The Episodikal Podcast

Do not frighten the ostriches

Episodikal Media Episode 17

In this episode, we discussed the international online forum “Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity,” which took place on November 12, 2022, the trip to Washington DC to meet with the legislators, the future we’re being programmed to have, and the one we all can have in the Creative Society, touched upon the role the pyramids have “possibly” played and how it relates to our time and gave some advice on what to watch.

Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity", November 12, 2022

Urgent Online Report "The Future of Humanity"

Global Crisis. Who is the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ for Us? | International Conference, December 10, 2022

Atlantis. The Elite in search of immortality

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​Alexey: We are live.


We're live again, and welcome back to The Episodikal Podcast.


Yes, welcome back guys. Before we dive in, we would like to let you know that we also have a video version, full edit on YouTube. As usual, all the links are in the description. You can go to, our YouTube channel, Episodikal. We are @episodikal on every social platform. We are also on Rumble, the same name Episodikal podcast. Today we will continue expanding on the information that is very important to every living human being on this planet. After the report Creative Society made for Rotary and Rotaract Club members. And, uh, after its release to the public, well, we made something even bigger, even bigger. The biggest, and without exaggeration, it is the largest event in the history of, humankind. It was the International Online Forum, "Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity." And this time it was simultaneously interpreted into 150 languages, all done by volunteers. And the first part was very, very similar to what was presented to the members of Rotary and Rotaract clubs. But then we did something that was really, really interesting. We presented in detail the solution. We portrayed the Creative Society, and the benefits that everyone will have in this world if we choose to go the Creative Society route. This is something that is really impressive because when you see these beautiful videos that were made by the teams showing how our lives will be improved, and this is something that we cannot even imagine in today's world. It is absolutely mind blowing how our lives will change. And for this, all we need, for the moment, is to choose Creative Society. This is why it is important to spread this information. Well, we are doing already something even to pitch these ideas to our politicians, starting with the US, and you went to Washington DC right after the forum. Can you please tell our listeners and viewers a little bit more about this?


