The Episodikal Podcast

The future in the rearview mirror

March 29, 2024 Episodikal Media Episode 27
The future in the rearview mirror
The Episodikal Podcast
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The Episodikal Podcast
The future in the rearview mirror
Mar 29, 2024 Episode 27
Episodikal Media

In this episode of The Episodikal Podcast, we embark on a journey through the meteoric rise of AI, revisiting the moment it transitioned from a distant dream to a profound reality.

We delve into AI's impact on creative professions, highlighting its dual role as both an enhancer and a challenge to human creativity. Further, we explore the imperative shift needed to leverage AI against the pressing threats of climate change, advocating for sustainable technology as a scientific priority. Reflecting on the dual-edged nature of AI, this episode serves as a clarion call for collective action and unity in the face of a looming climate apocalypse. Join us in this not just a conversation, but a rally for change, urging all to heed the call and act towards forging a better future.

Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone | International Online Conference 24.07.2021

Global Crisis. The Responsibility | International Online Forum | EDITED VERSION

Global Crisis. The Responsibility | December 2, 2023, simultaneous interpreting into 100 languages

We love receiving your feedback ❤️ Drop us a line anywhere you happen to come across our posts 🙂

We are @episodikal on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, and LinkedIn, or email us at

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode of The Episodikal Podcast, we embark on a journey through the meteoric rise of AI, revisiting the moment it transitioned from a distant dream to a profound reality.

We delve into AI's impact on creative professions, highlighting its dual role as both an enhancer and a challenge to human creativity. Further, we explore the imperative shift needed to leverage AI against the pressing threats of climate change, advocating for sustainable technology as a scientific priority. Reflecting on the dual-edged nature of AI, this episode serves as a clarion call for collective action and unity in the face of a looming climate apocalypse. Join us in this not just a conversation, but a rally for change, urging all to heed the call and act towards forging a better future.

Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone | International Online Conference 24.07.2021

Global Crisis. The Responsibility | International Online Forum | EDITED VERSION

Global Crisis. The Responsibility | December 2, 2023, simultaneous interpreting into 100 languages

We love receiving your feedback ❤️ Drop us a line anywhere you happen to come across our posts 🙂

We are @episodikal on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, and LinkedIn, or email us at


Okay guys, we are live again, two months more or less since we recorded last time. So it's not for nothing that, we, called the podcast Episodikal because it is episodical . We try to be as consistent as possible, but life gets in the way. Nevertheless, it's already 27th episode that we are recording. It's been quite some time, but several years ago, in July 2021, during the International online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone", we were discussing AI technologies, and, most importantly, how they will change the landscape for people who work in various industries. Contrary to popular beliefs, that robots will replace the menial tasks, we've been talking that guys, the creative work, creative workers, also programmers, in the first place who will start losing their jobs. And this is what we've been seeing increasingly these last years since the conference took place. We've been exchanging on this topic with several guys who participated in the conference. And what we see, things are coming true, what we've been saying. I think you maybe Taliy have more information on this, given that you have closer ties to the Silicon Valley.


Yes, friends. So it's definitely a pleasure being here with you again. 27th episode. So we are really, and thanks to Alexey and his involvement, largely using AI to produce this podcast to cut out all the unnecessary parts to make it sound smoother. I know Alexey is using a lot of AI tools, and really being the head of the world with predicting these things in 2021 at "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone." We did not give exact estimates of the time because, we know that it will take very short period of time. What we said is that it would probably take about a couple of years to completely remove all human involvement in coding process and in production of videos. And we spoke about big films. So when last year there was the first protests by background actors in Hollywood who were saying that we cannot allow this artificial intelligence to just create background actors instead of real people, this is unfair. People are going to stay without jobs. We were looking at it like, wow, we were talking about it, and nobody wanted to listen to us. I remember we interviewed people who would brag that we came out with a, we coined the term general artificial intelligence. We are the very pioneers of the whole artificial intelligence. And they were saying like, guys, what you talking about at this conference was too much. It's never gonna happen this fast. It sounds like doom and gloom. It's, it's impossible. And guys, only three years later, Sora with OpenAI already showing you the quality of video that can still there are still minor things to be fixed, but it's very impressive, and this is something that you could not expect. And what we spoke about, that the "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone," is the exponential growth of AI. Something that people, even involved in the field, do not recognize. That every month, it's doubling. it's capacity, doubling in size, it's possibilities, and that's why if you take a year ago, that, video of Will Smith eating some pasta out of the bowl, that looked ridiculous, that looked like a very unrealistic video, to put it lightly. But today when you see in that video of lady, I think that was one of the videos they proposed for us to check out their website. Lady walking through Tokyo. And you can see reflections, you can see all the lights, neon lights, you can see people around. Everything looks very realistic, and you could be tricked, if you don't pay attention to small, tiny details, but I think it's gonna take very little amount of time until we're gonna see the first film completely generated by AI. And that's very interesting. They might do some hype on presenting it as an AI film, but they also can, just trick us into suggesting this is a real video and we're not gonna be able to tell the difference. And this is, friends, what is really important to recognize. These technologies will put Hollywood out of business very soon. Again, when we spoke about artists, that music industry will be replaced by AI, that shows will be generated by AI. And right now, what is happening in London, you can see ABBA, your favorite musicians from the 80s, performing. It's all sold out. Yes, it took a lot of money to create the show, but now the show generates two million dollars a week, which is breaking all the records, all the predictions, and everybody's standing in line to get a show for their artists. So their artists can perform across the globe, in multiple places, at the very same time, people know it's AI and people still stand in line to give hundreds of dollars per ticket. So this is a new field and we are proud to say we were ahead of the rest of the world, and probably a few people were able to predict this, but nobody said it out loud like Creative Society did in 2021.


