The Episodikal Podcast

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March 27, 2023 Episodikal Media Episode 20
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The Episodikal Podcast
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The Episodikal Podcast
Worthy to expand
Mar 27, 2023 Episode 20
Episodikal Media

In this episode, we did our best to recap the latest news starting with the earthquakes in Turkey, manipulations with the earthquakes data, people raising against YouTube censorship followed by the resignation of Susan Wojcicki, UFOs, weather balloons and other ways to distract attention from what really matters, and our predictions of AI taking over the IT industry coming true. We also got some exciting news from our friend Robby Wells who decided to run for president of the USA on the platform of Creative Society.

Forum “Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity”, November 12, 2022

Diary of the Last Human on Earth | Short Film

Wag the Dog (1997) - IMDb

Robby Wells for President

International Online Forum “Global Crisis. There is a Way Out”, April 22, 2023

We love receiving your feedback ❤️ Drop us a line anywhere you happen to come across our posts 🙂

We are @episodikal on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, and LinkedIn, or email us at

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, we did our best to recap the latest news starting with the earthquakes in Turkey, manipulations with the earthquakes data, people raising against YouTube censorship followed by the resignation of Susan Wojcicki, UFOs, weather balloons and other ways to distract attention from what really matters, and our predictions of AI taking over the IT industry coming true. We also got some exciting news from our friend Robby Wells who decided to run for president of the USA on the platform of Creative Society.

Forum “Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity”, November 12, 2022

Diary of the Last Human on Earth | Short Film

Wag the Dog (1997) - IMDb

Robby Wells for President

International Online Forum “Global Crisis. There is a Way Out”, April 22, 2023

We love receiving your feedback ❤️ Drop us a line anywhere you happen to come across our posts 🙂

We are @episodikal on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, and LinkedIn, or email us at