Yeah. So first of all, hello everyone. I guess me and you will know it very good. Like how do you start even explaining something that huge as our project to somebody who has no idea? So it's like every conference we were always like, what do we start with? Do we start with benefits of Creative Society? Do we start with climate? Do we start with general information about what's going on in the world? And then for Rotary, we really had to push ourselves to put as much information as possible in the shortest amount of time. And we saw that people resonated with it. People were like, okay, now we getting why we have to get all the best scientists of our civilization on one table, because it's them who's gonna deliver to us solutions for the climate, scientific solution, technological solution, free energy that we need, so necessary right now to contradict the climate change. We're not talking about CO2, of course. So, the next thing we see that people watch the forum, a lot of feedback, super positive, and we see that this is much more understandable. And then we got invited to Washington, DC. It happened very suddenly. There was this conference over there where policy makers were meeting up, they were discussing financial things, upcoming recession, big mass unemployment, how to deal with it. And we got invited, because we have a project that like offering solutions to these things. So we were asked to present, only in amount of 30 minutes, present the project. And, of course, we had to start with climate. And we were closing. We were closing this meeting. Before us, some people talked about climate. You know, it more sounded like ritual, when people saying, yeah, we have to switch to green energy and build more windmills. You know, in Germany I'm watching the news, they closing, they shutting down windmills, taking them away, send them to the yards, and actually opening the coal mine that was underneath these windmills. So, on practice, it's all going already the opposite direction. But here in the offices they still talking about, like a ritual. What, can we compare it to like some religious ritual? You have to bring up that, yeah, we care about environment, we care about bringing more solar and wind. So we were closing, and of course we were expecting like we're gonna present this information about the climate change, about the natural factors, how we were able to put so many different scientists on one table and get this holistic picture. And we were expecting to be bombarded by the questions, wait guys, so it's not CO2? How is it possible? We, we always sincerely believed this is CO2, and you're telling us that CO2 is not the main driving factor of the climate change? So we, talking about this whole project, I was closing, I was speaker number four out of four. We're expecting questions. None of them was about CO2! Can you imagine, everybody in the room already knew that CO2 has nothing to do with the climate change, but it's more of a ritual. It's more of a profitable business for each one of them. So this is sort of the thing everyone talks about, just to say it out loud, that guys we're on the same page. We're all, besides other projects, we're making money on this thing, and that's it. When we communicated with them, most of the questions were like as if they already knew that we were saying the truth, like no one was asking to back it up with more facts, because it was obvious that we were speaking the truth. Most of the questions were, how do we let the public know about this without raising panic among people. Like how do we make people know? There were representatives from European Union as well who invited us to European Union Summits next summer. There were representatives from African countries, and some of them asked us questions, which were more theological. They said, guys, this definitely sounds like apocalypse that we may face as a civilization, and how do we deal with it? Because, you know, I'm a Muslim, one man said, and he said, if Allah allows it, then let it be, but I don't believe that Allah allows something that bad to happen to all of the humanity. And I was like, first of all, we respect religions and we are going to have this amazing event that our participants from Islamic World making on December 10th. So we invite everyone to participate in it. It's going to be called"Who is Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to us." And, second of all, we cannot put responsibility for saving our future as a humanity on divine powers, because divine powers already gave all of us freedom of choice. We have technologies, when we wake up in the morning, we don't say that if God wants me to have breakfast, I'm gonna have a sandwich on a plate right next to my bed and the coffee in the mug, it's all gonna be here. No, we expect to do certain things ourselves. So one of the best things I've heard, best ideas is that here on our planet, we are kind of having this experiment, this humanity has to unite and become civilization in order to overcome the challenges. Why? Why are we not contacted by the more advanced civilization somewhere out there, we sending radio signals? Apparently, we are not the only ones in the universe. Well, because any of interactions will be violation of our freedom of choice, guys, we live on this planet. It's totally up to us. We have amazing technologies, we