Also, I've heard a lot of things that people are raving about AI creating personalized music. You tell what kind of music you like and the thing generates music that is really enjoyable to you based on your preferences. And we've been talking about this as well, that we will have music and also later films created specifically for each of us. And this is interesting, exciting and scary at the same time, because although, the AI can seem to be creating something new, it doesn't. Because humans have to create it first, then by combining different elements of what humans could create before, we obtain new results, but it's not dramatically new or anything like this. Nevertheless, we still have this trend that people really enjoy having AI everywhere in their daily lives. And as you said, producing these podcasts without AI, when we just started, there was not a lot of things available to do it, but, right now, really the time to produce the episode is reduced dramatically using AI tools. And of course, we could do even less work because right now you have, even on the riverside, we are using to record this. More or less they have one click export that reduces silences and generates the video. What we are using, for example, I can tell that we use AI to reduce echoes, to remove noises from the recording. So we don't have to be in acoustically treated rooms all the time. So we can record anywhere without spending time to sound treat the room. Then we are using AI to remove repeated words or, weasel words. This is already a big change in how we did, because the first episodes really, I had to cut everything by hand. Now, AI can highlight for me things that basically are not needed, as I said, the repeated words and the things that you wouldn't want in your recording. And the whole editing process is already like editing a Word document. Well, with minor differences that you still have to correct, because sometimes it does not recognize the end of the word or something like that. So you need to drag the boundaries of the word on the waveform and then make your edit. But still, it cut our production time like maybe by three times. And what I wanted also to say about coding, is that although many people say that, for example, GitHub Copilot, it's like a glorified autocomplete. Still, I think that we have to remember that AI is constantly learning. It's constantly improving. It's not like us humans, we work a little bit. We need to have some rest. We are bored or for example, we want to change what we are doing, and we are not constantly improving. AI is not sleeping, it is improving all the time. And this means that the growth is exponential and what we cannot see today, for example, of course, we are not yet seeing AI that just by you explaining what you want, creates a complete working software. Not yet, but it is already announced, if I'm not mistaken, by OpenAI, that they will soon be launching a new model that will basically take your voice input, you would tell what you want to see in your application, what it has to be able to do, and the AI will create a working piece of software for you. And this is crazy because even right now, I've been working with some graphs recently. These graphs were taken from a website and, not all the values, for example, for columns were given, just several of them. But I wanted to make more detailed analysis, so I fed the image to ChatGPT and I explained what I wanted it to do, that I need to measure the height of the columns, given that the highest column in this array is to the right and its value is, let's say, 600. And by visual analysis, ChatGPT could extract the exact values of each column. Then, I gave the chat which kind of function for extrapolation I would like to use. And it built me a graph continuing with the data from the image that it was fed previously. And imagine that for us to do this kind of thing, we would need to take a ruler and measure and note everything down on a piece of paper, then compare the lengths and divide just to obtain a reasonably correct number of the height of each column. CharGPT is already seeing these things. What was the most interesting, it shows you the Python code it generates to analyze the image. You can see which libraries it uses. You can see the code and it explains every single line what it was doing. So, it determines the dominant color. So it's the background. Then it determined the color that the columns were filled with, and then it was calculating the heights of the columns. It shows you how computer vision, not exactly the full blown computer vision, but how it proceeds with analyzing the image. And then you understand that, yes, we are already there that when you know how to talk to this AI, and you have to be really specific if you want to get good results, but then it can be a great helPer. On the contrary, what really bothers me is that more and more news about people getting fired by thousands from IT companies are getting in. And this is what we've been talking about. It's very concerning that with everything, Google is again increasing prices for its services, yet it fires several tens of thousands of people. And I see that, it's not because, they are losing money. They again want more profits. So we come back to this idea that the king in our society is profit. No one is caring about human lives as we were promised before, before the third industrial revolution, that robots will do everything, will really work less, will work less days, less hours. This didn't really last long, this period. We've been talking about this also for some time and, yeah. Have you heard anything recently about these things, maybe from your friends also who work in the field?