Wow. So happy to be back at our podcast after a short pause. But so many things happened within this short period of time that it feels like it's been a lot longer than it actually was. Breaking news of the week. I don't know. What's, what's been breaking news, Alex, there has been so many breaking news that it's even hard to cherry pick one of them. We have like a dozen of things we want to discuss with you, and probably the most devastating climatic event of the past weeks is what happened in Turkey. But besides that, there has been a lot of things that happened simultaneously prior to that and after that were totally missed and totally underreported on mainstream media. And this is exactly what we would like to clarify here. That event was not one off, it was not something that, you know, just happened. And there are many weird things about this 7.8 earthquake. So first of all, it's not the first 7.8, but at the very city where it happened, the epicenter there was a big castle that was standing there since Roman times and it stood pretty well through all 7.8 in before that happened for centuries there, but it fell apart, the walls were destroyed by this 7.8. So the question arises is this 7.8 was different from previous 7.8 or was it something else? And then those of you who actually were noticing the articles in the newspapers, almost all of them were mentioning that earthquake of similar amplitude should have been shifted and moved the tectonic plate for about three centimeters to 30 centimeters. At the very same time, the tectonic plate was moved three meters away, which is a lot, which does not reflect the magnitude. And many people started asking questions, and one of them, there was one scientist that came out and openly said, I do not believe this was 7.8. I believe this was around nine, and it was underreported on purpose not to raise panic. And then there was an interview with another scientist who said that coffins are cheaper than evacuating people. And that is why nobody's going to notify them in advance, even if they know about such upcoming threats. This whole situation is kind of alarming specifically because these kind of things were predicted at the Global Crisis conference on November 22nd, 2022. It was called Our Survival is in Unity. It raised a lot of buzz on the internet, especially TikTok and social media where censorship was not so strong at the time. And what was told there that what's causing this devastating earthquakes is deep focused earthquakes. But in fact, those are explosions in the soft magma caused by heating up of the inner core of our planet. You know, it makes sense because similar deep focused earthquake happened the day before Turkey underneath the Marianna trench on the depth of 400 kilometers. This kind of explosions used to be, oh, excuse me, deep focused earthquakes as they officially called, used to be called, and we would think they're impossible. There are multiple articles, including National Geographic from 2015 that say that, oh, impossible earthquakes started to happen at the depths where there is no thick crust so nothing to break, it's very smooth plastic, elastic magma, and yet earthquakes are being registered, and at the forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity" scientists explained that those are not your typical earthquakes. Those are deep focused nuclear explosions. Now, after that explosion, because what such explosion does, it makes the pressure high inside of our planet, and that is what triggering this kind of earthquakes. And when we were coming from the point of view that it was not 7.8, but something much stronger. Just as an example, there was an eruption, volcano eruption in La Palma last year that scientists knew about. They knew that magma is coming up 3.5 months in advance, and they were silent. So we know that they are underreporting. We also showed proofs scientists showed proofs at the Global Crisis Forum that databases that register in earthquakes also started registering different sets of data starting from 20 14, 2015. So before that, they used to register the same amounts, now they do not include certain magnitudes and to make it look like nothing's really happening. But in fact, if you summarize the unique ones from each one of them, you're gonna see that the trend is very alarming. That this whole graph is going that that is the real hockey stick graph, right? The graph of cataclysms, not the temperatures. This is something that has been underreported on the news. So is the fact that simultaneously, there was a 4.0 in Buffalo, New York, and people started asking questions, are those related? There was one interview with some kind of so-called expert who said, ah, probably not. I would like to also say that this was not the only one. There was a huge wave of earthquakes around the planet, and right after that, a big one hit Romania. After that, there was a huge wave of earthquakes all over Europe, Kazakhstan, south America, all over the world. This is super strange situation that nobody looks at the global picture. And then just to show you another example of how your attention is being diverted you know uh, after the Global Crisis Forum where scientists showed that exactly the problem is in the core of our planet, that some anomalous processes have been happening there for at least a few decades, but specifically peaking at the recent years right after that, in the beginning of 2023, this bizarre news coming up and being picked on by all media, because there was a huge demand from the public what's happening to our core. And this bizarre Chinese scientist's research that says that our core is shifting and turning and spinning around in different ways, and it's completely fine. And then all the talking heads coming on news channels and they'd be like, yeah, it's probably fine. And justifying that, you know, you should not worry about anything. And this is so bizarre to watch because it's reminds me of this joke that if you see a tiger in a zoo, but the sign says elephant, don't believe your eyes. Yeah. It's like they telling you that something is very different from what it is. And you're not supposed to believe your eyes. You're supposed to believe their point of view because somebody decided for you, as they say. And this, this is absolutely ridiculous. How they use the word trust the science to say specifically trust our science, because we own the science as their people said. And I would like to point out that from the outdoors of the very famous quote"we own the science" that's coming from United Nations. some of them