The Episodikal Podcast

The unholy alliance

Episodikal Media Episode 22

In this episode, we talked about the international online conference "Global Crisis. Who is Jesus Christ to Us?" From distorted religious teachings to the controversial image of Mother Teresa and other shocking revelations, we recount the uncomfortable truths that were laid bare. 

Remember the 8 Foundations of the Creative Society? Some have tried to brand them as extremist information. We tear down these baseless allegations and expose the dark hands that pull the strings behind the scenes, drawing the parallels between Jesus's historical persecution and the attacks on the Creative Society volunteers.

Global Crisis. Who Is Jesus Christ to Us? | International Online Conference, July 22, 2023
International Online Forum “Global Crisis. There is a Way Out”, April 22, 2023
How high-profile scientists felt tricked by group denying climate change
REVELATION | Creative Society
New York bound Delta Airlines flight makes emergency landing in Rome

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Hello and welcome. It's been a while.


It has, it has been a while since we last recorded. I think that we could record more often and should, because there's so much things that we have to talk about. First and foremost would be another conference, but of an importance that really is hard to be overstated "Global Crisis. Who is Jesus Christ to us?" This is a really a conference that uncovered a lot, a lot of information that, touches is not only the Christian world, but the world in general. It was really a great event that brought a lot of truth in this world. Truth that was hidden for millennia. I'm not afraid of this world because it's not only for the past 2000 years, but we can say for the past 6,000 years that we've been gradually going deeper and deeper into the lies and living in this world where human life worth nothing and people are just trying to rip off each other, living like wolves. I'm really happy to have participated in preparation of this conference. Millions of people around the world have already seen it, but thousands that were preparing this conference really made a great job for the whole humanity. So first of all, I wanted to thank everyone who made their contribution for this conference to take place and really to be seen and heard in 70, more than 70 languages.


Yeah, the conference has been incredible. And you know, before the conference when we were saying we're making conference about Jesus, people would be thinking like, what would you tell to us? Like another preaching thing. And even, you know, me and other participants and here in Michigan, we just printed out because we didn't have, like, you know, everything is self-funded here and we all do everything by our own means, you know? So we just went to local CVS, we printed the flyers. We asked our friends from Georgia to make some picture like six by four so we can print it in local CVS and you know, just give away in the streets of Detroit and vicinities. Some people were like, oh, what is it about? And oh, there was this group of people few kids, younger ones, and they just went out of the pub and they were like mocking a little bit. Like, oh, what you gonna tell us about Jesus? And I'm like, you know, guys, this is a big work that many people do. And, and it's to show the truth how teaching people love and teaching of Jesus Christ was twisted into the bloodiest religion of all time. How the Bank of Vatican operates as the biggest financial conglomerate in the world. How mythology has been created around such people called angels from hell like Mother Teresa. How child molestation is blooming in this organization, not for coincidence, but at as a part of magic rituals that are embedded in the very core of this organization. And, you know, the face of the guys changed and we, we stepped away. We were like, Yeah. just check the conference. It's gonna be interesting. They stood there, looking at the flyer and talking about something for a while after we left. And, you know, there were no more smiles or they, they felt that it's real, that something real is being, being talked about over here and this is what important to talk about things that everybody kind of understands. And what's also interesting about the conference, that there was no information presented that has not been released before. All of it was taken from open sources. Even me reading the Sensei book by Anastasia Novykh, Sensei IV, years ago, 15 years ago when the book was just released, I was lucky enough to have one of the very first copies when I was still living in Kyiv, went to the Petrovka book market and bought one. I was really, really shocked reading it and seeing how actually church was created, how Peter and Paul twisted the teaching and making the true opposition of what Christ was teaching over there and how in the memory of crucifixion of Peter upside down on a cross on the sixth month of year 66, him as the first pope of this church. in memory of that, these numbers were embedded on tiara of the Pope. And up until this days they have triple six on their forehead and like, what else? Right? What else is there that people not aware of? This is generally known information, but for some people, those who are under influence of this satanic cult are trying not to see it. And even me making posts on my Instagram thread with reels from the conference, people are, some people minority, but some of them saying, how dare you to say such things about Mother Teresa, she died, she cannot defend herself. How dare you to post such things? Excuse me. This is truth. It's all verified. It's all based on evidence, on documented facts from history. And this is what is important to show the truth that somebody doesn't like to hear. But you know what? That doesn't change the fact that it is still remains the truth. So when all these facts have been presented, you know, it happened at the very interesting time when too many things coincidentally happened within past couple of months. And, you know, I, I really admire the fact how participants of Creative Society like yourself managing somehow to participate in all of the events. When I switched on the Kaleidoscope of facts, and I saw you, I was like, wow, how is, how's Alex managing to, to be in there? And then I'm switching on the conference and you are there as well. And I'm like, oh, wow, you, you managed to be in that super important conference as well. And we're just happy that somehow, you know, we got to get together and you know, make a studio and also participate with it, but like filming other participants. So it's been incredible experience for everyone who, who's seen it.