Well, you know, in the United States, in the media field, the biggest scandal was around training AI, not just how the technology develops, but how it's been trained for Google, for example, when customers tried to creating images using AI, they would see that historical images would be incorrect, that people would not be able to see certain skin colors on the historical pictures, which really offended a lot of people because the racial diversity and inclusion, these policies, really created some sort of backlash from people who don't understand how, for example, creating AI images from Second World War with racially diverse soldiers of German Reich. How would that be beneficial? So it doesn't make sense. And here's another thing. How would it be trained. The question is how you train AI and why certain things being used not in the way that we would expect. On the other thing, that is exactly what we expected, that these things will be trying to generate more profit for billionaires, for people who are already in power. And as we predicted in 2021, at "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone," they're going to play for a couple of years, allow producers to play with their artists and so on. And then they just gonna take over the whole thing. Those who own the technologies, they will replace, we can already see it in a company in Silicon Valley that, I'm working in and in other companies, we know that five years ago, there were a bunch of different tools that were specific for certain things. And right now we're seeing that one company that is highly invested in OpenAI taking over whole market, everything becomes a product of this one company and they generate exactly the same software or sometimes even better quality than any competitors. So how can you, how can you compete with that? And the prices they offer, they simply forcing companies to switch to their suites which include everything from video calls to libraries to all sorts of things, but it will be all within this company and stored on the servers on the different company and eventually everything most of the companies using in Silicon Valley right now is provided by two different companies. So this is the threat that slowly but surely we're switching to unified one polar world where the dominance, the financial power of one mega corporation becomes enormous. And the second threat we've been talking about at our conferences is that all of these technologies including digital currencies, including everything, are becoming very much vulnerable to external influence from space. Because digital society is very easy to switch off, very easy to turn into complete chaos, and we've been talking about films, the one that Netflix put out a couple of months ago, where a scenario was presented when the whole United States simply overnight losing all connectivity, all service and things become chaotic. And folks, people here in the United States got alarm when the whole AT&T service for one of the major cell phone providers, was switched off. It was simply not working. A lot of theories. The national security agencies were in a rush to announce that was not a cyber attack. There were also some jokes some satire articles came out saying that AT&T customers unaware of network outage since they're used to not having cell signals on their cell phones. But jokes aside guys, the true reason was not announced. Not everyone said, and not everyone even knows, that the third X class solar flare, and X class is the most powerful solar flare, was released in 24 hours that day, and three solar flares is abnormal. The amount of solar radiation that came to Earth was record breaking. The problem is that, so far, we have nothing, we have no means to protect ourselves from these things. But the most alarming thing, I would say, that this was a blank shot. These release of solar flares did not contain the matter, the solar, hard solar matter, which could destroy our planet, our magnetic field and so on. So something abnormal even there, we seeing like we got lucky three times already in one day in 2024. And in addition to that, everybody were predicting that these solar flares will become at the peak of their cycle in 2025. But what we're seeing in reality is that the peak of this cycle seems to be happening in 2024. Scientists who are making their prediction models are really puzzled. Something doesn't fit in here. Something caused Sun to activate much earlier. And this is where, again, you have to know what "Global Crisis. The Responsibility" forum, which information was presented over there. Sun, just like any other body of the solar system, was charging with this external cosmic energy for past decades, and now it starts releasing this energy. It took time to get this charge. But now we're seeing the consequences. We're seeing the consequences of overheating of the core on our own planet, where atmospheric rivers become every week event in California. California has been bombarded. California had more rainfall in one month than in whole previous year. And this is something that is not being discussed widely enough, again. So people are being distracted by presidential election, people being distracted by scandals with AI tools, which, again, politicized. It's been politicized. But people are not being told the truth about what is happening with our nature, what are the actual devastating events that will happen. And only a few speaking openly that there is a hundred percent possibility, hundred percent possibility that we will be hit by a solar storm that will switch off most of our electronic devices, and our means of connection will be off. What our life will be then, and what will be the consequences, so far, very few can say. But even for a matter of national security, when we're being constantly put into this negative set of mind that we have enemies all over, that we are on the brink of the nuclear war. What are the possibilities of something really terrible that can happen in this kind of circumstances? I think we need more public control. We need more demand from public for the transparency of information. And this is something we've been advocating for years, and yet. I don't see this critical point where people gonna wake up, unfortunately, to all of these facts.