top politicians over there from their chief, from the main UN person. there was this speech right after the Turkish earthquake in which he said that we have to fight this information across all platforms, especially on social media and what it tells about that they trying to, you know, tighten up the bolts because they do not control the situation. Like we have to understand why they trying to cut the information because they do not have it under control. Not the speech, but the situation with climate. And this is alarming and we see more and more often that they say that it's not the wars or nukes that we should be afraid of, but the climate and what they underreporting is actually what they worried about the most. So a lot of stuff. I would say this one is the number one, but also the distractions. The very same night when the earthquake happened, another bizarre performance by singers at some awards made press and made people outraged. Why are you outraged about somebody wearing stuff and doing weird stuff on the scenes? I know even if you disgusted by that, but you should be more outraged that you paying taxes to the people who supposed to help refugees and they do not help them. They specifically avoided sending help to the border country, to Turkey because Syria was also affected. But United Nations refused to help people in Syria because of their political narrative. They were saying that like locals were coming up with different excuses. Not the locals, but local authorities of the United Nations in Turkey. They were saying we cannot like, you know, send there because, you know, political reasons and so on. And they were trying to come up with excuses that roads are not straight enough that you know, this and that. But people were seeing that roads are fine and they started publishing, publishing videos on TikTok and YouTube, and YouTube started massively deleting those videos in which people were exposing truth about international organizations, which supposed to help and rescue people, that they get zero help in the North Syrian regions. And this was this raised the trend, like so many things co- incidentally cross roaded at one timeline within this two weeks because there was going already a massive protest in social media on YouTube because YouTube was massively deleting and blocking and terminating channels for no reason and specifically for their kind of climatic agenda reasons, let's put it that way. But they deleted some channels. Including channels of the Creative Society volunteers from Spain, from southern American countries, from Persian channel and other like over a dozen channels. So guys, we were raising questions and then this wave picked because at the very same time, they deleted the video in which there was some, let's say medical or pharmaceutical questions raised. Let's put it that way, as they call experimental drugs, right? I would say that the, the question over there was more financial and ethical, but it's, it should be up for discussion. So one of the top YouTube executives was also faced with some unconvenient questions by journalists. And this whole thing ended up with YouTube CEO stepping down at the end of this two weeks. Exactly two weeks after they deleted the channels of Creative Society online in multiple languages. So it's been, it's been a lot. Like, it's been really, really a lot. What has been amazing is to see that people standing together, people understand how much people really got shook up by this earthquake. Not only people who got affected, but people around the world. Because I think everyone understand that this is already affecting everyone. And if it didn't affect you directly, you know that there is nowhere to hide. This is something that was compared at our conference, Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity. It was compared to the mythological beast, the Cerberus, that is creature that is attacking from underneath. And because the pressure, the magma, the earthquakes, this is something that's happening from inside of our planet because of this tremendous pressure that's building up inside of our planet. So where you gonna hide? I had a meeting with a friend of mine believe it or not, the one I met long time ago, from like 2011 when I was in Greece for summer vacation. And I asked him the very same questions. He actually wanted to know what's going on about the Creative Society and what are we up to? Why are we protesting against YouTube and what's, what's going on? What's the buzz about? And I asked him, because I know he's from Siberia, from Irkutsk by the Baikal Lake, and I've seen what's happening over there. And I was like, what about the earthquakes in your region, in your hometown? and he said, you know, Taliy, I do not remember in my lifetime that it would be so strong. I don't remember earthquakes that strong. But on the news, they never say that. They never say that on the news. They say, oh, something happened in over there. Probably no biggie. So it's been a lot, Alex, I don't even know what to like, to how to classify and how to put it all together in one picture because it's a lot of facts. Censorship climate change, tremendous grief of tens of thousands of people who lost their close ones. I think almost everyone knows somebody who's been affected by this by now. I called my friends in Turkey, they know people who lost their family members there. We know a lot of our people who became refugees last year, because of the events that we all pretty much aware of, and many of them moved to Turkey and now many of them are like having these interviews with eyewitnesses over there who lost everything just like our friends did last year. The world is going at a very fast pace to the cliff, and it's time for humanity to really wake up and to listen. And, you know, if we were laughed at couple of years ago that you guys are so naive believing that humanity is gonna unite and live in a fairy tale, and every everyone's gonna be fine living together with no conflicts. Guys, there is no other way. Humanity will have to unite to overcome these climatic challenges. Otherwise no one is gonna make it. There's no way we're gonna make it by ourselves. We're separated in this different cells by the borders of some rulers who, you know, conquered land years and centuries ago. No guys, it's not gonna happen like that. We need unification. We need all the best scientists to work together and to create a legal ground for that. We have to pass eight foundations of the Creative Society on legal level. There is no other way to surpass what's, what's building up.