It's a concerted effort, right? Of many, many people. So it's not that's when we are on the screen at some of the event that we did everything, you know, it's a lot of people like first gathering the information, they're processing the information, countless hours of work on the texts themselves supporting materials because everything that is being presented during the Kaleidoscope of facts or conferences and forums, this is not double checked, it's not triple checked, I mean, it's checked continuously, fact checked by many people. Also, as you said, it's all information that is available to the public. It's just, you know, there's no better way to, hide something than to write a book, for example. You can put a lot of things in the book and it is kind of there, but not a lot of people read these days. The same thing you mentioned Mother Teresa, and we had an interview with Aroup Chatterjee who wrote this book Hell's Angel, if I'm correct. He was there, he worked in Calcutta and he's a native of the place. And I've been, you know, immersed somehow in this information for quite some time. And everything that also surrounds child molestation. I remember I think I was like about 20 or something when I first read in one of the newspapers in Geneva about these cases, and it marked me so uh, hard, I mean this information that for several months I was kind of looking into it and, um uh, the more and more I understood that, you know, it's not an isolated case that I read about it, is kind of also a concerted effort of many people because things cannot go on forever without people covering them. As we showed during the conference, the Catholic church even has like a big fund to pay people to, just to shut up, you know uh, about these cases. It's like we're talking about millions and millions of dollars that are being paid out all the time for abuse victims that suffered from these atrocities. It's not only about our times, it's also about the times when Jesus was here. But as we can see, nothing really changed. I mean, the methods that they employ are still being used up to this day. And we had just a recent confirmation of this, right, with one of the participants of the Creative Society Project that was just informing in her own shop in a very, very remote location in Russia, just handling out flyers with 8 Foundations of the Creative Society that somehow certain organizations are trying to portray as extremist information. I mean, no matter how you read the 8 Foundations of the Creative Society, it's, impossible to find anything bad in them for people. But there's a lot of destructive information for those in power. I mean, in real power those who always stay in shadows, not the pawns that we see on TV and in the newspapers that are being portrayed as having all the power over us, because these are replaced all the time. And we can see this everywhere throughout our lives, we can see that the faces on TV screens are changing, but nothing really improves in people's lives, right? And somehow you start to think, well, if this is going on for decades, centuries, although some are trying to say, no, no, guys, look, we, we have running water, we have electricity. So uh, you are living better than the queen 200 years ago. Well, I don't find this really progressive or funny to compare the lives of people in the modern society with someone who used to live 200 years ago, because there should be some progress, right? But it turned out also when we did our research for the conference that these are the same guys who are actually stopping the scientific progress because the more people have of these new developments, like the fuel free generators, right? That will give freedom to people, matter replicators or even the modern communication technologies because everything is a double-edged sword, right? Everything is a tool that can be used for good or for bad. And bad for them is when people can communicate and find out that they're not that different at all, and they have more in common than we've been told that we have like against each other.


