a moment of silence because I believe it's a death of anthropogenic theory. We are at the funerals of consumeristic format of living, of the lies about CO2, of all this nonsense that has been happening in the scientific field. And this is a moment of silence for everyone who were supporting the idea of CO2 because this idea is dead.


You know, the numbers don't really work out, right. So, I was just mentioning that, about 30 gigatons of, maybe a little more, of CO2 is released per year, but from photosynthesis, about over a hundred, a hundred gigatons are being absorbed. So, I guess we don't have to worry about anthropogenic CO2, right. The numbers don't, just don't add up. And again, just going back to this NOAA graph, look at 2020. Was there any flinch because humans made it a little bit less than the previous years? There's nothing.


Yeah, and how come when all the planes were grounded, besides some of the cargo planes, manufacturers, everything closed, everyone at home doing nothing, so the only thing consuming electricity or anything else were server farms, right, for Netflix, and people staying at home, and no changes? I think, it still was growing, right?


Just the same, I mean, you can see the pattern, every, every, sorry, you cannot see my hands, but you know, just go to NOAA, just look at the CO2 concentration. It grows about the same pattern, so there's a minimum around I think September, October, and then it just grows until like, May or something, and then it peaks down again until like May timeframe. But then average is going, like, we're not denying that CO2 is going down, the concentration is indeed going up about, let's say about two PPM per year in the atmosphere. But if you look at how much is, how much humans are emitting if you look at monthly, if you look at a pattern, and you look at how much is changing in the atmosphere, there's, there's no correlation. And, and again, like you're emitting 30 gigatons of CO2 per year, there's more CO2 getting absorbed from just from photosynthesis. And there's other, you know, the oceans are absorbing or emitting, I, I don't know, I need to do calculations on it, but you know, like the math just don't add up. And I think there was a paper like where they're looking at carbon 14 studies and they estimate that only about, I don't know, like between several percent to maybe 10% is from humans. I think that's quite true. I, I was just doing a very rough calculation, and I was just wondering, okay, I know how much CO2 is dissolved in the ocean. It's not quite equilibrity with the atmosphere and the ocean, but, if I used a certain constant and calculated, okay, like if I change from say, 15 degrees to 16 degrees, if I change one degree, how much CO2 would that release? I think it's about, it's not quite a hundred, a hundred times, but it's 50 times more, 40 times more than how much humans have emitted during this time period. From I think about 1980 to about 2020, it's true that about one degree has gone up at the average global, the ocean temperature. And again, this is just a very rough estimate, and that amount would release like 1500 gigatons. And during this time, humans have emitted, I don't know, about a hundred. So there's, again, the numbers don't add up. Again, I'm just referring back to this 2020 NOA graph. Again, it doesn't make sense.


And I can hear the frustration in the voice of the people who were eating grants for decades, who were living a very luxurious lifestyle from fighting CO2, from taking money out of our taxes and pockets, and fighting CO2. And there's this one, one very brilliant, smart, beautiful, wonderful person on TikTok. She was wearing a worker's jacket, like some kind of construction that she's working on, and she was making a video about the conference, and she was saying that she's at work right now, but she has a break, and she wants to use her time during the break to inform people to watch "Our Survival Is In Unity" forum online. That video got some views and one of the comments was, so what do you mean the anthropogenic CO2 is not the reason? Does it mean that all these organizations that are fighting, will not gonna be financed anymore? We're not gonna finance them, we're not gonna take care of them? Somebody was asking, who's probably involved in in receiving money in this organizations. And her answer was like, of course. Of course we're not gonna finance them anymore! Why do we need this folks to fight four molecules of CO2 in the atmosphere per million of other molecules? Why would we finance them this nonsense, grant eaters who's not contributing anything to this society. And you could see the pain and frustration in the voice of this commentator who was apparently seeing his whole image of wealthy future falling apart. But that's the thing, if you concentrate only on fighting CO2 and that is the goal of life, people are really missing on all the amazing, tremendous opportunities that they will have in the Creative Society. I highly encourage people not to miss the second part, because some of the comments were like, oh my gosh, I watched first three hours, it's so dark. I'm having like anxiety. Watch the last three hours, you gonna feel so uplifted like never before in your life. You're gonna see what are you missing on right now. But this lady, she understood it. She said in her comments, and you can see how intelligent she is. She was like, there is no way that it's solar activity impacting the warming of the ocean, because ocean layers are warming up on the deepest level, and it's only the top 200 meters that solar rays can penetrate, and it's only 700 meters, including circulation of the ocean. So there is no way the deepest layers of the ocean are being heated from the sun. And she got it. Like, you know, these facts, these very simple facts, but all of them combined together, they make sense. They're logical and they're verifiable. Each person can easily check, because everything is in there. This is what gives me hope. This is what's warming my heart and makes me feel happy seeing that people are much smarter than we've been told. We've been convinced that other people around us are ignorant, that they don't understand anything, that they're not able to think. And think about who's implanting these thoughts in your head that people around you are not intelligent. It's the very same people who have their hands in your pockets, who have your eyes shut for so long, and manipulated our lives. And now, that people losing control, they slowly have to remove their hands out of our pockets. We we removing their , their hands from our eyes, and we get to see how the world, how the picture of the world actually is, and that people around us, 99%, 99.9% of the people are beautiful, wonderful, tremendously talented people who only need conditions to be created for our humanity to actually thrive. And eight foundations of the Creative Society passed on legal level will provide these conditions. All we have to do is just to request it.