Yes. And I don't really even know where to start because, so, so much things happened, and you uh, mentioned like the most important ones. I will comment a little bit from what we started with the earthquakes and the the fact that someone is deliberately manipulating the numbers and making it seem less important. I, I mean these are statistics, alright, that aftershocks are usually about two points less than the main earthquake. Some people who just manipulate the numbers without having even questioning or knowing the facts not understanding the science. They did not lower the aftershocks magnitude and this is very important. So if they say that the aftershocks are 7.4, 7.5, something like that, then there is no way that the main earthquake was 7.8. Also the, the scientists who are saying, well, there is maybe, probably it's, there is nothing. I don't know. any like five year old could say the same thing without even doing science or whatever they are, they're calling. And I remember, you know, I, in one of my jobs, let's say like this there's international team and we have weekly zoom meetups and guys of different walks of lives adventurers actually, well, well known guys in in the, in their fields. And it was interesting to notice, to note this, that when we started after the Earthquakes happened. We started our call it by asking, oh, where's Max? He should have been in Turkey. And he's saying, oh, no, no, no. I'm, I'm here just a couple of minutes late, but I'm, I'm already not there. And then, oh, but where's that guy. You know, it was kind of interesting in terms of that we are starting the call by checking on people who are around the globe, but they are in the zones where something happened. When you don't know about the synchronization of global cataclysmic events. Well, this may seem like a coincidence. You know, that one guy on one side of the globe and one guy on another side of the globe we were worried that they did not connect on time, but because of something happened there. This is one thing, and another thing isn't that there there were around 500 earthquakes that day, right? And there was a wave of earthquakes all around the globe. And this is something that we never seen before, right? It never happened, of that magnitude as well. And we, we may talk about how countries responded. I know that Switzerland for sure from people who actually are in the civil security that Switzerland dispatched help within 24 hours. Under 24 hours. But this doesn't mean anything. I mean, you cannot just send several people from one country and expect things to, to be okay. Right. Going on to what's happening with the censorship and everything. We may leave some things I guess for later discussion for Rumble. Because obviously you know, all our recent episodes, they are also simultaneously posted on YouTube as a video version. So those of you who would like to watch us speak and articulate with our hands and smile sometimes to the cameras because the topics we're discussing are not very funny, not always funny, unfortunately. All the, details of what happened with YouTube and stuff, I think we will keep for a later portion of the podcast for Rumble. And, but, but the interesting thing is that it, it is funny to see. I remember I sent you after all this campaign that was actually the a wave of protests that swept the social media networks. because a lot of people actually lost their livelihoods. And we are not talking only about Creative Society or anyone else in particular, but there are a lot of creators. And the biggest threats to them is that they will be their videos will be removed, their channels will be removed, and their livelihood with this, because for many people, especially on YouTube, this is their bread and butter. They are working to create full-time with teams to create videos and they need to comply. And I sent you, just maybe a couple of days ago, there was a mailing from Think Media Sean Cannell a well known YouTuber, and there was your YouTube channel will be deleted for this. And he's enumerating there is another guy from Think Media team who was enumerating the reasons why your channel can be deleted. Can you imagine this? so these are guys who usually talk about marketing, how to create better YouTube videos, how to create video podcasts or set up your cameras and stuff like that. Tech reviews. They're also being hit sometimes with strikes, bans and everything. But what was interesting specifically about the videos of, the forum from November 12th, Global Crisis, Our Survival is in Unity, is that there were no warnings, no strikes ever for the channels, and they were terminated without even the possibility to recover the videos. So this is also even goes against the policies that these same companies are implementing at least the terms of service that they are publishing. This is also interesting from the point of view that why would someone go to these lengths to remove some kind of information, insignificant information because we have a lot of things. We have flat earthers we have all the conspiracy theories and stuff like that which actually never come true, contrary to what we are talking about, because in the last how many years? well, I can say that since 1996 there were no errors in what Creative Society was publishing, right?


It's about 27 years.


Yes. About that. Maybe they did not expect this kind of backlash because they are accustomed that people who are banned. What they're doing, right? They, tell to everyone, oh, YouTube banned me, or this and that banned me. So I will go find another platform and I will go there. And so for many years there were some, they were navigating between the platforms, whatever it was, any new platform that was created. Now it is Rumble where all the people who are, who want to say freely things that will, they want to say they go there. We need also need to think, why are we behaving in this way that something as big and as ubiquitous, as YouTube became in our lives. It is, it can be considered as a public utility company, right? You cannot ban someone from using water or electricity just because you don't like them. We can understand that yes, this may be frustrating for some people that a lot of people are gathering together, telling the truth. But we now see that and as you mentioned, I will go to this topic of diverting attention. Everything goes now, like anything , we, we started having okay, UFOs and, but, but also you see the, the declassified the UFO info like information from 50 years ago or something like that, not long ago, right. It was the disclosure. It was the big disclosure that, Dr. Steven Greer also was waiting for, and many other people we interviewed actually, they were saying, no, you should wait because this will be a massive moment, like a turning point in the history of the world. Well, there was disclosure and nothing happened. But what continued to happen are the cataclysms, the accelerating cataclysms all over the world we've been talking about. And once these happen, oh, look, look over there. There are balloons and maybe UFOs and maybe like gray guys coming from the skies. we are not in the kindergarten anymore, guys. We have to understand that all magic tricks they work on diverting your attention from what's really happening to something else. We need to understand, okay? The, the guys who are trying to pull these magic tricks, they're already at the end of the choice of how they can distract your attention. But many people say, well, okay, yeah, okay, there were balloons. And people start making memes and everything. But a lot of people, and this is where TikTok comes, for example handy, but if you see video that you think is very important, download it because they also will get removed. And we've talked about it, right? people have this very short attention span and fatigue of this kind of information, let's say like this, right? The flood of information that goes from anywhere. And as you said couple of times on this podcast, well, I just go play golf and flip the burgers in my backyard and, you know, don't think about these things.