Well, first of all, let me remind everyone who's listening that we are only able to connect right now through these devices because we had prophet Muhammad who gave such a push to development of science, which later was stolen by some Western so-called scientists, right? Especially in British circles and releasd as their own works, but only things to those developments that were done in Islamic world, we can communicate right now, living in the end times and the very end of our either end of darkness or end of times. We have this opportunity to connect. And that is something that these religious priests, the ones who prosecuted and executed Jesus Christ, they did not want to happen at all. They were trying to push back on technologies and burn down libraries and so on only to take away people's rights to communicate. And, you know, when I was, again, growing up in Ukraine, you were seeing there are, you know, digital technologies being implemented and church stands against it viciously and they are brainwashing people into thinking that, you know, digitalization is coming from satan. It's the satanic number. Satanic number is on the forehead of your religious leaders. But guys, what it has to do with the people and then we find out, oh, they just don't want people to be able to see the money transaction, the financial side of their organization. And that is why they stand so strongly against digital technologies, against digital money and so on, saying that it's coming from evil. And these very people who you know, it's very important to know historical facts about the case with Jesus Christ, who came into, you know, synagogue on a Saturday and went out with all the people who followed him. And when the priests stayed there by themselves, they decided, couple more actions like that, and we will stay with no funds, with no resources because people not gonna come to our synagogues. And they decided to get rid of him. And they forged, fabricated this case against him trying to label him as a criminal for doing illegal missionary activity in Judea. And they brought their people. And at the place where Pontius Pilate offered to release one of them, either Jesus or the criminal, their people yelled and screamed to release the criminal, but to execute Jesus. And these people who did it, the priesthood, priesthood who executed Jesus later built religion twisting and using his name and used the the tool of torture and the tool of execution, the cross as their symbol of their victory over Jesus. And who are we, the people who are wearing those crosses? Because I used to wear one myself. I did not know what that means. That is absolutely unacceptable, unless you worship those who executed Jesus, and this is what this church is all about. And today we're seeing the very same thing like. For what Jesus was prosecuted for telling the truth and what is happening in this very small distant city of Plast in Chelyabinsk region in Russia, most of the population of Russia never even heard about this city, but this lady who was sharing information about the Creative Society has been viciously attacked by local priesthood. And this fabricated case against her involving local police department and local judges was, absolute farce which ended up in charging her with 25,000 rubles which is$250, about a monthly salary. But the most important thing that the judge ruled that she was involved in this illegal missionary activity, which means that promoting Creative Society can be taken as illegal action in other cities as well on the pre justice on this court's ruling. So it creates a precedent which can be used in future to ban Creative Society in Russia and then internationally. And we know that these very people were involved in the case against the book that I mentioned before Sensei IV by Anastasia Novykh, because that book exposes their actions. Much of the information in that book was also presented at the "Global Crisis. Who is Jesus Christ to Us?" International Online Conference. But I encourage all of you to actually check this book and read it because information is incredible and the way it's put together, it's something you will not find anywhere else. But what are the parallels between what happened to Jesus when this priesthood attacked them and what they're doing right now against the participants of the Creative Society is that the case was fabricated in the very same manner with violation of all laws and norms and all kind of, not only constitution, but even common sense. And we know that they were in a rush to forge this case. Apparently, they were trying to do it as fast as possible. We know who's been involved in it, local priesthood and local corrupt authorities, and, they did not expect that there will be a lawyer involved in it. They were thinking they're gonna do it in one, two and just have the judge's ruling. But we now have the evidence, we have the transcript, we have the audio version of everything showing how much of a farce it actually was, and the whole world should know the truth about who stands behind it. And you know what? When we started rolling back and seeing the, who was actually behind all the articles against the Creative Society throughout the years. Surprise, surprise! The very same Chelyabinsk diocese coming up in the articles of BBC. Wow, Alexey, remember that article? I'm sure our listeners are remembering those times. Tell us more about it if you don't mind.


I think it was about a year ago or something. We had a request for an interview from BBC, BBC radio. Well, I had some questions in advance about the Creative Society. At first we thought that you know, it was because some people were trying to backtrack when they gave us an interview for another conference that we held on the climate change. And actually they gave us an interview and everything and then they said, oh no, I don't I didn't say that, actually I didn't mean that. Please remove my interview, which we did. But then they had probably to do something because maybe they had a slap from the higher up. So there was this interview with BBC. It was audio only, but they asked all sorts of question and went kind of hard in terms of trying to label us climate deniers and stuff like that. but then all the, focus shifted on AllatRa and how the two are connected. And I said that I could not speak on behalf of AllatRa public movement because right now I'm here as a participant of the Creative Society project. So uh, I can only tell that yes, there are some people who are participating in the AllatRa International Public Movement that are present in the Creative Society Project, which is for every human being on the planet, right? It's an all encompassing project for everyone. And then there were different questions also about several videos and stuff like that on AllatRa TV channel. So we talked for about an hour or something. Then they wrote an article. I didn't have a chance to hear the audio version that aired somewhere on BBC radio. But the article is still there. I think it's still trending right in BBC, on BBC website.