Another thing that, we also talked about is that all this computing power, it may be used to predict things like solar flares or climatic events, because we already have enough data. There's plenty of applications like Earthquake Pro, Space Weather, and we've been monitoring these things for quite some time. And when you see what is happening all around the planet, developing AI to generate beautiful images, or virtual girlfriends, this is apparently like the new fashionable thing. Yeah, it's nice new AI filters for your TikTok or Instagram. It's really cute, but we have some things on our hands that need urgent solving, and we haven't seen scientists yet using these new tools, powerful tools that can help in analyzing all sorts of data, making predictions. We don't see them using these technologies to explain people what is happening with the planet. Everyone is already seeing. I mean, there is no possibility to deny that things are changing. Maybe for some people it's somewhere on the other side of the planet, but when your friend's backyard is now at his neighbor's backyard because of the landslide in California, in LA, you can't miss these things. During previous episode, I told you about, my friend's house being washed away in the Black Sea. I don't want again to go into these things. People can go and watch the forums, they're available online. When we were preparing this episode, we were talking about how AI would change the world, how it's already changing the arena, but we cannot miss these important things that we've been talking all along for the past couple of years on this podcast. It doesn't matter what kind of beautiful images or films or advertisements AI can create for you. If you don't have electricity, it doesn't really matter because the AI will not work without power. And, if your house is no longer there, AI will be really the bottom of your list of things that are necessary for your survival. It's great that we kind of progress somewhere with the technologies. But again, these technologies are used to earn more money for the people who already have all the money of this world. And remember, we talked during "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone," we've been talking that the competition will be very fierce between all the players in the AI field. And you mentioned this thing that this company that's really involved heavily in OpenAI. We can say it's Microsoft. it's not a big secret. We kind of see that Google, who was pioneering, but it's AI is lagging behind. And this is where we come again to the things that we told almost three years ago, two and a half years ago, that people who will have the company who will win the AI race will really rule this world. And this is what's happening because imagine, for example, you have your, I don't know, Office 365 subscription and, it comes with email that's, you can like or not like it, personal preference, but, the AI tools that will be available only if you use these services from Microsoft will make you decide if you finally stay with Google with their crappy AI that it is right now, or you switch to Microsoft because you want, you need these tools to do your work and to be more efficient than, for example, your peers in the field. And we come again to this realization that yes, guys, AI is king, and whoever will rule this space will basically rule all aspects of our lives. Well, we haven't seen Apple making their move yet. We talked also about this, with you when we talked on the phone, that I strongly doubt that they have nothing at all. Apple, the biggest company on this planet and the most advanced, but most secretive as well, that they have nothing besides Siri that is already available. Yeah, it's interesting to see where all this will go, but, at the same time, we have to remember and keep in mind that this will probably not last long if all that we run after is money. This I would say should be the main preoccupation for people who should be putting out this popular demand for scientists to unite and solve the problems. Each of these companies trying to win this race, they could achieve much more if they worked together. And at the same time, solving the problems that really matter to every one of us. Because there is no planet B. So if there is no planet Earth, then it doesn't matter who was winning the AI race.


Yeah, guys, and for those of you who, who think that everything is going to be all right, because, you know, I came across a video on TikTok of lady criticizing Creative Society. She was saying, you don't have to do anything. Why would you listen to these guys from Creative Society who say that you have to fight for your rights and freedoms? You just have to sit on your couch, just, she says, like I do, and technology will simply appear in your hands. Like this cell phone over here, I didn't have to do anything, she says. The technology just appeared, and then you just use it. She goes, so don't listen to Creative Society. Just sit there, be a couch potato, and wait until somebody gonna bring you amazing technologies and you're just gonna sit on the couch and use it. Be a couch potato, literally. Hopefully there is a small percentage of people illiterate like that, who think that somebody is gonna develop these technologies to bring them light, like Prometheus from the tales, that, that is gonna take his liver out and sacrifice himself to bring light to the people. Unfortunately, the reality is very different. If we go into the very origin of Google, how did Google originated? Of course, there is a romantic story that two great students from Stanford, Larry and emigrant from Russia, Sergey, they got together in a garage and they decided to change the history. So they created this search engine, which was funded by DARPA grants. They received money from National Security Agency and CIA to develop their first project. And then one year into that, they bought the National Security Agency satellites from United States to create Google Maps, which we use. So, think about it twice. Who is actually using these technologies, and what are they used for in the first place? Is it to make your human life