Yeah, true, that we are missing on so many opportunities of people contributing to the benefit, I mean, for the benefit of the whole humanity. The same ideas of separation that we are being told from everywhere. Someone is benefiting from people looking at each other as enemies. We just need to understand that guys, it's actually easier than we think. When you start talking to people, you understand that everyone is somewhat confused or very confused about what's going on in general. Not only with the climate, maybe some people are not that impacted by the climate yet, but they don't understand what is happening in general, what is happening with this whole idea of paying a lot more for energy, for food, farmers being restricted from working, from growing food and from producing animal products, while we, at the same time, we are being told, well guys, please prepare for famine, because, you know, conditions are not that great, but I mean, guys, you are creating these conditions yourself. You are restricting farmers from doing their job. And here, I would like to touch you up on this thing that, I was talking to a friend, we spent two days on a business trip, just returned today. He understands everything that I'm saying because he's following our, our conferences and he's also confused, and he's saying, well, look, when we just, you know, going around and pointing to these absurdities of the consumerist format everywhere, like today at the gas station, we are drinking coffee. And, just in front of us there's prices on the wall and, I'm telling him, look, anywhere you look, I can show you the absurdity of the consumerist format. Have a look at the price. Okay? We are in Switzerland, so we have coffee 4.40, and we have big coffee, 5.60. I said, do you know the difference between coffee and big coffee? 50 milliliters of water? So, I mean, this is so absurd. I mean, 50 milliliters of boiled water costs 1.20. How stupid is that? I mean, they're not making it, you know, bigger in terms of coffee beans or anything like that. They don't spend that much money on heating these, I don't know, like 50 to 70 milliliters of water. But yet everyone says, well, yeah, okay, this is normal because it's bigger. I said, yeah, but guys, let's get unstupid. Even in these small details. And everywhere we go, we see these things. But what he's telling me that, look, if you focus on these things happening around, you will become crazy. I said, well, look, it's not the question of only focusing on these things, but seeing these things, understanding that things should not be like they are today, and that we can change it. And it's not that complicated as it seems, because we are creating everything around us. It's not the people in power who are making these coffee machines, growing coffee, transporting coffee and grinding it, and boiling the water and everything, all the chairs that we are sitting on, we are doing it already. Just we need to understand that everything that surrounds us is done by us. We just need to get this idea that, okay, we also have the power to say, well guys, we have elected you. Well, not everyone, some people are self-proclaimed leaders, we talked about them previously, right? or they want to be self-proclaimed leaders, and we can withdraw our votes and just vote for people who will understand that the world that we live in today is not the world that we should be living in, and we can change this. So, one by one, sometimes maybe millions of people who are watching the TikToks or YouTube shorts, or whatever, they're coming to these ideas, they understand. And once we have this critical mass of people who got it, then we, another thing that we need to do is be active. It's not only understanding, but acting. And this is the main topic that tell these things that you understood to the person next to you. And then this person, once they understand, they will tell to someone else, and this is how we get people to talk about Creative Society and the way out of this situation. So acting is also a very important part besides understanding. And so getting involved is very important.