A year later.


Yeah. but the thing is that they put everything together and, there's an interesting thing that at the bottom, like the very bottom of this article, and I didn't notice, somehow I did not pay that much attention or gave it credit that people who were bashing AllatRa and collaterally Creative Society Project were clerics from Ukraine and Russia and that the material was prepared with the help of a BBC Ukraine journalist, a girl named Ilona Hromliuk. But now in the light of these last events, this is really interesting. Imagine that guys are trying to manipulate public opinion when they should be, caring for the spiritual salvation, right? They are manipulating political opinion of people coming to their church. This was happening a long time before all these events. And we can, we could trace this back to 2014 when really they were posting articles undermining the government in power. And this is very interesting, guys. What and why church has to do with manipulating people's opinion. But not only that. Colluding with local law enforcement to fabricate cases to basically influence other people's choices. This is one thing, but also breaking people's lives because I mean, it's scary when the whole government machine is against you. And this was not an isolated case, I'm sure. But besides being against each other and things like two opposing countries at the moment, we see that these guys work hand in hand and they are really pushing their agenda. This is something that demands a lot more investigation. I mean, if you guys are interested in, who has influenced revolutions, wars, well basically our lives throughout centuries, you can find a lot of very, very interesting information. And some of it was presented during the conference on July 22nd. Yes, it was about Jesus, but it was also about Christianity and those who created this franchise. Let's say it like this, and what they have done throughout centuries. And the same things continue today. I mean, doesn't it remind you about Galileo Galilei, Jordano Bruno, all the witch hunts that happened throughout centuries? It, it looks exactly the same. I mean, it, it's not called Holy Inquisition anymore, but it's a digital inquisition, it's an inquisition in the digital age. And they started doing the same things and the same thing happened to Jesus. The fabricated case, rushed judgment without hearing any evidence or accepting any evidence without anyone defending.