have all financial resources, we have enough of everything to provide amazing life for everyone on here. You know, like Jacques Fresco one time said, he calculated that amount of money spent on World War II and World War I would be enough to provide everyone with amazing house. Everyone on the planet could be provided with amazing housing no matter in which country you live. He was like, how much of a changer that would be to our society? But instead of that, we, humans, decided to execute our freedom of will in the way that empowered few psychopaths to take over our society and start mass extermination of humans on our planet. If anyone would be looking from aside, they would say, these people are nuts, at best, but it's their freedom of choice. It might be a lesson as when children start walking, they learn how to walk, they might fall down, they get up and they try not to fall down again. But for now, we are seeing that for some reason our civilization approaching this dead end where, oh boy, we see that more and more people start using the word World War three, which is terrible. It shouldn't even be discussed. And, you know, even two years ago when I started explaining Creative Society, many people had little bit of a hard time understanding why do we need to change anything. I think past two years really made us all grow up as a society and to the understanding that we definitely need to change something. I can get in more details regarding the Washington trip, and how there was very interesting crowd in the room. And you know, when we had only 30 minutes, we had to start with the climate and we start with 12,000 year cycle with all the scientists on their side of the evidence that this is happening and none of them being at the same table to actually put different pieces of the puzzle together. How did we come up with it? How we were able to, you know, see the factors that are clearly the evidence from volcanology when the volcanoes erupted, we see that volcanologists, they say it's a different consistency of magna. It consists of different particles which coming way deeper from the core of our planet. It's not a surface level magma. Okay, this is one piece of puzzle, so something is pushing this magma all the way to the top. Then we tried to communicate to all of them, get them at the same table and they couldn't understand each other. Because each volcanologist only study certain type of volcano and only one or two volcanoes in their whole career. We tried to speak to seismologists, get them at the same table, they all have different databases. They pick one and they don't know about the other ones, and the other ones for some reason decide to randomly exclude certain type of data, like earthquakes with magnitude under four are not being included in one of the major databases, how you gonna have holistic information? And the funniest thing is that excuse, when we asked them, the scientists, why did they, all of a sudden in 2014, decided not to include magnitude 4.0 and smaller earthquakes? Their answer was, well, we don't want to have that much information in this database, you know, to preserve the space and whatever. Like, this doesn't make any sense. Imagine how much information is being saved on servers of some random films and, uh, I don't know, you name it, what people have on the internet. The space and the amount of space to save information to store it has never been an issue. It's just certain information that when you look at it, you see that something is happening to the planet. The number of earthquakes and magnitude is rising. But, uh, by the end of it, the questions were mostly not about scientific part, but about social. And one of the questions that one of American representatives asked, he said, how do we build this society if it's a natural thing for people to be competitive? It's a natural thing to have this testosterone that moves guys and, you know, makes our society so aggressive. And I say, what do you have the gym for? Your testosterone can perfectly be maintained by using a gym. You don't want to have violence on the streets, especially towards you. But the competitive factor is very important, and it's not gonna be eliminated. It's a part of human nature, but it has to be used differently. Instead of making billionaires to compete with each other with empty zeros on their bank accounts, we can make them compete with good deeds, we can limit the amount of wealth at, let's say 10 million mark, and make them, by law, to have to use the rest for the benefit of the society, invest it to any project that they choose that really solves the problem of hunger, solves the problem of water, energy, housing around the world. And we're gonna have the same people, we're gonna praise them and love them the same, even more, because we know these are the people who helped us. These are the people who made our society better, made our lives better. And you know, people have these questions, and once we start answering them, it was heartwarming to see that people get it. You know, doesn't matter if you're senator if your advisor in House of Representatives, when you see this idea, and there is a good saying, there is nothing more powerful than an idea when its time has come. So the idea of Creative Society has its time. It is the time is right now, and we can see people resonate with it.