better, or is it to secure control and military purposes? And, you know, I was watching an interview with Governor Newsom, who is a very intelligent and very well spoken gentleman, who definitely knows a lot about technologies. And he was in 2013 way before he became governor in 2019. He was at Google space, speaking to an audience, the employees of Google, and he was very advanced with technology. He had his book written about technology and how it can be changed, and he created a lot of great examples as former mayor of San Francisco, how it can be used. He goes well, you know, we can use these Google Maps, so where there is a pothole in pavement in San Francisco, you can just come, take a picture of it and send it using technologies, using APIs, open APIs that we use. You can send it to our government officials and they're going to come and fix this pothole right there. Well, great ideas. And again, he's very well spoken gentleman. The, only thing that ten years after those speech, the potholes are still there in San Francisco. But the debate he had with governor of Florida a couple of months ago, governor of Florida presented a different map, which was tracked using pictures. The map of human feces all over San Francisco, and you can see dark brown color, light brown color, all kinds of brown, like 50 shades of brown, and which is showing that the whole San Francisco is a huge public restroom and nobody cares to even clean it up. And this is a tragedy that we have great people who speak beautiful words, but the reality is going the opposite way. And we are seeing our best cities downgrading and becoming huge disaster. And then when, I've read the book, I listened to that beautiful and well spoken gentleman and I decided to write an email to him to warn him about things that we've been predicting and things that he might be not aware of climate wise, because I believe he cares about people. I believe he has his vision, which maybe not everyone understands, but I believe he, like everyone else, wishes the best for himself. And he would love to do something good for society in general, so that's why he became governor in the first place. But turns out he switched off his email. It's impossible to write him an email because there was a scandal more than 10 years ago when journalists in San Francisco, in times when he was mayor of San Francisco, they used the Transparency of Information Act to get hands on his email exchange with Sergey and Larry from Google. And they posted those emails. He didn't like that it's been posted. So he simply deleted his email box. And that is the level of involvement of society we are seeing right now. And we're coming from Ronald Reagan, who was talking about government who would listen and execute what people want. We came to the government which deletes its email boxes. The only way to connect with them. Now we're talking about connection with people, like what kind of connection we're talking about if the only way to connect was email and now even the email address is not available. So If you guys know any ways to contact governor of California, please write in the comment section below because I would love to inform government officials with all the respect. It doesn't matter which political affiliation you are. And again, there is a lot of political hatred and then people trying to say that this guy is bad and I'm so good. Guys, please, we all know that there are no good people getting that far in politics because politics is set up the way that if there is a nice person truly trying to make a difference and without being part of this system, the system tries to destroy this person. The system tries to smear campaign, to label that person all possible words, to use scandals, including sex scandal, fraud scandals, anything. It doesn't matter if it's true or false, it's, different scandals which are we seeing, even the next level. Right now, it comes to the level where the legal suits are being used as weapon against people who were speaking the truth. And we can see through the history from Julian Assange case, who was accused for personal relations first, because he was having some personal relations and he was accused falsely. And then we're seeing the very same thing happened to multiple people, multiple journalists or people who had large media influence. They were attacked financially. All the money were taken away from them. They had to file for bankruptcy and that is the way to shut them down. They think if we cannot shut them down by damaging their reputation, we can shut them down by depriving them of their wealth. And this becomes, if you see, if you look through all the cases, this becomes a trend. So, what is happening here? We're seeing that there is a game being played by those who control the media or try to control the media. They try to introduce more and more different legal means to shut down the freedom. We know that if you have a different point of view on climate, for example, any alternative versions are now called hate speech openly by United Nations and bodies of parliaments and structures of global influence around the world introducing this legal proposals in which If you're not supporting the traditional views of governments on, for example, green energy and so on. And just to give you one example, there is a legal proposal in Canada right now that says if you speak nicely of oil industry, you can get jail time. And this sounded ridiculous. But this is unfortunately our reality. We are deprived of our freedoms. We are being stripped down off the things that used to be unquestionable nature of human freedom to speak up what you feel is freedom. And on the other side, they say this is communist country, this is communist dictatorship. Guys, this is simple dictatorship, because communism, at least you were granted certain kinds of benefits. In this field, there are no benefits. You're just being stripped of your freedoms and the question when the full dictatorship, full, dictatorship arrives. I think that is a very reasonable question. And the only thing that we can say, which we've heard from one of the episodes of programs with Igor Mikhailovich