Oh yeah, absolutely. When the article came out on BBC, we were thinking, oh look, it's those like, you know, CO2 climate funded guys got sour because our conference got too big and our forum exposed their stuff. So they're just a little bit salty. They got together with a couple of folks here and there and decided to pull some strings to label us as climate denialist. Okay, whatever. But then there was a little piece of the article at the very bottom that was saying that, oh, you see, Creative Society has some participants from AllatRa Public Movement, which local priesthood in Ukraine is labeling as destructive para religious organization. And then Church of Chelyabinsk diocese also labeling it as psycho cult. Oh, okay. Okay. Whatever you guys in between the lines, you, you put some, some stuff from there. And it was a little bit strange, right? Because it has nothing to do with climate and yeah, there is a AllatRa participants, there was many participants from other organizations in Creative Society as well. So why you decided to part out AllatRa participants. Right? And we're seeing that the very same people are pulling strings right now trying to ban Creative Society worldwide, and they trying to forge this case fabricated and make an example of how exactly it can be done. And for them, they need to put Creative Society in their field of their expertise. And of course they usurp the right to label anyone who is a religious organization. So, you know, they did it to Jehovah Witnesses, not so long time ago. They completely banned their organizations as competitors. They completely ban whatever has a label of religious on it. So, It's almost impossible to label Creative Society as religious organization because it has nothing to do with religion, but they're trying to do it through labeling AllatRa that way, and then attach Creative Society to AllatRa saying it's the very same thing. And these attempts have been done throughout years and years in multiple countries, in multiple parts of the world. But the same articles with the very same narrative were coming out saying that Creative Society is AllatRa, and AllatRa is religious organization. And it's funded In some countries they say by Putin and Russian FSB, they say in Ukraine and Western world, in Russia, they say it's funded by Ukrainian special forces and George Soros and American FBI and CIA is behind it. So they trying to use the very same narrative. So it has to come from one source. And we are seeing that there is the very same group of people in BBC article in Britain, they talking about Chelyabinsk diocese. That's crazy. And these very people, they couldn't stood. Can you imagine how much hatred they have towards AllatRa and Creative Society and Igor Mikhailovitch personally, because when this so-called witness was questioned by the attorney by the lawyers in Chelyabinsk region at this farce case at some point he just started yelling, I cannot stand Igor Mikhailovitch! It's all about him. All about him. And you know what? Igor Mikhailovitch just released a new interview program in which it's called Revelation. And in this program he opened up about the about things that happened in 2015, only within one month or so when three assassination attempts were done against him. And he reveals that one of the killers who was sent to execute him asked him, what have you done to the priests that they ordered an execution on you? And he said, because of these words, I have a right to reveal this information right now. And in BBC article, it says exactly who has the most hatred against Igor Mikhailovitch, as a prominent participant of the Creative Society movement, of the AllatRa. And what exactly they were trying to do this for, he said, honestly, for the truth, because darkness cannot stand the light. And these dark forces that are, that were behind ordering those cases that were standing behind all the negative attempts to label Creative Society as something negative in press, including BBC, wow. Who would've thought that BBC would make an article? And the very same dark forces stand behind this court case in Russia. And we cannot call it anything else than sect, a cult, clique inside of the religious organizations that stand for everything that is evil against something. They cannot stand against the truth. They prosecuted Jesus for the very same thing and now they're doing the same to participants of the Creative Society. And we have a right to call them international terrorist organization, extremist terrorist organization. And the irony is that at this very same court case, there was local police enforcement who's supposed to work in anti extremist department of the local police department. And right under his nose, this extremist who goes by the last name Putnik, speaks about hatred towards Creative Society and AllatRa, and Igor Mikhailovitch, and he's writing articles in which he calls for revolution in which he calls to support army against the government, and we know what it leads to. We know from the history when 1905 the Pope Gapon, the priest Gapon, went with people to the streets putting them under the bullets. So many people were shot that day. And later we know the destiny of this priest Gapon himself who was hanged by his so-called partners later on when they got a little bit disappointed in his actions. And we know that 10 years later the whole empire fell apart. And how much blood were went after that for absolutely unnecessary reasons. And it all, in the core of it was the job of local priesthoods who were brainwashing people for years and years. Embedding hatred towards governments in their head. And what we're seeing right now is the very same thing. And we know that there was an attempt of rebel in Russian army not a long time ago. So let's think who stands behind it. And we know that in part of the world they say, oh, that would be a good thing because, you know, Putin is core full evil. And without him, the world will be a better place. Well, think about it the other way. who else stands in this multipolar world, in front of those forces who are trying to have one world government? Because in multiple countries we are seeing the very same thing. And if you think that what's happening in Canada, right? Where people went to the streets trying to block streets of Toronto, you know, truck drivers, for the reasons you think the government is stupid, right? And just they, they creating these unlivable conditions for the people under which people will rebel, will go against the government and eventually destroy their own countries. In Canada, in Australia, in other parts of the world, this is not a coincidence. What's happening in the streets of the cities of United States is not a coincidence. It's attempt to create lawlessness under which the chaos is gonna appear. And then from that chaos, some people who stay in the shadow hoping that they are going to take over control and unite all these regions under their control, under their one world government. And this small pawn in Chelyabinsk region is just plain according to their notes.