Yeah. You know, it's like this, uh, Chinese proverb, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. Next best time is now. And the same is true, I guess, for the Creative Society. We need to understand that this is something that, we don't have that much time to build, but it can be done very, very quickly once we decide that we want to build it. I just want to go back to a couple of points you talked about, and of course, the most ridiculous excuse for not storing data on, earthquakes of magnitude four and below is lack of space or to save space. This is absolutely ridiculous. It's just a spreadsheet and everyone is taking photos that, would make for many, many spreadsheets. I mean, we can store all the information we need, if we just keep the right information there. And I wanted to tell you one thing also about, this thing, like, we need to talk about the CO2 because you have to talk about it is, like a ritual. Everyone has to do it, right? Yesterday we brought kids to the Museum of the Future. It's a new thing in Dubai, a very beautiful building. Spent several years building it. And I didn't do my research. I didn't know what to expect. So it is kind of made, you know, like as if you go into a space shuttle or something like that, that brings you to the orbit. Well, the thing is that this space shuttle uses fossil fuels. This is very also interesting because it shows you like you're going with the rocket, you know, and then you go to, uh, the International Space Station, which is called Hope. OSS Hope and, uh, It's beautifully done. I mean, graphics and everything and they explain to you the solar system and stuff, but also they explain the purpose of this OSS Hope, uh, You will be laughing. So the idea is that, uh, oh, by the way, one, one thing, while we were rising from the surface of the planet to go to this orbital space station, there were fields of wind turbines everywhere. There were solar panels and wind turbines. Well, solar panels in Dubai totally make sense obviously, but wind turbines. Well, man, you mentioned what Germany is doing with them and for a good reason, right? So from this orbital space station. So its goal is that they're putting solar panels on the moon, like arrays of solar panels on the moon. And then they collect the energy of the sun, and then they beam it as a laser beam to the surface of the planet. And this is how we solve the problem with energy.


It's crazy how much fantasy you have to come up. But hold on. There was just another project by MIT where they wanted to cover sky from solar rays to stop the global warming.


Even crazier, they plan to take out pieces of the sun so that it radiates less energy. Then we are shown that we have all these extinct species of plants. You can have a scanner and uh, you know, they have like 3D boxes with all the animal species, and plants, and stuff. They show you what has gone extinct and what hasn't. Even my kids say, well, why is it like so sad? Energy is scarce, everything is dying. The planet is dying. Why this beautiful new building, the Museum of the Future is not showing the possibilities of what we were showing, for example, during the forum, the free energy generators, right, the fuel free generators. So free abundant energy for everyone. Medical technologies. I mean, guys, I'm not saying don't go to the Museum of the Future, but please do yourself a favor. If you want a bright picture of the future, go and watch the forum. You will be amazed and surprised by what is possible, what will be possible in just several years when we decide to build the Creative Society. And, you know, it shows once again that people are being programmed that everything is scarce, and this idea of CO2, they also had a very big display showing how these CO2 levels would rise and destroy the planet. Man, I understand you have to talk about the CO2. But actually we don't. If you are a sensible person who understands, who did a little bit of research, you will understand. And the most shocking thing about what you told about this trip to Washington DC is that there were no questions about how you would limit the CO2 emissions, right? How you would limit the global warming. The questions were all different. So this proves once again that well, yeah, I mean, there is some sort of information that is not being let out to the public, and this will not happen in Creative Society actually, with transparency of information. These things will not happen. And we can see, clearly see, that all of the eight foundations of Creative Society, they really need to be applied all at once. Otherwise we will always have things like, uh, we are seeing today.