So when I first came across, they news that there is a huge Chinese balloon and people are freaked out over Montana, they're trying to shoot it down, but it's too high. They, they have the jets up in the air. The whole country is following the freaking balloon. Everybody's freaking out. What this Chinese are planning to do, they have a huge white balloon with Chinese letters all over it and they spying all over US, and I was like, wait, hold on a freaking second. This makes zero sense. What's going on? I started like researching anything, sane, any explanation. And then people who are reasonable on the internet, they were like, these are Chinese. Guys, Americans have GPS, we can see anything to the size of a of a matches box. We can see anything to the cigarette box. We can read the letters on your cigarette box from the satellites we have up in the air. Chinese have exactly the same system of satellites. Russians have exactly the same system of satellites that they do not need a funny looking balloon with Chinese letters, to fly all over United States. But I was like, hold on a second. What is happening? What else is possibly happening that this thing can be used to distract us from? And I'm like, oh, hold on. There is a derailed train with chemicals, with hazard materials in Ohio, which is the fourth hazmat train in a month that derailed. I was like, wow. So this is a story that's underreported and people freaking out on the social media because they see these huge clouds of black smoke all over Ohio, and there's zero reports on the news. So people like, what the heck is going on? And everybody's busy with this Chinese balloon, and then all of a sudden, four, three or four UFOs has been shut down on the Canadian border. And I'm like, oh, my f. Gosh, like we are in at war with what? Aliens now UFOs are being shut down. They couldn't shut down the meteorological balloon until it get, get to Atlantic Ocean. And they, it was funny, they were saying it was going to Europe, so US has to take care of it because they care about Europe much more than about US. But I was like, wait, why all of a sudden we have so many threats, Chinese balloons, UFOs from Canada. And then I was like, oh, that's the week when they passing the budget of the United States at the Congress and this is the largest budget in history. It's $1.8 trillion. And apparently US currency have been depreciating. We are not doing that well financially and we don't want this kind of things on the news. So we would rather tell you, like in Wag the dog movie, we would tell you about one thing or another, while we are doing completely different things, it's like a magician that's distracting you with one hand and the second hand is in your pocket. So it's like being on those street festivals, like uh, watch, watch your pockets. And then all of a sudden I'm seeing other reports which are even more disturbing. they say there were some green lights noticed some green light beams at the, at Hawaii and they say, that looks like a Chinese satellite with its trails, like it's trailing something there. I'm like, I don't know what is it that, that you trying to make people fear so much about this satellites or whatever, but it makes sense if you're trying to pass a 1.8 trillion dollar budget while your economy is not, not in the best condition, let's put it that way. And massive layoffs happening across Silicon Valley, across so many areas, all over US. Google employees, 12,000 went to protest in Austin, Texas, in New York, and Mountain View demanding rights. They simply demanding a decent pay rate. They even the ones who are employed by Google and like, since when Google is not able to pay their employees because their CEO just received two years ago, the biggest bonus it was like 280 million dollars, I believe a year, like more than quarter billion dollars. And then like, instead of laying off so many people, people were asking, why don't you lay off couple of zeros from the paychecks of the CEOs? Because apparently they're doing a very bad job if their decisions led to the situation where when you have to lay off thousands of people just like that, you are not a good CEO if you're doing that, you should leave your position and you should be out of there. You, not the people because they, they didn't do anything wrong. They, they're doing really good products, but it is those like, you know, dictatorship who took over this monopolist companies that behaving absolutely out of balance and out of touch with reality and common sense. You know, we're still trading in these companies like it's a, oh, it's a funny startup from garage in Mountain View. It's not a startup, it's a corporate monster that took over the globe. If you remember the cartoons from the beginning of 20th centuries when Standard Oil was biggest corporation in the world. And it was a threat even to the government of the US. They had to break it up into small pieces. And the most famous image was this huge octopus that's taken all over the world, which has Standard Oil. Well, Google already took over over the world. It's bigger. It's, it has much more influence because Standard Oil had to buy newspapers to push its agenda. Google censoring it right inside of the search engine. Google and YouTube two biggest search engines and they covering 92% of search results. They've been using it for mostly profiteering, but lately they started chasing agendas of a different kind. Let's put it this way, more harsh with more accent to fighting disinformation, which means any point of view or opinion, which is different from their point of view, from their leadership. And we know that their owners making money on frauds with CO2 s with this greenhouse gases, with carbon taxes, so anything, any truth about true causes of climate change is a threat to them. So of course, they block it with no explanation, with no strikes, no violations. Where is that thing about three strikes? No strikes. You get banned. Your content deleted according to community guidelines. You're supposed to have a right to download it. They not even allowed us to download our content. And then they call it community guidelines. Guys. Excuse me. Did, were they ever consulted with a community? What does the YouTube community thinks about their guidelines? It's the biggest monopoly in the world. It's not like, you know, somehow they brainwashed people into thinking that it's a private company that doesn't have to observe the first amendment. So they can just simply remove anyone from their platform. Just deny service. Kind of like your local coffee shop. You know, you want to get some coffee, but you've been rude to barista so they can deny you with your coffee service. So you go to another coffee shop right next door and you still get your coffee, but you're gonna be nicer to the barista, right? Because you don't want to be like lesson learned, right? But this is not that kind of situation. You are dealing with a monopoly that took over 92% of the market, and you see what's happening to the competition. They say, oh, you have Rumble. You go to Rumble. Rumble is freaking banned in Canada, in the country where it was founded, they passed the law that made it impossible to even work. So, of course, Creative Society volunteers were like, we we're not gonna back up. We we're not gonna be silently and obediently you know, support this dictatorship, because that's what it is. That's what it really is. You silently supporting the, your silent obedience supports dictatorships. Any dictatorship starts with this, with taking away your freedom of speech. That is why it was essential when Thomas Jefferson was speaking about freedom of speech. He would be rolling in the grave if he could only imagine that in few hundreds of years there will be this global network of media that he could not simply predict 300 years ago and put into Constitution, guys, he could not predict it because technologies guys, they did not exist back then. But right now, of course, it's essential to have access to this platform and it should belong to the people, not to some corporate monsters who took over the world like that Standard Oil octopus and squeeze every freaking dollar out of your pocket. You have to subscribe$15 a month. Otherwise we're gonna shove three minutes of advertisement up your throat until you're gonna see video of your, I dunno food recipe or whatever you were searching on that freaking thing. This is not the situation when you can just treat it as a local business. It's a monopoly and it's a threat to freedom of speech. it goes directly against the human right declaration. You know, there is essential human rights article 19 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that every human has a right to express their opinion. People cannot be banned for that. The word banned is not used in the Article 19. It says every human being has a right to that. It's been violated over there, and we have to stand up for it. Like we really have to stand up. And