Danilov, where he said:

" a good thing that this dictatorship will fortunately not happen, because the climate will not allow it to happen." And this is one thing that many people don't understand. With a devastating climate progression, this dictatorship oppression, which rises in the form of deep state or tech dictatorship, or AI dictatorship, this will not be allowed to happen by the climate. Climate will, unfortunately, either unify humanity against itself. So human potential will be used to unify humanity and build a better future, defeat the climate threat, and build a really free and beautiful society, which we call Creative Society. Or we will be united by one grief, along with those who creating dictatorship, along with those who are enslaved today. More than 40 million people are literally slaves today in the world. This is bigger than ever in history. And unfortunately, most of the media are silent about it. Most of the population do not care. Like that lady that says, just be a couch potato, sit over there, and everything will be great. There was a Superbowl just a couple of weeks ago. There was a Superbowl, the biggest events, and one of the commercials was huge field, bunch of sofas over there, and people dressed as potatoes sitting on those sofas in front of their TVs. And the advertisement was, our free TV subscription will be so great that it will literally turn you into a couch potato. It's irony folks, but this is also our reality. Please folks, dig a little bit deeper and go back to re watching the conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone" because unfortunately this reality has two different scenarios of development and they both have been described. So it's time to think, time to stop being a couch potato.


You know, everything is a tool, and AI is a tool. A couple of interesting things in the usage of AI. One is very creative. I've seen this video that guys who are running a company, I don't exactly remember what they are doing, but basically what they did is that they connected their IVR, their phone support system, to several GPTs from ChatGPT. One was transcribing all the conversations that were held by their support agents with the clients. It was putting these conversations in a Google spreadsheet or Google doc. The second one was analyzing the text, for example, which kind of language they were using. Did they follow the script that the company has developed for customer support, and basically grade the performance of support agents, how polite they were, how helpful they were, and give advices to how they could improve their support. So this is very interesting. And, I would say that maybe Gavin Newsom could be using this kind of, technology, since he's getting a lot of emails, he was getting or could be getting if he reinstated his mailbox, he could analyze, with the help of AI, what really is bothering his citizens the most, and address these issues. This could be a really interesting way of using AI in helping people. For example. Another thing that I wanted to mention, there was this incident recently with Air Canada. They connected again, an LLM, a large language model, the ChatGPT that they train specifically to chat with the clients on their website. And, this chatbot actually invented a new policy that he thought, in quotes, he thought would be useful. And how things went. So a, a client, who had a bereavement situation, he had a death in his family and he needed to get quicker somewhere. Airlines quite often they have a policy that if you have this kind of thing you can buy the ticket that's available, it may be at a very high price, but then you will get a reimbursement for it or something like this. On the Air Canada website, he was talking with the chatbot. The problem that large language models, they tend to sound like humans. Especially when you are chatting with them, you don't hear the robotic voice or anything like that, because they are trained on what real people were saying and writing. He was chatting and he was asking, look, if I buy this ticket right now, will I get a refund and everything? And, the chatbot created, yes, we do have a policy that, allows you to book this expensive ticket and get a refund later. So the guy buys the ticket, he goes about his business and everything, and then he applies for a refund and Air Canada guys they're telling him but, we have a corporate policy and it's nothing like what you are telling us. He said, yeah, but I was talking with your support agent. And, the guy is saying, well, it's not a support agent. It's a chatbot. They did not want to pay him. So he took Air Canada to court with this and, they were trying to push the idea that they are not liable for the actions of the chatbot because it was acting on its own. And the judge said, no, no guys. This will not, go well for you. He ordered Air Canada to pay all the attorney fees and reimburse this gentleman for this ticket as their chatbot promised to him. Why I'm bringing this up is that we have this new toy that is helping, it is helping, but, who does it help? Is it really helping normal people? Well, maybe in some tasks , it helps kids do their homework, but is it really helping? Isn't the whole idea of doing the homework by yourself is to train your own brain, your consciousness? But then when we see that by helping the corporations, it eliminates a job, because before, a real person would be replying in the chat box on the website. Now it's a chatbot. Yeah, there's plenty of things that could be said about implementation of AI in our society. But, what is most important as with any tool, I would say is the intention. If your intention is to improve the lives of everyone on this planet, then obviously this tool will help you. The opposite is also true. That if your intention is to help yourself at the expense of everyone else on this planet, this tool can help you too. Because it's just a tool, a hammer is just a hammer. We have to understand that intention is really everything. And we've been talking about the intention of helping everyone realize that things are changing for every one of us living on this planet and that we need to urgently unite the scientific potential, unite also the AI potential, because when we even think, you know, about how things are looking today, we have all these companies pushing into different directions. If they would be going to the same direction, we would, as a society, have the best possible AI with all the NVIDIA chips running it locally, for example, if they wanted, because I think this is what they are trying to do right now. We would have all the best advancements made by Google, by Microsoft, OpenAI, everyone else in the field. Imagine we would have the best of everything, but for everyone, for this, we need to unite. And this brings back to what we've been talking on this podcast for a long time, that unity wins. We will not be able to progress far if we are pushing into different directions. Most probably we will even be staying at the same spot. But I'm curious to see where all these things will go and how this will affect our lives, but, also I really hope that people start waking up and see that what we are being let playing with by OpenAI or other companies. Imagine what is cooking in their labs. If what they are giving us to play with already creates super realistic videos, don't you think that they could be creating much more realistic, undistinguishable from reality videos already in their labs? We've been talking about this that we will arrive to a point where we will not be able to trust anything that we see or hear unless we can touch the person in front of us. Things already going sideways for many people who fell victims of fraud of scams using videos and audio generated by AI. I don't remember if I told you about this. There was this Hong Kong corporation. A lady, she was invited to a corporate call, a zoom call. And there were about like 20 people or something like that. There was her superior, the chief financial officer of the company and everyone like this. And she was instructed during a Zoom video call to wire 200 million Hong Kong dollars, it's about 20 million dollars, to 10 different accounts. It turned out that among these 20 people on the call, there were only two persons who were real humans, herself and her colleague. All the rest were AI generated personas that the fraudsters, they grabbed the videos from the website of the company, presentational videos. They created AI avatars of everyone in the company. And then created this Zoom call and, basically the AI avatar of her superiors told her to wire the money onto different accounts. So this is, this is already happening guys. And it's not the only mishap like this that happened. So we can see that this is a tool. And it can be used for good and bad. And unfortunately, from what we are seeing today, I think we have more harm from these technologies, for the moment, at least, in how we are using them today.