Yeah. You know, it's really interesting that they call it the future, but actually in this future, they not showing the development, they showing the past. Of course, solar and wind are already technologies of the past. It's a failed technology. It didn't work out, and it's quite obvious right now, right? Otherwise, we would be working on developing more of them, but they're being removed across our planet right now. That's a big problem. When we were preparing the forum, "Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity," one of the main lines was do not show futuristic future as a mockery with flying cars and you know, stuff that's like whatever from the eighties as if they would've imagined nowadays. The point was to show the technologies that we already have right now that can drastically change our current life, already life that we live in, but are not being applied. Vertical farms can, of course, solve the problem of food. Technologies that provide desalinization of water and others can totally solve the problem of water. There will be no need to collect money each year to provide food and water for the hungry in, uh, certain places of our planet. Huge business for some parts of our when nonprofits that are working not even on governmental level, but intergovernmental level, the ones we think would have a plan. Next thing, next big thing was uh, the fact that we are one step away from implementing the free energy. But free energy is collapse of the whole system because the whole work depends on it. Another thing is, um, that even if we solve these problems of food, hunger, law enforcements, you know, many people stay unemployed. And this was also being discussed. If police station is doing their job well, their finance is gonna be cut for the next year. So even on global level, we have the very same organizations fighting crimes who are interested in having crimes in some, at some level. Otherwise, there is no point of their existence of these organizations. And, um, medical technologies that can cure our bodies on the molecular level from the inside. Think about it, in your telephone, in your very cell phone, the size of the chip, nano meters. These technologies already exist. They can fix your body from the inside on the molecular level doing preventative care. You will never, ever gonna get sick. You will never have any disease. And if you do, it's gonna get fixed right away. It's not being done. Even simple things like having a watch on your wrist and having cameras in your mirror and having a smart fridge that can track down what kind of food did you buy? Did you consume. It adds up, calculates it, and coming up with suggestions. AI. Were being told that AI is bad. That AI is gonna be used against humans, that it's a huge Terminator machine that's gonna show up. So we're being pushed this narrative that we have to kind of limit our development of the technologies. We don't have to develop more. There is nothing more to develop. We peaked as a civilization that all possible changes, and now the only way is to go back. Our future is gonna look as our past. When 20 years ago I was going to school and I was seeing kids obsessed with Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies, I was like, what the heck is, who would be attracted with a future that looks like medieval past? You don't have technologies, you don't have, you have to use woods. You, you live where? People were obsessed with it. They were like, look at that. And they have some kind of magic over there. And you think, yeah, of course people in the future if they gonna get live like this. And I was thinking, it's impossible now. Now I see it's totally possible. Now they say you cannot use technologies because you are evil. If you wash your body, you have to make a choice. You either going on the trip and you use your allowance of carbon footprints a year to go on a trip or to heat up your house. It's either one. You don't get both. So you better go to a warm country and stay there for the whole year and make sure do not eat meat and do not breed. The best thing you can do for climate is not to have a baby. That's a real article, guys. I'm not kidding. That's a real article with real suggestions for climate warriors to fight climate. If you think this is not ridiculous enough, there is a beautiful movie, uh, called "Atlantis, the Elite in search of immortality." And it suggests as a theory that previous civilization of Atlantis actually went to a very development state of technologies, but then most of the population they purposely made, it made people dumb. They reduced education, reduced everything, and took away technologies. So all technologies were concentrated on one island of Atlantis, and the rest of civilization was just living as we see in the movies, Troy, BradPitt with a sword attacks somebody. They have huge armies and they praying to Gods. Gods, please help us to defeat their army. And then Gods from the technologically advanced island, press a button and some missiles takeoff. And peasants be like, wow, Gods helped us. Now Gods just used missiles. They finding this evidence of nuclear explosions all over Siberia, all over India. They cannot explain it. They say, we don't know what happened over there. Well, it's obvious, guys, for anyone that we cannot even replicate the technologies of the past. Have you seen the how much evidence? I was talking to a friend and you know, just yesterday she was asking me about the pyramids. She says, there are, these pyramids are so mysterious. I went to a trip to Egypt. I saw them. They are huge. Like, yeah, but do you know they're not the biggest and not the oldest ones? And she was like, where? Where is the oldest one? Mexican? Like Indonesia. Biggest pyramid on Earth is in Indonesia. It's huge. It's still covered with land, but they already scanned it. It's 24,000 years old. 24,000 years old, according to Darwin, we were like monkeys in the jungle fighting for bananas. We were on level of development of cave people. But there are these technologies which we cannot replicate right now, the polygonal cut of the stones. Those are not simple bricks. Those are made with technologies, which we cannot replicate. We cannot lift them. And most importantly, what's not being discussed again, that all these pyramids, they're not randomly built somewhere. Because the counter argument would be, well, you know, they build this pyramids because it's the most stable form, and it's so easy to make a pyramid. It just stays stable. You put bricks on top of another until you reach the top of the pyramid. Yeah, that's it. You have no idea how, how precise it is astronomically, how precise the location, the coordination with other pyramids. They not just randomly out there. They make perfect system. And this system alone with underground pyramids was used by previous civilizations to stabilize the core of our planet when it was going out of control, just as it is right now. We can assume that was used for these purposes because it's, uh, it's apparently it has something to do with it. But with our selfish, snobby, so-called scientists, who pin badges on their chests and praise each other in their peer reviews, we don't even learn about this, that that's such a shame. And we live in the society where it's okay to smear someone who was talking about these things. I was extremely happy to see Graham Hancock's documentary on Netflix came out just uh, month ago. And in it he was showing like how much of the things that happened on our planet we have even no idea about. And definitely before that dark past which we're being portrayed as a future, as our medieval future, there was more advanced civilization on our planet. And we can see it through 12,000 year cycle that not all cycles were blackouts of just tremendous explosions. There were cycles on which planet went relatively smooth, there were no major volcano eruptions. There were no black layers and the kerns of ice. So some civilizations actually made it through relatively safe. The choice is ours. Which ones we gonna be? Are we gonna be that black layer on the surface of the ice where or are we gonna be that layer where future civilization's gonna be like, oh, these guys made it, these guys made it through. Okay, cool. So we have a chance. The last point I wanted to make the, when I start talking about Creative Society, just yesterday was talking to a friend and she told me, we have so little time. We have so little time. How we gonna pull this off? And I'm saying, well, you know, for the first time in history, we're so connected that once people really want others to know something, it spreads really fast. And she was like, like what? I was like, remember when Black Lives Matter protest happened, how fast this information spread? Like how fast in one day we went from chill, calm, staying at home to completely furiosity around the whole planet because something, something happened that really shook off our matrix of consciousness. And this, this is what we need to happen. Hopefully we're gonna be able to do this before any humans suffer from the climate change. Do we really have to wait until Philippines or Japan, uh, experience the next huge tsunami that, uh, Creative Society volunteers were talking about and predicted to happen by 2029? It was predicted in 2014. It's not like a crystal ball predictions. It's predicted on scientific data. Do we want to wait until that happens or do we want to take some action before? That is the question guys.