we know that there is already a lawsuit antitrust lawsuit against Google happening by Joe Biden, president of the United States initiated this antitrust lawsuit and during his speech, last week, he also brought it up we have to finish the job to break up these monopolies and make them accountable. And, you know, if according to American Constitution, the only way to observe First Amendment is if you are a governmental organization, well then heck with it, we have to nationalize Google. People went to the internet posting videos, nationalize Google burning logo of YouTube. And you know, me working in Silicon Valley, I know how people taking this sort of things. In every tech company in Silicon Valley, there are people dedicated to searching information, what's happening on their Twitter, what are people tagging them with? And you know, if there is one response that, oh, your service has not been the best here or there, or something happened, the whole Slack channel knows about it. The whole company knows about it. People, it gets escalated to the very top, so people noticing this kind of thing. And when you have 20 million views across only TikTok platform with people burning logo of your company, demanding nationalization of your company because calling you a dictator, calling people to stop the YouTube repression, hashtag#youtuberepression, hashtag#nationalizegoogle, hashtag#youtubeagainsthumanity. Tens of millions of views across TikTok, Twitter, all over internet. And you know, there is no way this went unnoticed. So, of course they freaked out over there. And then when the situation in Syria started and Turkey, the local people also supported it and it became international trend. So in two weeks after this whole situation, Susan Wojcicki had to step down and you know, they are hoping that removing this toxic person from high position will calm people down. Well guys, it won't, it won't, it does not change the situation. Google has to be nationalized and belong to the people. And freedom of speech has to be essential. The only way you can remove anyone is if the violation has been proven. If it's really, if it's hate speech or anything that like, you know, goes against humanity, yes, that's one thing. But if you are removing people for opinion that has no violation in it, simply because it goes against your financial interest. Oh my gosh, guys, you have to be held accountable over there. And you know, I brought a "Wag the Dog" movie. this also, this whole situation with this person being removed and everything. it reminds me, it reminds me some kind of surrealistic story where, you know, some people decided they have too much power. They've been growing their own influencers over there, giving them blue check marks, and they've been calling it deployment of influencers. So they're picking up couple of folks and they deploy them. They give them blue check marks, they artificially add them, some bots, bot followers, and they get them thousands of likes and so on. Some bot comments. And then, you know, people eventually getting used to these talking heads and whatever they say, they're like, okay, this guy, that guy probably, if they have millions of followers, they mean something. Guys, they don't mean anything. They are deployed dummies from Susan, like, you know, and this is why they had to take this sort of action. you know, the hashtag is still booming. So hop on. We have to we have to fight this corporate monster. No question about it. But you know, the whole thing about this, okay, that's your financial interest. You deploying these freaking influencers, these dummies who understand nothing but have opinions, whatever. The thing is different. you know, in 2016 I wanted to see aurora borealis Northern Freaking Lights. I've heard about them from my very young age. I was like, I want to go to Alaska. I want to see them. I flew into Anchorage with my friends. We've been told you're not gonna see them in Anchorage. You have to go further up north. You have to go to Fairbanks. We rented a car, we went eight hours up north. This was like around December, end of December. We had to wait a week over there to actually see this rare, beautiful green lights in the sky. It was magnificent. Okay, back then I didn't know it's not a good sign. Like it means our atmosphere is catching some particles from the space. Right. 2023. Fast forward, you know, like fast forward to 2023. Yeah. And why I recall because the green beams in Hawaii, I was like, is that aurora borealis? No it wasn't. But light pillars and interestingly colored beautiful red aurora borealis in state of Washington. Excuse me, guys. Fairbanks, Alaska, Anchorage was not possible. Whole Canada Coast, all the way down to Seattle, Washington, you can see aurora over there now, and it's of a red color, and people do not understand that admiring this beautiful red color is like admiring the sharpness of a knife that is at your throat. It's exactly the same. This is a devastating sign. It means that, what is it? In fact, those, those tremendous amount of light pillars, they call them light pillars of different colors, green, white, yellow, and red. I emphasize red colored pillars. And Northern lights started appearing already at the Canadian US border. Those are the energy lines of our magnetic field. And the way that these particles going through them, it means that they're extremely weakened already. That's not supposed to be happening at these regions in the world at all, but they getting closer and closer to equator. And the red light means that oxygen started burning already, and we breathe with that thing if anyone forgot about it because there, there has been too much talk about CO2, but not enough about oxygen. And oxygen really matters something for all of us, right? So it took, reminded me a joke from two years ago that was, I don't know, LA Times or something, you know, I'm subscribed to a couple of these channels on Instagram and they were like, oh, this April 1st you're gonna see beautiful Northern Lights in Los Angeles, so don't miss it. I was like, huh, that's kind of funny. Northern Lights in Los Angeles, of course that never happens, right? guys, Seattle is not that far. It's already seen in Seattle. Like, how the heck is that possible? Why nobody talks about it? It's red color and you can see multiple videos on Twitter about it. And you know, if we simply being silenced for speaking up the truth about these facts, and right now we preparing the April 22nd, the conference, which is going to be called "Global Crisis. There is a Way Out" and all of a sudden we are being attacked by YouTube. We fighting back. Susan loses her job. And Creative Society website is being attacked by some hackers from different regions of the world, specifically some European states. guys, excuse me. Is everything okay? Because according to our film, which was presented on November 12th. This sort of things was supposed to be happening in 2024. Not right now. We, we are ahead of schedule, like massively badly in that very film, the Last Person on Earth, right? The Diary of the Last Human On Earth. There was also hail mentioned the size of a basket and, excuse me, almost the size is almost there in Argentina. This is, if that's not disturbing, I don't know what is. And you know what, what it reminded me, eh, besides the film there wag the tail when they bring in up the UFOs and Chinese balloons and Chinese balloons, you know, they, it was one of the funniest memes because instead of the Chinese letters the people on the internet with a sense of humor started posting different things over there. So, so, so like, like you, you can go creative with it. Creative Society is the way out, I would put it that way. And I, I, I know you, you have something to say about that as well. but there was a movie, there was a, an interesting pseudo documentary film called Orion Conspiracy, about 2008, I believe it came out in that thing, there was kind of like a meeting of like, you know, politicians, top politicians, scientists coming up with a folder. Getting them to read these folders in which they say, you know, we have 8 billion people. We cannot control them. You know, we've been trying different kind of threats, you know, it was fine working fine when we had Soviet Union versus Western world, then we had this terrorist threat for a while. Now that's not working. So we have to do something. And you know, they only plan to do that is use our, saucer looking planes that we got from Germany in like forties, advanced ones, and imitate the attack of aliens, and then we're gonna unite people, control them and fight against imaginary aliens. I was like, wow, that's like, that's interesting, right? But I never thought that it's gonna be like getting so close to reality right now. So guys, the only way out of this freaking mess if, if people gonna start speaking up. And you know, the big first step has been done by Robby Wells, and I know you have something to say about this, Alex.