Exactly. But, without these technologies, we will not be able to overcome the challenges of upcoming climatic disasters as well. We have to understand that. And, taking even simple examples that people do not realize enough. Let's go back a century ago where Los Angeles was bombarded by large scale floods. Floods used to happen not as often not every week like it is happening today. But there was one once every other decade kind of thing and the whole Los Angeles was flooded and then in 1938 the government started creating this concrete channel, channelizing the LA river, and now it looks like you've seen in the Terminator, it was used for the Hollywood movies, you can drive through it, and usually there is no water, you can simply drive through it in a truck or motorcycle like Schwarzenegger did with the Terminator movie, and that looked something like really cool thing for filming music videos, films, like endless amount of films were filmed there. What is happening right now is that river is full to the very top of it. You can see so many videos of it being simply overflown and this is insane because amount of precipitation 14. 3 inches was in the middle of February and the usual annual amount is 14. 2 inches of water. This is crazy. In six weeks, more water fell down than in a year. And this is what we are talking about. This is an example where technology saves human lives. Because there is no such river in San Diego, for example, and you're seeing devastating consequences of it. You're seeing people having to climb on the roofs of their own houses. Simply to survive, you're seeing people being taken away, washed by the water, the cars are being pushed. Imagine the amount of power needed to push the car like that. This water has tremendous power and this water is going to be one of our enemies. We're going to have to battle it. And this is crazy to see in the comment sections when you go into Los Angeles Times and other newspapers. People are mad in the comment section that hey we're not capturing this water and preserving it and I'm, just mind blown like how would you complain about that? We're not capturing the water you are still living in the reality of 10 years ago where we were having small amount of precipitation and we would think how could we capture that water and use it. You cannot capture this amount of water. This is simply going to destroy your cities. This kind of water is also not a clean water. It's simply rainfall over the cities infused with bad chemicals that you have to purify. You cannot simply use that water. You cannot store this water for the summertime. This is really a huge amount of polluted water which simply flows and good thing it goes into the ocean, but people complain for the wrong cause like people don't understand the reality. They've been told certain things for years and years and they think this is still time of those times to complain about the that we're not capture capturing water like this is how much people are lacking understanding about the reality of nowadays. We need something different like that LA river it took 30 years to create that thing. And now it saves millions of human lives there and millions and billions of dollars in property that is being preserved. If it wasn't for that river, the whole city would be flooded, all your cars would be washed, all your houses, everything would be destroyed. Like in many places in San Diego with the whole water level was that high that it damaged everything that was on the ground level in basements and the cars and your bedrooms and your floors, everything is damaged. It's hundred percent total for the houses that have been flooded. Of course you cannot live in those houses anymore. It will be mold, it will be, not suitable for living at all. And nobody seems to care about these things. That is what is the most alarming. Unless you are directly affected by these things. You live just a hundred miles away in Los Angeles, you're gonna be complaining and bickering about the quality of something else. You're gonna be complaining about the completely wrong thing that we're not capturing water. This is simply insane and you know those people who like our friends in Los Angeles whose backyards, who had houses on the hills and whose backyards were simply washed away. They just simply experienced this landslide where the whole land simply went into the neighbors backyard and neighbor's house was below the level. Or like that house in Dana Point. Come on guys let's take a look at the footage from Dana Point. On Google Maps you can still find that house it has a huge amount of backyard in front of it so it wasn't built on the cliff it was built quite far from the cliff. And right now you can see that house miraculously survived the landslide so you can see a concrete wall, you can see it's foundation basically sticking out of the cliff and it's on the edge of collapse and that house used to be worth 13 million dollars. Now, it's worth nothing. You're not gonna sell. Nobody wants to live in a house that's going to collapse We're talking about the millionaire or billionaire beach in Malibu, the very same thing. The whole thing is going to be gone you we're talking about places up north the very same thing. The fanciest places in Santa Barbara are being flooded, and people do not seem to want to recognize the challenges of nowadays and how much critical it is to build new infrastructures, the very same vertical farms, the very same generators of energy. And when we're talking about energy, we still live in a decade where people complain about something that is absolutely irrelevant right now. At the very same time where people still unaware complaining about the solar panels and wind turbines, around the world, there is a whole new infrastructure is being built silently. It's happening silent. You have to specifically research for fuel free energy generators to find this infrastructure to find these devices. But this is what is happening. It appears silently without the big coverage in the media. But it is happening, just like OpenAI was developing their AI technologies for over, what, almost a decade without presence in the media. This is what is happening in Kurdistan right now, the small region on north of Iraq, just to give you one example, but 400 megawatts station is being created over there by German corporation that does not use fossil fuels, that use the different kind of principles, the new principles of generating energy. And this is what is happening simultaneously in the background. But guys, shouldn't this be something that has to be discussed? Because if we have fuel free energy devices already available. Bunch of them were presented in Switzerland last year and it was covered by Creative Society volunteers who went there, who did the full coverage, who did interviews with people. You have devices in Florida, that also inventors have been interviewed. Those are real devices. Why it's not being spoken about? Guys, why not? If this is the most crucial topic. Using these technologies, we could be securing our food production, using vertical farming, freeing huge amounts of land right now, and so on. This is not being done. We could build not desalination plants, again, Governor Newsom said we're building 20 desalination plants right now. This all is our future. Guys, our future is atmospheric water generators. We should be demanding those. There is no public demand, and therefore, there is no response from the governance, and this is a problem that we are not articulating our demands. Therefore, there is no response. And again, just instead of being a couch potato, you have to wake up. You have to wake up, look around, and stop waiting for something to miraculously change. Each voice today can be amplified. Each voice can be heard. Just like over six months ago when Lahaina was on fire and we've seen billionaires and multi millionaires begging peasants for money. That created a huge backlash. One lady created this TikTok which went viral and have been seen by millions of people and you know what? That multi billionaire with over 500 million dollars in wealth came to Las Vegas and he was booed by the public. Public was booing him because people have good memory. Fortunately, people do remember who this so called heroes glorified by Hollywood are and how little humane left in people whom we