Uh, Definitely there is a lot to talk about the pyramids, right? Uh, we can maybe do it, uh, another time because, uh, even without going to much of the details, what you said about the Gunung Padang pyramid in Indonesia, the 24,000, at least 24,000 year old pyramid. We can't even build buildings, homes, or anything with the same precision as the biggest pyramids that we have, I mean, taking even pyramids of Giza. And we only have like a couple of cranes that are able to do it. They require at least six months of preparation for one lifting of one block of the pyramid.


Totally. Well, one last thing I wanted to say regarding the pyramids is that I was always fascinated, like, uh, you know, around the planet, they find so many places in which there are circular stone balls. And I was like, where the heck is that coming from? There are so many mysteries around the world. And then only when you get all the scientists at the same table, we had round table of archeologists like, guys, this information, it's not a conspiracy. It's not something that like, you know, we woo woo guys talking here about it's all proven scientific facts. Those balls were used in underground pyramid, which are reverted there, uh, located underground upside down and the technologies used in there, including these stone circular balls are used to bounce the tectonic energy, so they used as natural bumpers for the seismic activity. Possibly they were used to also stabilize the core of our planet. We don't know exactly how, because nobody's even studying this, but what we can say for sure that it totally makes sense. If we look at skyscrapers around our planet, we can see different cities. They never have exactly the same skyscrapers, like New York City has its own skyscrapers. Hong Kong has their own skyscrapers. They don't look exactly the same. But if thousands years from now somebody would search those abandoned cities and leftovers of the skyscrapers, they would say, these guys, they definitely were on the same page. It's all steel structures. They have a glass. They have certain standards up to which they were built. They don't look the exactly the same, though. It's not like you copy. It's definitely not the very exact plan. They had different architectural plans, but the technology was similar, and this is exactly the same thing here. Of course, there were civilizations which put a lot of efforts into building something for some reason, somehow it can be connected to today's topic. We're not even studying this. You know, one of the things we also discussed, even when we put the same scientists from the very same field at one table, they don't find common language. I'm gonna give you another example. We have these amazing participants from South America. I was asking like, how crazy is it that one Spanish speaking blogger made a review about the Creative Society and it boomed all over South America. We had hundreds and thousands of participants and everybody picked it up so fast making all these amazing videos. And there's this, uh, two brothers, twin brothers from Monte Video Uruguay, and they just blowing up on TikTok. They making videos each, they're siblings and they are twin brothers. So they look exactly the same. It's confusing part. You watching , you watching their videos, you cannot wrap it around. Is it the same person? Is it different one? Rodrigo and Adrian. So they made this video about the volcano eruption from the Rotary presentation. They presented it in Spanish. It boomed, it got 2 million, over 2 million views just in the span of couple of days. And of course, there were many people who were raising questions. Is it true? And to actually, to find out if it's true, you have to watch the whole Rotary report, which is like three hours, or on TikTok, you only have a 30 second clip. And here's the confusion part. People say, oh, I don't have time to watch three hours, but you're not showing me enough evidence in 30 seconds. Like, guys, you have to choose either one. It's either 30 seconds or you watch at least couple of hours. And there is this one volcanologist Spanish speaking guy who says, I'm a volcanologist or geologist. He says, I'm a geologist. I know this stuff. It's impossible. Like, what do you know? What do you know? You took some classes in the local uh, university for geology. You think you. know Anything about how our planet works? You know, anything about the core, you know anything about the magnetic field, you know anything about the solar radiation, you know anything about the shifts of the North Pole and what's causing them, what's, what kind of processes happening in our planet? What, what kind of volcanic seismic activity, floodings, why are our planet speeding up and slows down suddenly? All these things that are be being registered out there, these pieces, pieces of the puzzle, they not being put together, not by anyone except Creative Society volunteers. So of course, that guy, that geologist who said, oh, this cannot be truth because I'm a geologist. And many people in the comment, they started saying, well, you know, this cannot be truth because some geologist said it. Guys, maybe it's time to grow up? Maybe it's time to grow up. Stop. Stop being cowards, stop being ostriches, stop hiding our heads in the sand. And nothing bad is gonna happen to you if you start speaking about Creative Society. Like nothing bad, and nothing but fear was preventing people. So the topic we discussed before, it takes courage, but it's much easier to be courageous where you have courageous people around you, like my co-host Alex here.


Yeah. Uh, I just remembered the funny joke about ostriches. You know, there is a sign in the zoo that says, don't frighten the ostriches. The floor is concrete.


Oh my gosh. Exactly guys, the floor is concrete. You might think you're gonna hide there. There is nothing to hide. The funniest part is that the very same people who push the agenda of CO2, they invest so much in building bunkers. We contacting these construction companies all over Texas and the United States, and they say, we ask them, why don't you guys build the vertical farms? And they say, we would love to build vertical farms, but we have thousands, like 2000% raise in customers who want to build underground bunkers. And at the conference, we also showed this at the Rotary report, it doesn't make sense to make bunkers because magma is coming from underneath of our planet. It's melting the lithosphere plates from underneath. So whatever bunkers, the deeper you go, the faster you're gonna be gone when the magma rises up enough. So it doesn't make sense, guys, you are literally being ostriches, just bumping your heads against the concrete when you think you're gonna survive in the bunker underneath the planet. So yeah guys, let's get un stupid.