You talked about the deployment of influencers. And I think that here they were using the very old tactic that if you cannot control it, you have to head it right. You have to be at the the head of it. And this is what they've been doing. So they have been pushing certain people to become the influencers because they know that the mainstream media channels are no longer an authority for younger people, especially. And more and more people watch these short clips for various reasons. We will not go into detail here, but let's say we all consume short form, shorter and shorter form content more and more. So what they're doing is that hopping on this train, let's not make the analogy with the hazmat trains derailing, but


Gravy train.


gr gravy Yeah.


Influencers are hopping on the gravy train, they're being deployed with version numbers.


But what, what I wanted to mention is that even the terms, I mean, when you listen carefully to what these people say, they're deployed as if they were some kind of navy seals, you know, the, the, this kind of elite deployment of special forces, you know, that will combat the disinformation by disseminating their own version of disinformation. As I mentioned before, why would you go to all these lengths banning people creating your own version of reality? If what we were talking about wasn't true? If it, if it isn't true, well, you know, just leave it at that. I mean, there are, there are people who are doing all sorts of crazy stuff, I dunno, with the crystal balls and everything on the internet, and they're not banned, right? These guys are not banned. There are people who still exist who really like seriously are discussing that guys, you need to understand that the earth is flat. and, and they're still there on the internet. So why us? Why people who are telling that we need to unite. I mean, is it, it's not a call for hate, nothing like that, right? I told you I think yesterday that both of my kids with the three years difference, they, they're coming cause they're having the MAP testing right now. So it's it's a measure of academic progress. Something you need to do it a couple of times a year at the beginning, at the middle. And they told me, look, it's very strange that from 40 questions 10 or even a little bit more are about the CO2 and specifically about the hockey stick graph. I said, wow, this is interesting. So even if kids, teenagers are noticing that something is strange, that why would you of, because like MAP testing is it's about everything, right? you have math in there. Well, there are several tests, obviously. There is language and language arts and stuff like that, but, Why would you go into such detail to dedicate one fourth or to one third of the test questions to this topic? And also the questions of what will happen if we do not reduce the CO2 emissions? Well, guys, I mean, we, we are reducing CO2 emissions everywhere massively apparently. but what we see is happening and you mentioned the Northern lights and they're already also happening in my native city in the middle of Russia, red ones as well. It's, it's something that should not be happening, but people are seeing this. And of course the aurora borealis, it kind of is mesmerizing. I haven't seen it with my own eyes. but apparently this is coming everywhere. So uh, everyone will have, unfortunately will have the chance. And this is how easily we are distracted to many, many things. And in this noise, something beautiful really happened. And we want to support this as well. The first presidential candidate in the United States who is on the platform of Creative Society, he's presenting his candidature to the presidency of the United States, and he is talking about the values of Creative Society. We've been talking here on this podcast a lot, and this is something that made my life brighter. I mean, when you hear this for the first time, and we, we know both, both you and I, we know, that Robby was participating in several, even in the first conference back in 2019, right? In May of 2019, "Society. The last Chance". And he's a great guy. We'll see how this goes, but he is really like he was traveling, went to Italy as well to talk to people and also talk to people about Creative Society, so Creative Society is everywhere on his profiles and in all his communication. And I would like to see how this goes afterwards, but there, there were many, many social posts about this that, oh, I'm voting, especially comments, right? These are very interesting. Oh, I'm voting for this guy. And here we can see that for such a long time, people were waiting for this kind of presidential campaign, let's say, that is talking about them, them having all these benefits, them having the a good life that everyone was promising before. But this never happened. We are the witnesses of this utter failure of the political system that was, is everywhere on this planet, that nothing really good happened to people. And we can go into much detail about what, what is happening with all the economic staff. And I just wanted to quickly also mention one thing about the layoffs in Silicon Valley and all around the globe actually in the IT community. We talked with you on the conference, on July, 2021. We were warning IT guys, programmers, coders, everywhere. And that guys watch for this. You are programming those who are working in the artificial intelligence field. They are digging their own grave actually. That by creating this, hmm, general artificial intelligence that everyone is raving about right now, ChatGPT which has many problems and maybe we can dedicate a special episode about what are these? I, I like this tweet by Elon Musk that we need TruthGPT as well because ChatGPT is telling with great confidence things that are not true because it is deriving the information statistically. I mean, it's not telling the truth, it's just combining the words for the moment, but it can do a great job to summarize things and manipulate the information in order to make it shorter, more concise and stuff like that. But in terms of coming up with, truths it's not there yet. And we, we can link to one of the Ben Shapiro's videos where he corners it by telling something that is not true about him. We see that this is the consumerist format of society. Right away, thousands of the videos, how you can earn six figures with the ChatGPT, and everything. But what they're not telling you about is that well, like everyone has access to it. Every tool is a double edged sword. So it can be used for good and for bad. But the good things about that happen to the whole of society is that they make everyone even. when a tool is used for good and it brings the enhanced capacities to everyone. You just need to learn how to use it. then of course, obviously at first in our current consumerist format of society, some people will profit more from them being more smart in using this tool. But after a while, this will level off, this will level off and like everyone is using mobile phones right now. we don't discriminate people by oh, we don't know how to use smartphones or something like that. Everyone uses this external brain that our smartphones have become, right? It's our external brain for the moment. It's, it has this shape and form and this is how it functions. But many people are finding different ways. But what is still interesting, and I see it from talking to some friends who are also in IT field, and coding in particular, they do not want to acknowledge. It's the same as with climate, right? You see it like, you see it coming. It's not like something that is hypothetical. At this point in time, this is not hypothetical anymore. You see it and you see that people have nothing actually to counter it. we are just accounting for the losses and trying to do what's what's in our ability to help each other. And the same is happening with, with coding, right? The GitHub co-pilot. and this is also where it starts being a bit creepy. It is Microsoft. Okay. So the same as GitHub Co-Pilot, because Microsoft bought GitHub. So it's learned from, and we were talking about this, at July, 2021 conference. it was 24th of July, right? As everything, everything in this world we are being told, oh look, it's for your own good, it'll help you. You just need to give us access to your code base. Then this thing learns how people write code, and then it writes its own code because it's, it's a machine. It speaks because any programming language is just like a human language, but with strict rules and it doesn't make any mistakes. I mean, it can make mistakes obviously if it learns on how humans program, but you can quickly correct it and it'll remember it for the rest of its existence. this is something that is interesting. But for, with the same thing, people are rejecting the obvious reality that their jobs are already not needed and they are being fired in masses. Tens of thousands of people everywhere. And they don't see this progression as with climate. They don't see this progression that from the point in time where we have, okay, let's say maybe 10%, maybe 20% of people being laid off, but where will they go? Coding and software design is a very narrow, a very narrow field of expertise. And, if you will not be, unless you're doing something manually, right, which you sometimes you need to learn or relearn. And these things are also being replaced by robots. I mean, just look at what Boston Dynamics does with their robots that yeah, yeah. And dancing.


They're so adorable, right? They dance.


Yes, they're so adorable and this is so helpful until the moment that it does everything for not for you, for their owners, and you are doing