And the worst part is that, you know, this rule of this sect is divide and conquer. People who are actually doing these things, they do not understand, they don't have the full understanding of the repercussions of their actions. They think, well, you know what? Just one woman that was, we will just write in her and she will pay the fine, and she will not do this anymore. For them, this is it. It's just making some easy money for doing this. Because, you know, it's not for their personal convictions. Obviously, this case is just fabricated and people get paid to execute this action. But there, there are many intervenants in this case. There are people who call themselves experts and in one day they write something that took two world renowned experts three days to make their conclusion that there is nothing religious in Creative Society or AllatRa. And this expertise was included in the case, but wasn't taken into account. When you just look at the facts of how this went. This is happening right in front of our eyes. People are being not only deprived of their rights, but all their constitutional rights are being violated. But we need to understand that what is done to one person actually is done to the whole state as well. Because these wolves in the uniform, they are supposed to be impartial judges of the situation. They should be judging every case taking in account all the evidence and finding the truth. But this is not the case. Creating a precedent in judicial practice is very important. Because after that, everyone will be able to use it in other instances. But what is more important is that again, the same situation like for 30 pieces of silver guys are selling other people to make some quick bucks. They think that they're not doing that much, right? May, well, maybe they will ruin a life of one person, but they say, well, you know, just one small thing, she'll get over it and just pay the fine and not do it anymore. But this has implications that go far beyond this case and for everyone not only living in the country, but in general because going against the only chance that our humanity has to survive, the upcoming cataclysms is going against ity in general. This rule of divide and conquer, throughout centuries, it really was instrumental because when you just give one person the information needed to do what has to be done, people, they just say, okay, well it's not a big deal. I will just sign this piece of paper saying that this person is guilty. It's not a big deal. I mean, they're not going to jail or anything. they'll just pay a fine and get over it. Go on, they're alive. But this is not the case, right? We understand that when there is a mastermind behind these manipulations, it's much bigger than just this small city that most people really never heard of. There are no small details, right? Everything, every single bit counts. As we are being told all the time in school that changes happen somewhat, you know, in a natural manner that people just became unhappy with the tsar or the government in place. And they kind of started gathering after work and you know, started talking on how to kill the tsar. This is what we are being told, right? But there are always the guys who did every single bit of the thing, because it's not the whole population of the country that really gathered after work, but a small group of people that really had their particular goal, and maybe they had an explanation for this that seemed logical to them at the time, but they were not understanding that what they're doing. And this is also where personal responsibility of each and every one of us right now is important because we've been delegating the power throughout all our lives to someone else and hoping for the best that someone will protect us. If well, if you didn't do anything then even if someone accuses you that you are doing something but you didn't do it, nothing will happen. The judicial system will not let you go wrongfully accused. But as we see, things can be manipulated and people can suffer. But this was done as we also learned throughout history. And guys, do yourself a favor. Doesn't matter which religion you are part of, or if you are an atheist whatever, just go and watch the conference "Global Crisis. Who is Jesus Christ to us?" because this will really broaden your outlook to the things that are happening and were happening before you were born. And how slowly but steadily we came to today where we have these things happening with the climate, and we really have this separation that whatever another group is saying is not true. So they're against us. They don't want anything good for us. And here we are, doing nothing actually because when we are separated and, thinking bad about everyone else, who are somehow not the same as us, we are not doing anything together. And when we are not doing anything together, when everyone is pulling in their own direction, we are standing in place. And this is what's happening right now. But as we said many, many times on these podcasts, really the time to act was several years ago even maybe decades. But the best next time to act is now. So uh, people should really wake up, get the facts, study the facts, do your own research. This is something that's really important. And we, also repeated this many times here, and that's do your own research so that it, this knowledge is really assimilated. And once you have all the elements, you can reconstruct the situation how everything happened and you can make your own informed decisions. Everyone has to make this choice now where whether we are doing something in order to become one civilization or we continue as we lived before that.