Oh yeah, man, when you check the information that's presented during the forum and the Rotary report, obviously, if you want just the scary part, you would understand that building a bunker and staying there, you will just become canned food, you know, you just become cooked the fastest on the planet in your beautiful bunker. But, uh, the, uh, the thing is that when, and this is another important topic that we touched upon in the previous episode, that it has to be a multidisciplinary approach to the information because maybe for one geologist somewhere, he may be a very brilliant guy and a specialist in his field, but it doesn't mean that he knows everything about everything, right? You, you have to have a multidisciplinary approach with the goal to find the solution, not to get any grants or to receive any accolades, you know, that you were the first to discover or something. We need to find the cause of what is creating these conditions with climate change and all the natural disasters occurring on the planet. And for this, obviously, we need to unite the scientific potential and give everything they need to do this job, right? We are talking about lack of money, lack of funds, yet we always find funds for some crazy stuff. I'm not even talking about wars, which is ridiculous. But, uh, when we look at, we are trying to go to a dead planet, Mars spending billions on this. We are trying to suck out CO2 out of the atmosphere, spending trillions on fighting the CO2 over the last decade, and, uh, are requesting to spend even more. And when we see that whatever we are doing, the situation is just becoming worse, right? Everything shows that the CO2 continues to rise. The cataclysms continue to occur more frequently. The gravity, I mean their power increases. Any sensible person would start thinking, well, obviously, whatever I'm doing, this is not helping. You are trying to type the same password and waiting for computer to change its mind and to let you in, or something like that, I don't know. But, if what you are doing is not working, you have to change what you are doing. If you don't have the capacity to understand why what you're doing is not affecting in any shape or form the results, ask other guys who are maybe studying different fields than you are studying. Because this already affects everyone and everyone should be involved in finding the solution. It's not about accolades, it's not about scientific titles, it's not about grants. Because if we continue in the same way, I mean, hurricanes, they don't accept cash to go another route not to touch your house. Floods, they don't accept gold, you cannot barricade yourself with bricks of gold hoping that landslide is not gonna touch you or any other disaster. We already touched upon these topics that no matter how, how smart you think you are, and you are trying to calculate what is the best spot to build your bunker well, there was there is another smart guy, right, who built the banker exactly on the spot, I mean the seed bank with the doomsday seed bank that seats directly where one of the plumes that is coming up. So yeah, this will be a big furnace with seeds. I mean, guys, let's get unstupid. The more we talk about how we behave, we are really behaving like not very intelligent monkeys. So we're not saying that Darwin was right, but uh, yeah, something is not right with our way of dealing with the situation. And this not right is our fixation on money, on profit, and not seeing everything else as if, you know, we, we had this strange disease of selective blindness. Uh, we just see the things that we want to see and we completely ignore all the other facts just because it is suits us. Time has come to change our approach to solving the problems. We tried already the separation. Everyone tries in his own corner, tries to find the solution. Well, this doesn't work. It didn't work for many years. It doesn't work now. Even if you consider what we always like to consider, right, the progression. So giving the previous data, there's no chances that anything will change in the future, unless we change our approach. And the other approach, it is the Creative Society where we unite all our potential and find this solution to the problem. I, don't really see any other way to even approach the situation that we are finding ourselves in.