have those dogs patrolling areas,


in La


freak. across California in some parts of California it's been pushed to like, you know, make it legal to use lethal force by the robots against humans, or let's say criminals. Okay. Or sources of disinformation. And disinformation is punishable, so, okay. And like they've been thinking it's gonna be different robots, at first they were like, oh, it's gonna be those robots that don't look like Boston Dynamics dogs. But that's just one step away, guys. We're getting there. just give it a little bit. And, you know, from looking at all this madness that's happening in the world, it kind of makes me happy that it's not gonna last long either way. Like, either we're going to unify our human potential and build a Creative Society where power will be non-existent and power will be in the hands of the people we all, we all will execute it through this online platform with one priority to make human life safer, or this world is gonna go down in flames with all the minor attracted people, with all the hockey stick fans, with all the fighters of you know, anthropogenic CO2 and all the fighters for, you know, one world order with all the billionaires who investing in doomsday bunkers thinking that they're gonna be the ones who survive. And you know, guys, this madness has to end somewhere. And the people who starting wars for profit, who popping champagne at their construction bureaus and the Wall Street when the new war has started, because it's a, it's a huge source of profit. This has to end somewhere. So if it's not gonna be stopped by the reasonable people who wake up, you know, and the world awaken has been a mockery because woke woke has been used for the most brainwashed people in our society. So this whole mockery over human being as the highest divine creature in this universe, right at the best human side, this mockery has to end somewhere and it is going to end. This is the, almost like the, we always see this biblical things that it's a biblical thing. Okay guys? Biblical thing is based on true facts that are, that have been in the mythology of like 140 nations across the world. So probably it's not just a biblical myth, it's something that we know there. There's something that happened 12,000 years ago and it will reoccur. The question is, right now we destroyed ecology of our planet, so our planet natural immune system is down. It's not gonna be able to, you know, survive this one. So the world might go in flames. Why would you want humanity that behave as parasites that destroys planets? You know, the Avatar movie. This humanity goes to different planet and starts destroying the other planet just like they did to this one. Why would we even want such humanity to, to be there? At the very same time, there is a huge movement, like Thrive Movement with Foster Gamble. We've finally met him this week in Los Angeles, and he was so amazing live, and he said, you know, with Thrive Movement with hundred something million views on the Thrive movie itself, he lit up the torch of the possibilities of living in a society where corporatocracy is not ruling everything, where fiat money are not being printed out of nowhere, just to enrich couple of ego maniacs. And you know what's also interesting that it's illegal now to discuss that the elites of this world can coordinate their actions. Right now, it's gonna be considered as a conspiracy theory that is extremely dangerous according to United Nations I just recall this video, Tucker Carlson, where he says, and now let's go back to the lizard overlords of our world at the World Economic Forum. And he, and he played this one clip of the, of this lady pretending that she's playing on the flute without having a flute. Such a bizarre video. It's just, it's just funny. You, you have to laugh at these things, but also at the very same time, you have to take it serious. You, you cannot just let it go. And I don't mean that we have to fight against any corrupt people with like actually fighting against them. We have to build some alternative. People want to see alternative, people would love to see the world that is presented by Creative Society and that Robby Wells has been, thanks God, that politicians started to pick this up. there are political parties in Armenia we know that support Creative Society, that are based on the idea of Creative Society. Now we have a presidential candidate in the US running on the platform of the Creative Society, which is cool. I would love to see the competition. I would love to see the other guys compete with Robby and saying, we, we can do it better, faster, and implement eight foundations quicker with more benefits to you. Otherwise, we actually go at the very fast pace to this dystopian world where one global corporation owns everything. We talked about this with Alex two years ago, ChatGPT, or back then we were calling it general artificial intelligence because it wasn't clear who's gonna come up first with it. So that thing needs data to figure out its algorithms. And what is GitHub? GitHub is a version control system on which you have all the code of every company in the Silicon Valley. Every startup company in the world, any sort of code is there. But the beauty of it is that it's a version control system. So you not only have the current code, you can track down all the changes. You can read all the comments that were made to previous suggestions as to how to make this code better, more efficient. This thing already analyzed and like, you know, just exactly in the same way that Google started picking up our demands before we legally found out about the fact that they were doing it. Microsoft already analyzed the whole code based with, nobody cares if it's legal or illegal. By the time you're gonna find out it was illegal, it's gonna be too late. they're gonna come up with alternative AI solutions to every possible business that actually is right there out in the world at all. you're not gonna be only replaced, but also the business that like, you know, fired you for AI solution is gonna be replaced by the AI solution from this huge monopoly. Speaking about like breaking up monopolies, Microsoft is a unique one. They have been, they lost the antitrust suit, but have never been broken up. But after that, their founder started being a philanthropist and giving away money for weird projects on reducing population. Oh, excuse me. This is kind of a thing we can be also banned for. We're not supposed to be talking about these things, but yes, he did. You can find it on his website. They donated money to. When Bill Gates is a philanthropist, because he's donating money to the foundation of Bill and Melinda Gates, do you get any weird feelings from the way the sentence sounds? Like, like if I put money from my left pocket to my right pocket, does it make me a philanthropist? I don't know, guys. And then use it to, like, there was this Indian lady, who's also into anthropogenic CO2 agenda, but there was one point that she said that foundation that we just mentioned, they only invest money in the projects where they have financial interests. So it is not some kind of like, you know, foundation, we helping somebody. No, they, they building grounds for their financial interest in the future. So guys, this freakish dystopia that already got to the point of peak right now is either going to evolve into new, beautiful thing where human life will be valued, and we gonna live as a unified society, as earthlings. Guys, we are earthlings, how beautiful that word sounds, earthlings because we, we can build society that can expand beyond this solar system and the galaxy and bring beauty to the other planets. Beautiful life. How many planets out there where there is no humanity, but we have to be worthy of expanding. We have to have some something that is worthy of expanding across this galaxy and beyond that possibly. So there are beautiful prospects to our civilization. There is also another way and possibility because the point of bifurcation, we know the system either evolves at its peak or it collapses. But the second thing, guys, we are not supposed to even pay our attention into that thing. We know this is our current reality, but we are humans and we can change our future. It all depends on us. Be brave. Think brave. And when they say just do it. Be yourself. Yeah. Be true yourself. Be the human being with a capital H and just do it. Just notify people that we can create electoral demand for eight foundations of this Creative Society. And that thing is gonna be the first step to unify scientific potential of the world, which is going to help us to surpass any challenges of the climate change. And as Robby Wells put it in his speech, build the world that even science fiction could not even imagine, that they could not dream about. But it is possible. And it's only a couple of years if we really want it.