Oh, absolutely. And for those who are asking why is the small court case in Russia has to be voiced in United States and so on, and social media, I'm gonna ask you guys why, why is the prosecution in Judea 2000 years ago affect your life today? What is happening over there is a very important case because it shows how exactly the priesthood, which officially in every constitution in every country, is separated from the state, it cannot affect the state. It doesn't even pay taxes officially. Right? They affecting the elections, they have their people in justice system, they have their people in police departments. They are affiliated with the political forces and they create revolutions by brainwashing people infecting people's minds with certain ideas. This is a huge force which influences our life, and it works internationally. It's an global network of we can call it openly the extremist satanic cult that is going like an arrow through the heart, through all religious organizations in the world and has its people almost in every country. We can see that by their actions and for the first time we can openly say that because they showed their face. This is a face-off, the mask was ripped off these people in this region, that's where they, they showed their ugly face and this is why it's important to show this to the whole world. We cannot keep silent over here, and the coincidence of these three very significant events that happened within small period of time. The court against the participant of the Creative Society and the conference "Global Crisis. Who is Jesus Christ to us?", and the "Revelation" program with Igor Mikhailovitch in which he told us about those attempts to murder him and that they were done by the priesthood. This is very significant. This shows us which forces stand against the people, against humanity. And it shows also that the priesthood worldwide does not try to fight any organization in the world, stronger and with more fears that they do it against the Creative Society and AllatRa Public Movement. And why is that? Ask yourself. And we also seeing confused people saying, oh, but you have a blessing from Pope himself, so you must be affiliated with him. Well, you know, guys two years ago we reached out to everyone and our participants passed the letters with invitations to all Hollywood stars, all the famous people, all singers, TV hosts, all religious leaders. And Pope signed a letter that he's blessing the actions of the participants who were affiliated with Catholic church. Yeah, and that's a small good deed out there. It doesn't mean that Creative Society is getting any support from any global forces. It's all done by the people. But for some reason it's the regular people that scare the heck out of this religious cult that is embedded into every religious organization in the world as we see from their actions. And they hate the Creative Society. They're doing everything possible. They have no limit when it comes to resources. They have no limits, but they doing everything possible to shut down the Creative Society worldwide. And this is the case that affects everyone because at the very same conference, "Global Crisis. Who is Jesus Christ to us?" we presented who they worship. You can see on the signs in Vatican City, you can see on their outfits who they worship for real, and how this theory of energy interactions in the world actually explains where exactly does the energy go that you input into your prayers, into your worshiping, these fake idols. There is no other way to call it. The religion of Peter and Paul who made their business organization business and magic organization on the teaching of Jesus Christ has nothing to do with Jesus himself. He never participated in any of these magic rituals. He never burned candles, never feed anyone with bread and wine. He never done none of that. He was about very simple things. Love one another, he said. And today, the project that can turn this into legal framework is called Creative Society. And those people cannot stand it. And you know, there is not much time left for us to actually make the decision whether we going to grab this hand that was reached out to us from from higher powers. There is no other way to call it. When we have a chance to build a society that all prophets dreamt of or we go into drown in the blindness of following these fake idols. Meanwhile, you know, you mentioned this case where another airplane had to land in emergency because of the high turbulence. I'm gonna ask you to talk about this a little more, but what I what I want to tell you, And before that, you know, within past couple of months a lot of good things happened too. And one of them was gathering of new in New York of Creative Society participants we started, we kicked off these meetings, which are happening on regular basis when participants just meeting up and informing people. And that's incredible to see how much feedback there is from regular New Yorkers and guests of the city who are amazed with this project and how people love hearing that there is a way out, there is a different economical system. There is a different way to self govern. But on the way to New York, we actually got into turbulence ourself. In the middle of the sky, we were, you know, in the seats in the airplane and there were clouds everywhere. And then something hit our airplane so strong, we were thinking, we are having hard landing. The person right next to me was asleep and then suddenly wakes up and asks me, are we landing? Because it was super harsh. And then all of a sudden plane flies out of the cloud and it appears we're super high in the air. But the turbulence was like nothing I've ever experienced in my life. It was super harsh. It felt like a really hard landing on the concrete. So something is happening and for the reasons of what exactly is happening, you can check the"Global Crisis.There is a Way Out" international online forum. But Alexey, what is actually happening in the world meanwhile? You said there are another cases.


Just came in today. I will post the link in the show notes, I will just read. So, New York bound Delta Airlines flight makes emergency landing in Rome. So after facing a destructive hailstorm and strong turbulence, shortly after takeoff, a Delta aircraft from Milan to New York was forced to make an emergency landing in Rome. The passengers jet's nose and fuselage near the wings were damaged by hail. There are photographs released online. You will see them in the link in the show notes. Our friends talked during the forum "Global Crisis. There is a Way Out" about the increasing cases of turbulence that we will experience. At first airplanes will fly lower and then all air travel will stop. Nowadays, you cannot restrict the information from circulating because people, once they land, they will post all this online. For the news outlets, it became easier, you know, to monetize. Again, because we live in the consumerist society, it's better for them to monetize on the news, to get the clicks and to post these news themselves first. Of course we can think about all this as very bad things happening to us. But, as always, when life gives you lemons make a lemonade with it. It's another chance to understand the gravity of the situation, and unite, stand for our rights. We have to understand that it's not because it's an isolated case somewhere that happened on the other end of the globe, that it doesn't affect you. Thing is that only one exception from the rule completely destroys the rule. There is no rule when it was broken once. And this is the thing that if imagine you heard things about police brutality, the injustice, the wrongfully accused people, staying in prisons for decades. We need to understand that these things are being perpetrated against humanity because things that can happen once can happen all the time, and they can happen so often that you know, it will become our reality of every day. And who wants this? There is nothing joyful knowing that you can be wrongfully accused of wanting to live in a better world. That people can fabricate a case and rush the judgment making you guilty actually of crimes you did not commit. Just imagine how this feels first. But then second what would you do? Luckily enough participants of the Creative Society Project don't let each other in bad situations. Obviously, we will do our best to cover this story and make the world in the know about it. We'll make sure that people know that these things are happening. And, I'm sure once we start talking about such cases, a lot more people who experience the same treatment, let's say, will come out and make their voices heard as well. Everyone has to take responsibility and not stay silent when injustice happens. When people are doing good to you, you need to recognize this. Once you become indifferent to the good, you will become indifferent also when injustice is happening around you. And we need to understand this that, we're all on the same boat on this planet Earth and for the moment we have no other place to live. And this boat is kind of sinking. If we want to make changes, we need to make changes in everything and we need to change this format where such things are possible. If Creative Society Project stops its development, what other choices do we have?