Yeah, guys. Actually, what John started with, with this synchronization of volcanic activity on planet Earth within past weeks, like basically a month after November 12th when "Our Survival Is In Unity" forum went online, we're seeing that things have been changing quite drastically. And one of the things I wanted to point out is that the very same thing is happening not only on planet Earth, but across our solar system. And back in 2016 when NASA decided to study climate change on Mars, their leadership has been mocked and laughed at and forced to shut it down. They said, why would we study climate change on Mars for some laughable reasons, like to avoid the similar scenario on planet Earth? Really, why would we need that? And here we go. December 5th, 2022, the Nature Astronomy comes up with an article about magmatic plume, mantle plume on Mars that is more active than ever before. Scientists from University of Arizona have been studying the mantle plume on Mars in the Cerberus area. How funny is it because of the analogy from the forum where we compare the climate change that is coming from within of our planet to this mythical creature Cerberus. So in the Cerberus area of Mars, which is a region on Mars, they found out that there is a huge plume of magma coming from the very core of Mars all the way to the top, heating up the tectonic plates of Mars, the planet that was considered to be dead for such a long time. And now, they say that this is happening on Mars. What exactly is happening on Mars? Exactly the same thing that is happening on Earth. So maybe we're just a few steps away from our mainstream scientists actually talking about the very same thing openly that were discussed at the International Online Forum by Creative Society in November, that the heating up of the planet is coming from the within, from inside of our planet. The very same thing is happening on Mars, on other planets. Those are obvious scientific facts backed up with all the evidence and everything. All it takes is just to start openly talking about it. And Creative Society Conference broke this ice, broke the wall of ignorance, broke the wall of silence around this topic, and now this information is out there. It's in people heads already. People discuss it, people bring it to the information field, and it becomes impossible. It becomes really, really hard to ignore it. Still possible from somebody. Some people still calculating how much money they gonna make next year from switching to green energy and pushing their CO2 capturing facilities and so on. All this nonsense that makes zero sense, that's a waste of our resources and time. Meanwhile, in Germany, in Europe, what do you think is the threat that could affect Germany after a tornado last year that went through Czech Republic, Slovakia to the Western Ukraine, after the tremendous floods that hit the Europe last year as well, covering most of the Germany, Belgium, and Netherlands with water, after the tremendous droughts of this year with all the water in so many rivers just disappearing and exposing the battle ships from the Second World War at the bottom of those rivers, and the Hungry Stones from thousand years ago, which says, cry if you see me, because there will be no food. What can be more devastating? How about a volcano in Germany? Yeah, guys, have you ever heard about volcanoes in Germany? What can be more absurd? Well, look it up. There is a volcano called Laach Lake Volcano that has been active for past decade. It's been showing signs of activity much more than ever before. And this is not just some random volcano. This is the volcano that exploded guess when? 12 to 13,000 years ago, the most devastating volcano explosion in Europe, which stopped River Rhine back then. This very volcano activated right now. Why would that be happening? Somebody might ask, somebody who haven't seen the International Online Forum,"Global Crisis, Our Survival Is In Unity," because people who saw the forum, they don't ask those questions. They know for sure what is happening, what's cooking inside of our planet, and of course, it affects all parts of our planet, including Germany. It'll affect our european continent even more with north Atlantic Stream slowing down, and eventually going to a complete stop, which is inevitable right now, and this is exactly what happened 12,000 years ago because it's a cycle. One by one, taking these pieces of puzzle and looking them in separation from each other wouldn't give you the full picture of what's going on. But this is what volunteers of the Creative Society here for, to present you all picture, all this kaleidoscope of different signs of the times that pushing all of us to make a decision whether we want to recognize the truth, be brave, be honest, or to hope that somebody else is gonna fix it for us. But you know what's interesting, even in Germany, it's been like three years since they started ringing the bell that we have to do something about this lake. We need to actually start monitoring seismic activity there, we have to do research on this volcano because it's showing alarming size of activity. Not much has been done. They did not invest any money into researching that volcano, but all of them religiously, I'm talking about policy makers in European Union, with religious fanaticism, called participants of the CO2 brainwashing agenda, they keep talking about going green and putting solar panels and windmills and the wind turbines, and all that nonsense, while the volcano is about to blow up on their Germany. Can you imagine? And there be in silence? What a hypocrisy, what a attitude towards people who live in this area, and what an ignorance. Simply ignorance. Because this will affect the most economically developed regions of our planet. And the only way to prevent it is to use scientists to actually put science to work and to finance them, and to bring out this up for discussion. But they've been silencing this topic for past three years because the number of articles on this topic has been reduced, and that article from 2019 in Deutsche Welle, mainstream German outlet, media outlet, is the, one of the very last ones. After that, it's a very small and narrow group of scientists who keep studying this volcano specifically in there, but it's not being brought up to public not to raise panic. Guys, not to raise panic, and then, when, when things gonna hit the fan, it's gonna be too late to panic. In five, six years when it's gonna be obvious that what Creative Society has been warning us about has been true. It's gonna be too late to take action. That's why speak up now as they say on the weddings, you know, if anyone has anything to say, better say it now or keep silence. I would say, guys, if you not supporting Creative Society or if you have something to say against it, please be vocal now. Post your things. We're taking screenshots. We are writing them down. We are creating a list of people who actively going against the humanity, as I said, you can put yourself alone with all the main stars, all the Hollywood stars, everyone out there who was ignoring Creative Society, and who was trying to smear us. Those are, so-called heroes in quotes, that should be remembered by our society as well. So please, don't be silent. Either way, speak up your position on this topic. Especially if you live around Laach Lake in Germany. I would say you have to be as vocal as ever, because it's gonna affect you really, really soon, in a really, really meaningful way. And, yeah, that's sad. Little bit sad, but, what's good, the best thing we can do is just simply share this information, because so many people are silent because they don't know. As we said, most people are really, really good people, but they just not informed or sometimes misinformed. So people might be living right next to that lake, having no idea about what's going on underneath it.