I like how you said, if you just want the scary part, you should, uh, watch the Rotary Report by Creative Society. Guys, if you like scary movies, do not turn on Netflix, just check the weekly Digest of climatic events by Global Crisis, and you can subscribe on TikTok and Twitter to the Global Crisis accounts and Creative Society accounts. And you know, specifically for monitoring the situation with climate that was created, this project, Global Crisis, right? So Creative Society is the solution part. It's the way out. And, uh, the global crisis is where we at right now. So the starting point and the point where we want to be eventually, it's kind of like logo of Creative Society. You know, I get many questions. What does your logo represent? It has something something in it that's people afraid. I like, so what's scary? Number eight. It's triangle and it's a circle with an arrow. And people like, well, I'm like, is it number eight that's scary? They're like, no. Is it the circle with the number ? They're like, no. Like is it triangle? They're like, yes, yes! We are afraid of triangle! I'm like, is it some kind of condition where, where you fear of triangles? Like unmotivated fear of number 13 or or a triangle? And I was like, guys, it's actually very interesting, because, can you imagine, it's the only logo in the history of our humanity that represents just as Global Crisis and Creative Society projects our current point. It's where we at right now, with the triangle facing up. And when triangle is facing up, we have eight, we have eight foundations to implement. But as you see, the arrow is going clockwise and it turns the whole triangle. So when it goes on the side, it becomes infinity because it's infinite possibilities for our society. And the triangle turns to be different one, it's going, you would say upside down, like reverted pyramid, but it becomes a completely different symbol. And this is then it is the Creative Society in infinite possibilities. Well, we can say many things about the symbolics, you know, triangle with a facing up is the symbol of masculine power, facing down - feminine. Yeah, if anything, we could build the world in which we wouldn't need this aggression and replace it with love because the most common answer to our questions was love. We asked people around the planet as volunteers of Creative Society, what unites people and what kind of society you want to live in? And the answer was love unites all people. But love is not a legal term. You cannot put it in legal terms. You cannot put in your Constitution, guys, let's leave according to love. How do you put that? That was the question for the Creative Society volunteers, and they came up with this amazing answer. It's mind blowing, how can you put it in simple words, put human life over profit. That's so easy. That what it means in legal terms to build a society in which love dominates over everything. It's when human life is more important than greed, than profit than anything else. Not just that, it gives you the mechanism of observing human rights, making sure that all these noble things are actually observed by the society, because there is no power concentrated in anyone's hands. And this is something we've never seen before. We've seen failed attempts to make socialistic and communism and all these things. And even this thing right now where corporations took over the whole economy and we live in post, I wanted to say post-industrial, but almost like post capitalism right now where you don't have ability to open your small private business. You cannot compete with Amazon, or Walmart, or any big chain. There is no way there is, this is not a capitalism anymore, but Creative Society stands for private ownership over property and the ability to have your own businesses. So Creative Society, the only thing that you lose in it is the shackles of your slavery. That's the only thing to lose. For all the people who cannot wrap their head around the concept, they, they think, are these guys leftists? Are they right wing? Where are they at?? They're like, this, this is none of those things. This is none of those things. The concept is so great that it has nothing to be compared with. You can take a look at the consumerist society and say it's a complete opposite of that. So coming back to the topic of logo. Yeah. When people ask, why do you have this logo? It's because it represents our, our now, our present, and the future. If you shift it, and it's mind blowing, and no one has this kind of idea, like something that simple and so wholesome. No one ever came up with anything like this! And once you remember, once you saw it, you're definitely gonna recall it. Remember, it's gonna stay in your mind. And, you see, for each country there is little bit of difference inside of number eight. For United States, it's stars and representation of the flag. For other cultures, it can be their, something significant for certain regions and nationalities around the world. And it just shows that it's not unification by erasing differences. It's highlighting the best qualities and celebrating them in the way that we've never seen before. In Unity, it's diversity, it's differences, it's all our beautiful features that all of us have around the planet, all our best abilities, but just giving them conditions to thrive. This is what Creative Society is.


Yeah. And it is, as the title of the forum "Our survival is in Unity." And truly, we invite everyone to watch this forum. Don't have time to watch all at once. No problem, just go at your own pace. But we strongly, strongly advise you to, uh, watch it and especially all these beautiful videos that show us the possibilities that we have already and those that we will have in the near future if we all choose to go the way of Creative Society. to everyone who is listening to us and supporting the podcast. We hope to bring you good news very soon.


Yeah. Thank you so much for sticking with us. And, you know, each podcast is a little bit different from the previous one. This one is episode number two that goes on video, so if you subscribe to us on, you can check your favorite platforms for listening podcasts through this link. You can also watch us on YouTube videos right now, and this is, this is a great experience, and if you know guests who would be interested in contributing to the project, and sharing their opinions. If you know amazing people around this planet, which are plenty of them around the planet, write in the comments their names, who would you like to see on our podcast and which podcasts you think we should collaborate with? Thank you guys for listening and have a wonderful...

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