tried to reach. Again, we've been inviting them to speak up, to make a real difference, not to beg people who barely making ends meet for money. No, Creative Society is not interested in collecting donations in any sort of financial gain. And that is what's different about the thing we're talking about over here. We genuinely care about people, because we are people. We are people just like you, and we want to live, we want to survive in this climate apocalypse that is coming up, that has already started. The main climatologist of NASA, Gavin Schmidt, openly says we did not take it into account. We're seeing the models that include El Nino, unprecedented warming, and still there is something that has not been taken into account, and this something, we can tell openly, this is the heating up of our planet from the inside. This is exactly what is causing the ocean to overheat and bombard California with unprecedented precipitation one wave after another. This is what exactly causing the tension inside of our planet to build up and create the rise in cataclysms across the globe. And we are seeing when in Kazakhstan, the TV stations saying there is nothing to worry about there will be no major earthquakes and one week after Kazakhstan biggest city Almaty is being hit by devastating earthquakes and people simply have to walk out and shocked freeze in the middle of the night and afraid to even return to their houses and they start asking why alarms were not sound just when Lahaina was burning the very same thing no alarm were sound so people wouldn't know that something bad is about to happen. Yet, in Kazakhstan, they registered that earthquake with epicenter hundreds miles away. They could switch alarms on and urge people to leave their houses, but their excuse was, yeah, they totally messed up with this. And they could clearly say, we messed up, we have to fix it. No, they said it was done on purpose because we didn't want to raise panic. Well, right now, guys. Not to raise panic. You're being kept in silent. The disaster is just around the corner. Just like that earthquake in Almaty. And they are not raising the alarm not to raise panic. They are being silent and their silence will cost you your life. If we want to avoid this reality, we have to stop being couch potatoes, wake up and use this miraculous technology of cell phones we're having in our hands to inform people about what is happening. Because government is too busy not sounding the alarm, not to raise panic. And this is the reality of it. We have people who are sounding the alarm, but we don't have means to amplify our call. We're trying to use all possible means and there are heroes across the globe who unify, who spread this information, but this is too little. Too little yet to wake people up. And unfortunately, if that's going to continue like that, we're going to see tremendous devastation in a number of human lives taken by the climate. And already it's taking more human lives. And when I'm watching the presidential debates and right now, we're seeing candidates over there talking about October 7. Still nobody talks about earthquakes in Afghanistan. They only speak about other events and it's a shame that, in addition to climate, which is doing much better job in taking human lives where we're seeing what is happening. Military wise that we are caught up and we are wasting time on military operations and we have this huge scientific centers, we have this institutions worldwide think tanks from Washington, D. C. to various places around the globe who are creating their geostrategic planning. Do we have a single institution that is forecasting unification of the people and gives strategic means to unify and build free society where artificial intelligence will serve all people and create a safe, beautiful, prospering world where our currency will not decline in its purchasing power, where inflation will be impossible because AI can create economy that will not see crisis, that will not collapse, that will be not based on debt, on endless creation of debt that we are seeing right now with 40 trillions of dollars that we owe to somebody we don't even know who. But we know that eventually it's going to collapse. We just hope we're not going to be the ones under the rubble of this fallen economy. But this is inevitable and that is something we don't want to recognize just like impending climatic disaster. We have to be a little bit more wiser. We have to look at least one step ahead. You know, I came across this interesting dialogue, was Bitcoin created by CIA? And the person who really looked into the creation of the code itself said that it was most probably insider in National Security Agency because back before 2008, when it was created, there was multiple ways to protect the backdoor from entering the code to generate the random numbers. Those backdoors, those already certified ways to create the software were certified by all international agencies. They would say that those are safe. So the person who created the Bitcoin did not use any of certified methods, which later occurred that NSA had the backdoor to each one of them. So it was insider who was inside of NSA and he knew that he was he cannot use certified methods, because all of them are being controlled. National Security Agency, CIA, everybody else would get in there, create endless amount of digital currencies and could track everything down, but he did not use them. He was smart enough to foresee what is happening. Same thing with VPN, with all other technologies, they were created by very smart people. Originally to, again, create colorful revolutions around the world, and you know how technologies have been used to overthrow governments when there was a governmental revolution arising in Egypt, for example, there was a famous thing when top government officials called Twitter headquarters and said, Twitter and Facebook, and they said, do not do your scheduled maintenance this night, because there is a revolution happening, and we don't want folks in Middle East to stay without means to connect. They have their Facebook revolution. Don't do the scheduled maintenance tonight, and the scheduled maintenance was delayed. We're seeing many ways how the technology is being used eventually against the people because CIA and everybody else they fighting for world dominance, their plans are outdated and this is something we don't realize too. We have these huge machines working on plans for of the past centuries. They are not looking for the future. They're not thinking of a future of unified humanity with no dictatorship. But eventually, it's exactly what each one of them wants. Each one of the people involved in those think tanks for themselves, they would want this beautiful world, but they're just not caught up in this game state they keep playing which, which simply make no sense. So guys, let's stop being couch potatoes and stop waiting for something beautiful to miraculously happen itself. We have to spend a little bit of time both speaking up to actually make our world a better place. That is the most important thing today to start thinking for yourself.


Yes. I want just to add that, people who you think will do miracles for you, they don't have your best interest in mind. Definitely not. And if we want to see miracles in our life, we have to create them ourselves. And this is only possible when we unite our potential. Otherwise, we know for sure because history shows that only when people unite they can achieve great things. This is what we have to do right now at this turning point of our civilization. We invite everyone again to join this wave of speaking up for also your rights and your life. At the end of the day, it's your life and the lives of your loved ones which are at play today. And I don't think that anyone will blame you for telling the truth about what's happening with the planet and wanting to save it for themselves as well for yourself. So guys, let's continue this conversation and spread the information about the true causes of what is happening to the planet and about the way out that was also voiced many times over. So stay tuned until next time, be well.

The Future of AI Technology
Global Crisis and Technological Dominance Impacts
The Future of AI and Society
Impact of AI on Society
Wake Up to Climate Apocalypse
Unite for a Better World