Yeah, we should stop with this green energy, because it's not really green or sustainable as people think. I mean, we have this image in our head that, on one hand you have this solar and wind energy, and then like sunny skies, and on the other hand you have this picture of like coal power plants and like all the smoke coming out, all the dark skies, red, like drought. Like, why do we have in this hit? Because you know, like I've done this research and it's false. This green energy, it's not green. It looks green on up front just because you don't see what's going on behind the back. so to me, like when I did the research, the green energy is not only not sustainable, but it also makes the energy more expensive. And we all know that it's unreliable, and to make it reliable, we need batteries. But if you want to have batteries, well the cost is gonna go up quite a lot. Actually, it's not even achievable.


It is not achievable and it's not sustainable. And you know, it's even funny that just near where I am, in the valley, there are lonely, lonely wind turbines, you know, just one. Then you go about like 20 kilometers more, then there is another one. And every time I pass, I'm looking at them and saying, okay, so this one is not turning, so there's no wind here. You, you would think that, oh, you know, in the mountains when you have the valley, then there's always wind, but no, and sometimes there's one that's slowly, slowly turning, and I'm thinking, okay, but how many of those would you need to power the whole community living there, I mean all the industries that are there. And then you see that there is a thermal power station, burning, I don't know what they're burning, there is one I know that they are converting old stuff, they're burning it. Others may be burning coal, or gas, or wood, I don't know. And you understand, okay, we see that these are the power stations that are powering the whole thing. And these are just the facades of this green agenda, because, oh yeah, it's cool, we have them, like there is one for, I don't know how many inhabitants and, but when it's mostly stopped, what are people supposed to do? And the funny thing that there's more and more, let's say, brainwashing about the upcoming energy restrictions that will be put in place in Switzerland, and there are several stages and it's in every elevator in every, house, and they say, okay, so don't wash your clothes on more than 30 degrees. Don't start the washing machine until it's full. Don't use the dishwasher if it's not full. And then don't heat more than 19 degrees Celsius. But then there's more. Streaming will be restricted and you would need to turn off your wifi access point in case it is needed, well before the complete shutdown for several hours per day. And I'm thinking like, okay guys, why are we looking? And it's the same, actually. It goes the same regarding everything. Why are we not looking for solutions how to provide energy and food and water and everything for the people? Why do we always need to sacrifice something or someone for that matter? So it's a bit backwards. So we are going through this, let's say difficult stage when we realized that what we've been trying to achieve is not achievable. Okay? We've talked about it, right? That we suddenly understood, oh, the sun is not shining at night and not all the time during the day, and the wind is not blowing all the time either. Oh, this is strange. It takes a PhD apparently to understand this kind of things. Or maybe like, I don't know. And then we say, okay guys, yeah, we need to kill off the herds and try not to eat. But then very brave guys come up and say, oh yeah, you can eat my fake meat, because I've bought all the land, all the farmland in the US and now I can provide you with great substitutes made of vegetable oils and I don't know, some kind of GMO, genetically modified materials, beans, whatever. And everywhere you look, you see this absurdity and people are saying, yes, yes, we need to make these efforts, I'm ready, I have my food supplies. And I have also, in case it's needed, I have my camping gas portable cooker. I said, but have you the thought that actually the government is there to avoid you having these issues? It's not about them just informing you about the restrictions and everything that you will have to bear with while someone is just, you know, playing, I don't know what they're even playing, they're playing God or something like that. And, people look at me and say, yeah, but you know, it's, it's due to geopolitical situation, we need to make this effort. I said, well, yeah, but why are you making the effort? There's plenty of energy. There's plenty of gas, plenty of coal, plenty of everything. We just need to stop playing these stupid games, saying that we need to, first we need to switch to electric cars, and then people are buying electric cars, and then they say, oh yeah, but you know, guys, by the way, electric cars charging will be banned because we are lacking electricity. And, this was an advice in LA this summer, but it's no longer an advice in Switzerland, because they're saying, no, no, guys, you will not be able to charge your cars. We'll just shut down everything. Just stop doing it and, please don't heat yourself, because people were rushing, you know, to buy electric heaters. And the government was very quick to post, no, no, guys, electric heaters are prohibited. Please, it'll overload the system. When you look at how we are behaving, it looks like it's a herd, you know, that's trying to run from the wolf. Oh, there's this problem here. Oh, we'll run the other way. Oh, but this is also, there's another wolf saying, oh, no, no, no. Like, okay guys, let's run the other way. And people are constantly moving around, trying to find another way, and this door is also closing every time. And no one is stopping and saying, guys, let's stop this crazy thing. Let's just ask the government what you've been doing all these, all these years? Where have you been guys? Really? What is going on? Yeah, this is not happening. I wonder why?