Yes, Alex, I absolutely agree with you. And eventually this kind of events and this kind of pictures when the they say hail size of a tennis ball destroyed the fuselage of an airplane. And that comes right after we had presented this at "Global Crisis. There is a Way Out", the whole block was about exactly what is happening to the atmosphere is, so it's impossible to ignore these things. And eventually climate will be the thing that will push people to the edge of choice, whether. Creative Society is something you want or you don't. The very important thing that if people would accept Creative Society, pass it on legal level worldwide this year, and we would know that from New Year we will transition into a Creative Society, start the transition period for five years, and we will actually unify scientific potential to build a better world. We wouldn't fill consequences just in three year, the climate cerberus could be taken on a tight leash, and we will guarantee that people worldwide have prosperous, beautiful life and safe, without threat of extreme climatic events. But unfortunately this is not being done right now. And to actually speed up this process, it's very important to take action. And what these past couple of months after the "Global Crisis, There is a Way Out" forum were also dedicated to, they've been filled out with amazing events when people started making this wave of coordination centers around the world, taking personal responsibility for informing people in their region about the Creative Society. And it's incredible. If you live in a small town, you just go door to door, you meeting your neighbors just like we did, and you know, so many people just going door to door, meeting their neighbors, and there are amazing people that you have no idea about. You can make new friends and you can tell them about the most important thing, which eventually will save their life and your life as well, right? And then on another hand, if you live in a big city like New York City, like Los Angeles, you just create an event on local website, register it and make these popups and just print flyers at local CVS and give them away and speak to people about Creative Society and film it. We just filming people's answers to the values of the project. And they're incredible. People say, of course, there has to be a safety net when it comes to people's you know, financial situation. We cannot have this constant threat and fear of not being able to pay bills and so on. It's not the healthiest situation in the world that has so much wealth. And then you know, when such things happenning as what happened recently, we have to remember, we still have a very good chance at winning as humanity for our lives. Just this example of one lady from UK she found out about the Creative Society Project not so long time ago, and she created the TikTok channel after the conference "Global Crisis. There is a Way Out", so it was late April or maybe beginning of May, and just within a couple of months she got a hundred thousand subscribers on her TikTok channel. Just from posting, parts of the conference, just short clips or long clips from the conference. The one about health capsule gained more than 3.5 million views. So you see people clearly interested in this and they know there is a concrete evidence of scientific potential of creating these things within years if we really wanted it. The world is your oyster when it comes to informing people. You can go door to door, you can inform people in the streets. You can make online videos if you don't want to post your own face over there, if you're too shy yet, just share these clips. And you know, there are million ways to make this world a much better place. So when life throws at you lemons, like in this case with a court, we squeeze a lot of lemonade out of it. And the more lemons there are, the more lemonade there will be. As been said. So guys, let's get together at this. Let's start taking action because you know, the only thing that can prevent us possibly from taking action is you know, selfishness and ego, which says, oh, you're not worthy, nothing depends on you, or you are too good to do something. What will people think about you? Guys, this is a huge illusion. All we have to do is start speaking up and the world will change in front of our eyes. So hop on, share this episode with your friends all over social media and let's unify, let's make a better world out of this, out of this planet that we live on. It's a beautiful planet. Let's preserve it and let's spread information because there is nothing more important rather than speaking up at these times.

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