Yeah. Well, don't forget that, you have to really ask questions about what, what's been happening. They saying buy electric cars, save the environment and put the panel. I'm like, guys, well what about 10 years ago? What about 20 years ago? You've been saying me to do for the very same thing you said, buy diesel car. The diesel car is the best thing you can do for environment. Half of the Europe started buying diesel cars. We have all these brands coming up with diesel cars in America. Here in the USA we have 2% of cars diesel. Nobody cares about diesel cars besides the trucks. In Europe, it's 52% average, and in some countries like Spain, it's over 60%, because people have been convinced that the best thing they can do for the environment is to buy a diesel car. I want to see who came up with that policy, how accountable they are for misleading. Was it misleading? Did did it really help or did it just waste our time and money on buying these diesel cars and what we gonna do with all these diesel cars we have to replace them with uh, electric cars right now? Since when? Who was thinking like how much calculated through was that project? Because we've been convinced, we've been told on the highest official rostrums over there, they've been saying they got a plan. So who's accountable? Did the plan not work out as expected? What was the plan? What were the projections? What did we achieve with this whole transition? Because we put so much money, so much resources into it, so many factories were shut down. So many people lose their jobs because of this transition to diesel cars, and now it's not a thing anymore? I wanna hear somebody answering for that. Are we all silent? Are we not gonna ask questions regarding that? Then you just silently gonna expect, expect this new policy to work better than the previous one? Excuse me, if you have a line of policies that never worked out, none of them, since banning the freon gas. Wow. Excuse my rant guys, but I just cannot hold it. I cannot hold all these questions. Are we really going to ignore the fact that banning freon gas did nothing for ozone layer and that ozone layer is being destroyed for completely different reasons. And the very same galactic, cosmic rays, look it up, cosmic rays, galaxy rays, and their effect on the ozone layer, especially in the equatorial parts of our planet. Because even at the Antarctica, the ozone hole has been breaking all the records as it comes to the size in recent years, and it happened only a few years after the scientists started taking credits and receiving awards for being so brilliant and saving all of us from this tremendous ozone hole above South Pole and North Pole, and they saved us. They saved us, and then, couple of years after, we receiving these reports that the ozone hole above South Pole is the biggest in history, and they like slowly sweeped under the carpet, all those articles and try to forget that couple of years ago they were praising themselves for saving the humanity and we gonna silently accept these hypocrites, I would suggest us to take all the diesel cars, all of the bills that have been paid, collect how much money was spent on all this nonsense, including switching to unreliable energy. Oh, excuse me, renewable energy, that's how I'm supposed to call it, right? With all the projections, get at people who were calculating them through and so on. Guys, of course we should ask these questions, although we not saying that people who were misled by this thing that they don't have another way to act right now. Like many people truly believed that that was the thing to do because it was pushed on us from above. And we know why, because somebody forged the scientific evidence right there. Someone started making hockey stick graphs to justify this taxation. That's fine. As John said that the conference, it's not time to point fingers. And I really like that phrase. If we gonna start looking for somebody who to blame, guys, we can do that, but how productive is it comparing to recognizing the fact that nobody is perfect in the consumeristic system of living, because this is the whole system that operates in this way. You are not taught to be humane. You are taught to be successful, and to be successful, you need to live as the society lives, by its rules. So don't hate the player, hate the game, as they said. And if the game is to do whatever, forge the evidence, make up schemes, but eventually to become a successful, whatever, politician, scientist or whoever, journalist, eco activist, and whoever else, that all works. That all worked. But right now it's a different time. It's time to switch to humane way of living, and it's time not to point fingers. So we invite all the people, even on that side of the spectrum, the ones who spent many, many years fighting for ecology and so on, to take an example from founder of Greenpeace, who was also one of the speakers at the conference, and who reached out to us, gave us a shout out on Twitter, reposted the article from BBC, the famous one about Creative Society, and said, yeah, if BBC guys trying to smear Creative Society, it means that there is something of a value for the humanity in there, because he knows all the kitchen of these lies from the inside. He's been participating in it. And so as many of you guys, even those who participate in these schemes, don't be afraid to recognize the fact that you've been misled. You've believed in the wrong thing. Because we're not here to point fingers and look who to blame for doing this. We're here with the solution and the faster we switch to actually transition period, the better it will be for everyone, and even those haters who now as a successful podcast we have. We have haters. Can you believe it? Guys who go page to page to our videos, to our shorts only to put some negative comments. And I, I checked the, a couple of likes. It's the very same people putting likes of all of them too. So they have, I don't know, it's, it's a couple of people with a few accounts or that the group of some trolls. But we have these people who paying their attention to what we say. And this is the meaningful part. I don't care if you agree with me or disagree as long as you've been informed that there is a solution. Because there will come time when you will recognize the fact that the current thing is not working, the next current thing provided by somebody else is not gonna work either. Switching diesel car that has been a solution 20 years ago to a new solution isn't gonna work either. The new solution is to unify humanity on the value of human life, and this is what we are here for as the Creative Society. So this message resonates with you. Share this across all your social media platforms, speak up yourself, make a video, make some articles. Use your imagination to inform people in the most creative ways you can come up with. We have sky divers throwing themselves out of planes with the huge flags of Creative Society, skydiving all the way down to the ground, holding this huge flag. How awesome is that? Nobody knows what kind of creative solution you're gonna come up with, but I know that we have some super, extremely talented people among our listeners who only yet to show themselves to the world and how much they have to contribute. So I encourage you to be brave and take whatever action you consider to be the most significant for yourself. But take action either way. And it might not be perfect from the very beginning, but imperfect action is better than perfect inaction. Remember that guys, and I'm looking forward to seeing you soon in our next podcast. It's been a great pleasure to have John Ahn here with us, and I believe it's not, it's the first, but not the last time we're having John with us. So, thank you, John for being with us today!


Thank you!


Thank you guys! Next time we will be back when John comes back to the podcast, he will bring some evidence that he was gathering, some, some research, and we will show to those watching us on YouTube, and we'll also, I guess so we can post the research in the show notes later. Thanks to everyone for listening and we'll be back next time.

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